Area de Investigación

Actualmente, mi campo de investigación, se centra en la Economía del Medio Ambiente y, más concretamente, en la valoración económica de bienes ambientales y públicos a través de las técnicas de preferencias declaradas y preferencias reveladas. Mi tesis doctoral -Valencia 1996- (La demanda de servicios recreativos de espacios naturales: aplicación del método de valoración contingente al Parque Natural de l'Albufera ), consistió, básicamente en la estimación del valor de uso del Parque Natural de l'Albufera a través del método de Valoración Contingente y del método del Coste de Viaje. La información obtenida de la aplicación de dichos métodos puede resultar de gran utilidad para la Administración que ha de decidir sobre el uso más conveniente que se le ha de dar al parque (análisis coste-beneficio); también es útil para los tribunales de justicia que tienen que determinar las indemnizaciones por el daño infligido al medio ambiente y, por último, las organizaciones de defensa de la naturaleza también pueden encontrar útil esta información ya que les indica cuál es el valor (monetario) del patrimonio natural que defienden.

En España, existen estudios previos donde se ha aplicado también la técnica de valoración contingente, cabe destacar los de Pere Riera , Diego Azqueta, Luis Pérez y Pérez, Carmelo León, J. Calatrava, etc. En Europa, uno de los grandes investigadores del tema es Bengt Krsitröm del Departamento de Economía Forestal de la Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences . En el resto del mundo, existen bastantes investigadores de gran relevancia en este área de conocimiento, como son, entre otros, R.C. Mitchell, R.T. Carson, M. Hanemann , Glenn W. Harrison , N. Bockstael, A.M. Freeman, V.K.Smith, N. Hanley, etc.

Artículos publicados 


        Del Saz-Salazar, S., Hernández Sancho, F and Sala Garrido, R. (2009), “The social benefits of restoring water quality in the context of the Water Framework Directive: A comparison of willingness to pay with willingness to accept”, Science of the Total Environment (forthcoming).

        Del Saz Salazar, S., Hernández Sancho, F. y Sala Garrido, R. (2009), “Estimación del valor económico de la calidad del agua de un río mediante una doble aproximación: una aplicación de los principios económicos de la Directiva Marco del Agua”, Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales, vol. 9 (1), pp. 37-63.

        Del Saz Salazar, Salvador (2008), “Medio ambiente y desarrollo: una revisión conceptual”, CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, nº 61, pp. 31-49.

        Del Saz-Salazar, S. and Rausell Köster, P. (2008), “A double hurdle model of urban green areas valuation: Dealing with zero responses”, Landscape and Urban Planning, 84 (3-4),  pp 241-251

        Del Saz Salazr, Salvador (2008), Economic valuation: use and non use values, methods and case study, in Le Roux, J., Sherpa, T. and Williams, E. (Eds.), Economic Appraisal of Environmental Regulation, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, pages 81-99.

        Bengochea Morancho, A,. Fuertes Eugenio, A. y del Saz Salazar, S. (2007), “Análisis conjunto y espacios naturales: una aplicación al Paraje Natural del Desert de les Palmes”, Investigación Agraria: Sistemas y Recursos Forestales, 162 (2), 158-168.

        Del Saz Salazar, S. and García Menéndez, L. (2007), "Estimating the Non-Market Benefits of an Urban Park: Does Proximity Matter?", Land Use Policy, 42, pp. 296-305.

        Bengochea-Morancho, A., Fuertes Eugenio, Ana Mª and del Saz Salazar, Salvador (2005), "A comparision of empirical models to infer the willingness to pay in contingent valuation", Empirical Economics, 30 (1), pp. 235-244.

        Del Saz Salazar, Salvador y Montagud Marqués, Julio (2005), "Valuing Cultural Heritage: The Social Benefits of Restoring and Old Arab Tower", Journal of Cultural Heritage, 6 (1), pp. 69-77.

        Del Saz-Salazar, S. and García-Menéndez, L. (2005), "Public provision versus private provision of industrial land: an hedonic approach", Land Use Policy , 22 (3), pp. 215-223.

Abstract. This study examines the factors that explain the differences observed between the industrial land prices offered by the public sector and those offered by the private sector by means of estimating three hedonic pricing models. The results obtained show that location, defined as the distance to a highway, the distance to the city business district and the distance to the capital of the province, have an important impact on industrial land value. However, this impact is greater when private developers provide the land. Other variables considered, such as who is behind the provision of the industrial land, have an important impact on sale prices.

  • Del Saz Salazar, S. (2004), "Tráfico rodado y efectos externos: valoración económica del ruido", Ekonomiaz, nº 57, pp. 46-67.
  • Del Saz Salazar, S. (2004), "Los beneficios sociales de la recuperación de zonas portuarias para usos recreativos: un estudio comparativo", Revista Valenciana de Economía y Hacienda, 9(3), pp.47-65.
  • Bengochea Morancho, A., Del Saz Salazar, S. y Fuertes Eugeni, A,M. (2004), "Valoración social de la autovía de acceso al Grao-Puerto de Castellón", Revista Valenciana de Economía y Hacienda, 9(3), pp.67-87.
  • Del Saz-Salazar, S. and García -Menéndez. L. (2003), "The nonmarket benefits of redeveloping dockland areas for recreational purposes: the case of Castellón, Spain", Environment and Planning A, 35 (12): 2115-2129, December.

