Condicions meteorològiques.

PEDREGUER (Marina Alta)
ELEV: 54 m.  LAT: 38° 47' 26" N  LONG:  0° 02' 21" E

Condiciones meteorológicas.
Weather conditions.

Date on the PC: 29/04/24
Time on the PC: 0:28

Date on the Station: 29/04/24
Time on the Station: 0:27

UTC Time: 22:28
UTC Date: 28/04/24

Sunrise time: 7:04
Sunset time: 20:51

Outside Temperature: 14.6
High outside Temperature: 15.1
Low outside Temperature: 14.6
Time of High outside Temperature: 0:00
Time of Low outside Temperature: 0:22
High monthly outside Temperature: 30.1
Low monthly outside Temperature: 8.7
High yearly outside Temperature: 30.1
Low yearly outside Temperature: 3.9

Outside humidity: 73
Low humidity: 68
High humidity: 73
Time of Low hum: 0:00
Time of High hum: 0:26
High monthly humidity: 89
Low monthly humidity: 20
High yearly humidity: 92
Low yearly humidity: 20

Outside dew point: 9.8
High dew point: 10.0
Low dew point: 8.9
Time of High dew point: 0:26
Time of Low dew point: 0:00
High monthly dew point: 16.1
Low monthly dew point: -1.7
High yearly dew point: 16.1
Low yearly dew point: -4.4

Wind speed: 9.7
10 minute average wind speed: 3.2
High wind speed: 11.3
Time of High wind speed: 0:27
High monthly wind speed: 37.0
High yearly wind speed: 40.2

Wind direction in degrees: 157
Wind direction sector: SSE

Wind chill: 14.6
Low wind chill: 14.4
Time of Low wind chill: 0:18
Low monthly wind chill: 8.3
Low yearly wind chill: 3.9

Outside heat index: 14.3
High heat index: 15.0
Time of High heat index: 0:00
High monthly heat index: 28.9
High yearly heat index : 28.9

THW Index: 14.3

High thsw index: 13.9
Time of High thsw index: 0:00
High monthly thsw index: 35.6
High yearly thsw index: 35.6

Barometer: 1012.9
Barometer Trend: Rising Slowly
* Low barometer: 1012.7
High barometer: 1012.9
Low monthly barometer: 1001.0
High monthly barometer: 1031.5
Low yearly barometer: 989.0
High yearly barometer: 1037.1
Time of low barometer time: 0:11
Time of High barometer time: 0:27

Daily rain: 0.0
Storm rain: 2.4
Monthly rain: 8.0
Yearly rain: 52.2

Current Rain rate: 0.0
High rain rate: 0.0
Time of High rain rate: ----
High Hourly Rain Rate: 0.0
High monthly rain rate: 24.8
High yearly rain rate: 49.0

Solar radiation: 0
High solar rad: 0
Time of High solar rad: ----
High monthly solar rad: 1236
High yearly solar rad: 1236

Uv: 0.0
High uv: 0.0
Time of High uv: ----
High monthly uv: 9.7
High yearly uv: 9.7

Inside temperature: 21.8
High inside Temperature: 21.8
Low inside Temperature: 21.8
Time of High inside Temperature: 0:00
Time of Low inside Temperature: 0:00
High monthly inside Temperature: 26.6
Low monthly inside Temperature: 21.3
High yearly inside Temperature : 33.8
Low yearly inside Temperature: 21.3

Inside humidity: 56
High inside humidity: 56
Low inside humidity: 56
High inside humidity time: 0:00
Low inside humidity time: 0:00
High monthly inside humidity: 58
Low monthly inside humidity: 50
High yearly inside humidity: 58
Low yearly inside humidity: 34

Inside dew point: 12.6

Inside heat index: 21.3

EMC: 14.1

Air Density: 1.2122

Daily ET: 0.00
Monthly ET: 113.28
Yearly ET: 318.52

Temperature units: °C
Hum units: %
Wind units: km/hr
Bar units: hPa
Rain units: mm
Solar units: W/m²
Rain rate units: mm/hr
Uv units: index
EMC Unit: %
Air Density Unit: kg/cu.m