Seminario de "Methodological and Substantive Problems in the Study of Stress at Work” a cargo del profesor Christian Dormann, de la Gutenberg University Mainz.

25 Aniversario de la Unidad de Investigación de Psicología de las Organizaciones y del Trabajo UIPOT Seminario de "Methodological and Substantive Problems in the Study of Stress at Work”en la Universidad de Valencia a cargo del profesor Christian Dormann, de la Gutenberg University Mainz. (12-16 Octubre, 2008). El seminario se impartirá en diversas sesiones que se realizarán en el salón de actos de la universidad.

Dormann's proposal: Methodological and Substantive Problems in the Study of Stress at Work”

“The study of job stress has been plagued by several problems that make causal inferences difficult. On the one hand, these problems arise because of substantive issues, such as lack of conceptual distinctiveness, conceptual overlap, conceptual deficiency, or conceptual/congeneric confoundness. On the other hand, methodological problems arise in field studies because of reversed or reciprocal causation, measurement confoundedness, lack of independence among study participants, or on-ignorable missing values, for example. In this series of lessons, these issues are theoretically elaborated, and ways to handle them appropriately are presented. Participants may also apply the techniques using statistical software such as SPSS, NORM, HLM, LISREL or the like.”

ver foto del profesor profesor Christian Dormann, de la Gutenberg University Mainz. Go to web

Este seminario está patrocinado por el Banco Santander Central Hispano

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