Erasmus Mundus programme in the European Union
PHd. Prof. jose m. peiro                                                      [HOME]

The Opening Ceremony of the Erasmus Mundus WOP-P Master at the University of Valencia


On 27th September 2010 at 12:00 am there will be at the faculty of Psychology of the University of Valencia, the opening ceremony of the Erasmus Mundus WOP-P Master at the "Sala de Juntas ".


The chair was constituted by the director of the Master, prof. José M. Peiró and several members of the Coordinating Committee and staff of the Master prof. Isabel Rodríguez, Vicente Martínez-Tur, Nuria Tordera, Virginia Orengo, Ana Hernández, and Carolina Moliner.


At the end of the opening ceremony the new WOP-P students will visit the faculty of Psychology of the University of Valencia.

After the opening ceremony session, there will be a lunch at the University of Valencia, Spain.


last modification: 27 September 2010


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