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New realities generate a new vocabulary. Nowadays, gender violence is a worrying and widespread phenomenon existing in all known societies. It is also called violence against women, because it affects generally women, who might be battered, coerced, deprived of their rights, or killed.

IDevice Icon Factfile
  • Wordwide, 1/3 of women have been beaten or sexually abused in some way.
  • 1/5 of victims will likely be victims of (attempted) rape in their lifetime.
  • Female genital mutilation is a widespread phenomenon in many societies.
  • In times of war or crisis, women (and children) are highly susceptible to violence.
  • Gender-equality laws are increasingly being adopted around the world, but very often they are difficult to apply.
  • Gender-based violence constitutes an attack on women's dignity and freedom, as well as a serious human rights issue.
  • Gender-based violence is perpetuated by a culture of silence.

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Gentext & AngloTIC Learning Objects 2011 José Santaemilia Ruiz & Miguel Fuster Márquez