 Abstract. As a consequence of the decline of central harbour sites and the relocation of port activities to the outskirts of cities, today waterfront redevelopment has become a key issue in the urban revitalisation policies of port cities. Although we are aware that city-port regeneration has strong links with the real estate market, our purpose here is very different. In particular, the contingent valuation method (CVM) has been applied in order to obtain the nonmarket benefits of the environmental and urban improvements derived from redeveloping some port-related areas for recreational and leisure purposes in the city of Castelloèn, Spain. To date, no previous study has attempted to apply this method to this policy issue. The result is that CVM provides useful information in this context, however, like any methodology, it has its limitations and it cannot provide a definitive answer to this policy issue. Finally, the estimated benefits are compared with the costs of the provision of such recreational and leisure facilities within a cost - benefit analysis framework, and the main finding is that benefits can plausibly exceed costs.


  • Del Saz Salazar, S. y García Menéndez, L. (2003), "El impacto de la localización sobre el valor del suelo industrial. Una aparoximación hedónica", Economía Industrial, 353(5), pp. 141-147.
  • Bengochea Morancho, A. and Del Saz Salazar, S. (2003), "Valuing a road network improvement using stated preference methods", European Journal of Transport and Infrastrcuture Research, 3 (3), pp. 263-280.

Abstract: In this paper we address, from a double perspective, the social valuation of transport improvements caused by the construction of a new motorway. First, we estimate the value citizens confer on this infrastructure as a whole. Second, we assess the time savings and the reduction in the risk of accidents the new motorway might be expected to bring about in relation to roads used at the moment. To do this, we use two approaches based on individuals’ stated preferences: the contingent valuation method and conjoint analysis. The results show the social benefits of this project to be positive, although to what extent depends on initial assumptions. The information provided in this study will be useful to public managers since it can be incorporated in a cost-benefit analysis on the social profitability of this public investment.


  • Del Saz-Salazar, S. and García-Menéndez, L. (2001), "Willingness to pay for environmental improvements in a large city: Evidence from the spike model and from a non parametric approach", Environmental and Resource Economics, 20 (2):103-112, October 2001.


Abstract: In this paper, the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) is applied in order to estimate the social benefits of a set of environmental and urban improvements planned for the waterfront of the City of Valencia (Spain) as a consequence of the expansion and restructuring of its trading port. As the data show a high rate of zero responses we applied the Spike model, one of the most recent models in CVM literature, since traditional models (Logit and Probit) are not suitable given the characteristics of our data. The non-parametric  approach is also applied in order to test the validity of the Spike model. The results show certain similarities between the Spike model and the non-parametric approach.


  • SAZ, S. del (1999), “Valoración contingente de espacios naturales en la Comunidad Valenciana : un fenómeno reciente”, Noticias de la Unión Europea, nº 170, pp. 133-139.
  • SAZ, S. del y SUAREZ, C. (1998), “Estimación de funciones de demanda de actividades recreativas. Una revisión de los nuevos enfoques en el método del coste de viaje”, Revista Asturiana de Economía, nº 13, pp. 73-89.
  • SAZ, S. del y PEREZ y PEREZ, L. (1998), “El valor de uso recreativo del Parque Natural de L’ Albufera a través del método indirecto del coste de viaje”, Estudios de Economía Aplicada (en prensa).
  • SAZ, S. del, PEREZ y PEREZ, L. y BARREIRO, J. (1998) , “Valoración contingente y espacios naturales”, Revista Valenciana d’Estudis Autonòmics, nº 23, pp. 355-373.
  • SAZ, S. del y SUAREZ-BURGUET, C. (1998), “El valor de uso de espacios naturales protegidos: aplicación del método de valoración contingente al Parque Natural de L’Albufera”, Revista Española de Economía Agraria, nº 182, pp. 239-272.

Abstract: In this paper the Contingent Valuation Method is applied in order to estimate the recreationa use value of L'Albufera Natural Park (Spain). A total of 501 ramdoly selected park visitors were surveyed for this purpose. The results obtained show that the mean WTP is 590 pesetas per person and visit, a amount that is some lower than obtained in previous studies conducted in Spain due to th higher rate of visits to this natural park than in other natural parks located in Spain. A censored Tobit model was applied to estimate the most important determinats of individual WTP answers.

  • Suárez-Burguet, C., del Saz-Salazar, S. and Pérez y Pérez, L. (1997), "Environmental Management of protected areas in Spain: the recreational use value of La Albufera Natural Park", in USO, J.L., BREBBIA, C.A. and POWER, H. (Eds.), Ecosystems and Sustainable Development, Advances in Ecological Sciences, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southhampton.

