Portrait of Jack London

"I'd rather be ashes than dust"
- Did Jack write this?

The Jack London Collection

Jack London (born Jan. 12, 1876, died Nov. 22, 1916) is best known for his books The Call of the Wild, White Fang, and The Sea-Wolf, and a few short stories, such as "To Build a Fire" and "The White Silence." In fact, he was a much more prolific writer whose fiction explored three geographies and their cultures: the Yukon, California, and the South Pacific. He experimented with many literary forms, from conventional triangle love stories to science fantasy. His noted journalism included war correspondence, boxing stories, and the life of Molokai lepers. A committed socialist, he insisted against editorial pressures to write political essays and insert social criticism in his fiction. He was among the most influential figures of his day, who understood how to create a public persona and use the media to market his self-created image of poor-boy-turned-success. London's great passion was agriculture, and he was well on the way of creating a new model for ranching through his Beauty Ranch when he died of kidney disease at age 40. He left over fifty books of novels, stories, journalism, and essays, many of which have been translated and continue to be read around the world.
What's New
A chronological listing of the newest additions to the Jack London Collection.
A Biography of Jack London
A short biography of John Griffith London by Dr. Clarice Stasz of Sonoma State University.
Audio related to London.
Letters, postcards, telegrams, manuscripts, official documents, and other papers relating to his life and work.
Photographs of Jack London, his family, friends, and the places in which he lived, worked, and traveled. 
A growing archive of full-length novels, shorts stories, essays, and newspaper pieces by Jack London.
Bibliographies and Research Aids
A collection of resource materials for the further study of Jack London's life and writings.
Resources for Students
London resources for those needing to do homework (plot summaries, etc.).
Resources for Teachers
Advice and curricular materials.
Organizations, Publications, & Announcements
Brief descriptions of and information about the many Jack London organizations throughout the world, publications devoted to the author's life and work, as well as announcements of any pending Jack London events.
The Jack London Network
A listserv for scholars, teachers, and students, devoted to Jack London and the times in which he lived.
Jack London Web Sites & Events
Links to other interesting web sites with Jack London content or other materials of interest to London scholars.
The Jack London Fund
Your chance to help build this collection by donating funds for digitizing original documents and images.

Copyright © 2000 UC Regents. All rights reserved.
Document maintained at http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/London/ by the SunSITE Manager.
Last update May 15, 2000. SunSITE Manager: manager@sunsite.berkeley.edu

© 2001, Cándido Pérez Gállego
Página creada y actualizada por grupo "mmm".
Para cualquier cambio, sugerencia,etc. contactar con: fores@uv.es
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
Universitat de València Press
Creada: 22/02/2000 Última Actualización: 17/01/2001