Abstract: Measuring economic value of certain types of non-market goods such as protected natural areas, provides valuable information on wich to base public sector decision-market related to their management e.g. investment in conservation and new amenities or recovery of degraded landscape. Two method are applied in this paper to estimate the recreational use value of L'Albufera Natural Park (Spain): the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) and The Travel Cost Method (TCM). The results obtained are based on a survey of 501 park users carried out summer/autumn 1995 and they show how CVM yields a lower use value than TCM, although theoretically the opposite outcome was expected. Other recent studies in Sapin and elsewhere however are in line with these results.

  • Del Saz, S. (1997): "Los métodos indirectos del coste de viaje y de los precios hedónicos : una aproximación", Revista Española de Economía Agraria, nº 179, pp. 167-189.

Abstract : I basically explain the indirect approaches of the travel cost model and the hedonic prices model and I also show some applications of them in Spain.

  • Pérez y Pérez, L. y Del Saz, S. (1997): Valoración contingente de los servicios recreativos de espacios protegidos : el caso del Parque Natural de la Dehesa del Moncayo", Cuadernos Aragoneses de Economía , vo. 7, nº 1, pp. 135-145.

Abstract: In this paper we apply Contingent Valuation Method to estimate the recreational use of  La Dehesa del Moncayo Natural Park (Zaragoza-Spain). We apply a censored Tobit model to estimate the most important determinats of individual WTP answers.

  • Higón, F. y Del Saz, S. (1994):"Los instrumentos para la protección del medio ambiente: el caso de los fertilizantes nitrogenados", Hacienda Pública Española, 130 (3), pp. 67-74.


Abstract: In this paper the authors analyse the advantages and drawbacks of the different instruments to internalize the externalities that are the result of an inadequate use ot the environment. In particular, they focus on the problems originated by an excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers in the agriculture and they show the role that a tax can play to reduce the use of this input.

  • Del Saz, S. (1993): "Comercio Mundial y Regionalismo", Boletín Económico de Información Comercial Española , nº 2.390, pp. 3135-3139.
  • Del Saz, S. (1992b): "La industria de fertilizantes en España tras la adhesión a la CE", Economía Indsutrial, nº 288, pp. 153-162.

Abstract: In this paper the author analyses the situation of the Spanish fertilizer industry after its EC accession.

  • Del Saz, S. (1992a): "La industria española de fertilizantes y la CE: una aproximación cuatitativa", Revista de Estudios Agro-Sociales , nº 159, pp. 207-222.

Abstract: The purpose of this paper was to asses the effect of Spain's joinig the EC on such an important sector ot the chemical industry as fertilizers. The use of the technique known as residual imputation revealed that the share ot the EC products in this country's market has increased to a greater extent than that of this country's products in the EC market. However, aware of the limitations involved in using this technique, we found it necessary to broaden our analysis by introducing two additional factors: firtsly, the expanding market effect and, secondly, the effects of inplementing Community discipline in agricultural matters (Common Agricultural Policy).

  • Del Saz, S. (1991): "El impacto de la integración de España en la CE sobre el comercio exterior de fertilizantes", Boletín Económico de Información Comercial Española, nº 2.297, pp. 3248-3252.


  • Saz, S. del, Fuertes, A.M., García, L. y Bengochea, A. (2000), Valoración Social de la Zona de ocio del Moll de Costa (Puerto de Castellón), Editorial Cívitas, Madrid.
  • SAZ, S. del, GARCIA, L. y PALAU, J.M. (1999), Los beneficios sociales de la remodelación urbanística de la fachada litoral de Valencia: un estudio de valoración contingente, Editorial Civitas, Madrid.
  • Pérez y Pérez, L., Barreiro, J., Barberán, R. y SAZ, S. del (1998), El parque Posets-Maladeta: Aproximación Económica a su valor de uso recreativo, Consejo de Protección de la Naturaleza de Aragón.


Documentos de Trabajo (Working Papers)

  • SAZ, S. del (1998), Measuring the Recreational Use Value of Protected Areas in Spain: A Comparison of Two Approaches, Department of Forest Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umea (Sweden), Working Paper 256, 1998.

Participación en proyectos de investigación financiados

  • Título del proyecto: Evaluación Económica de la Política de protección de Espacios Naturales

Duración desde: 1996 hasta: 1999
Investigador principal: Ramón Barberán Ortí

  • Título del proyecto: Consecuencias de la integración en la CEE sobre el sector agro-alimentario español

Entidad financiadora: SUBDIRECCION GENERAL DE LA INVESTIGACION (Ref. PS 89-0074)
Duración desde: 1991 hasta: 1993
Investigador principal: Ernest Reig Martínez

Premios obtenidos

Premio FUNDACIO BANCAIXA de Estudios sobre el Agroentorno 1996, apartado Conservación de Espacios Naturales, con el trabajo "Tipología de visitantes y valor de uso recreativo del Parque Natural de l'Albufera" .