Adams, Jonathan; Hjalmar P. Petersen.
Faroese. A Language Course for Beginners. Textbook.
Tórshavn: Stidin forlag. 2009. 400 p.
ISBN: 978-99918-42-48-6.
Resumen: Se trata de un curso introductorio formado por un libro de texto con ejercicios e ilustraciones, una gramática acompañada de un breve diccionario feroés-inglés y un CD con diálogos. El curso está diseñado especialmente para principiantes o para conocedores del feroés que necesitan refrescar sus competencias en esta lengua. Además, la estructura de la obra propicia tanto el autoaprendizaje del idioma como su uso en clase.

Petersen, Hjalmar P; Jonathan Adams.
Faroese. A Language Course for Beginners. Grammar.
Tórshavn: Stidin forlag. 2009. 304 p.
ISBN: 978-99918-42-47-9.
Resumen: Se trata de un curso introductorio formado por un libro de texto con ejercicios e ilustraciones, una gramática acompañada de un breve diccionario feroés-inglés y un CD con diálogos. El curso está diseñado especialmente para principiantes o para conocedores del feroés que necesitan refrescar sus competencias en esta lengua. Además, la estructura de la obra propicia tanto el autoaprendizaje del idioma como su uso en clase.

Saga de los feroeses. (Faereyinga Saga.)
Madrid: Miraguano Ediciones. 2008. 272 p.
ISBN: 978-84-7813-321-5.
Resumen: Escrita a principios del siglo XIII por un anónimo autor islandés y conservada en distintos manuscritos interpolados en otras obras, la Saga de los feroeses es uno de los textos más tempranos y sugerentes de la literatura medieval islandesa. Enmarcada dentro del género de las sagas políticas, trata esencialmente sobre los conflictos protagonizados por una serie de personajes que se debaten entre mantener la independencia de las Islas Feroe o someterla a los afanes expansionistas y centralistas de la monarquia noruega. Además la Saga de los feroeses es prácticamente el único documento de cierta extensión que arroja alguna luz sobre la historia del archipiélago atlántico en época vikinga, entre los años 825 y 1035. La saga aparece complementada en esta edición con la denominada Carta ovina, un breve documento legal de finales del siglo XIII destinado especialmente a las Islas Feroe y que constituye, junto con la Saga de los feroeses, uno de los pilares fundamentales en la génesis de la identidad cultural feroesa. Asimismo, se incluye una versión bilingüe (feróes/castellano) de la Leyenda de los bosques de las Islas Feroe, donde se ofrece una curiosa explicación, desde el folklore auctótono, sobre las características propias del paisaje de aquellas islas. La presente edición, prologada por el escritor Gunnar Hoydal, ha sido realizada directamente a partir del islandés y noruego antiguos, así como el feroés, por Mariano González Campo, B Ph.Isl en Filología Islandesa por la Universidad de Islandia y titulado en Lengua y Cultura Feroesas por la Universidad de las Islas Feroe.

Jacobsen, Jørgen-Frantz.
Barbara. (Barbara.)
Norwich: Norvik Press. 1993. 258 p.
ISBN: 1-870041-22-4.
Resumen: Barbara, written originally in Danish, was the only novel by the Faroese author Jørgen-Frantz Jacobsen (1900-38), and yet it quickly achieved international best-seller status is still one of the best-loved twentieth-century clñassics in Danish and Faroese literature. On the face of it, Barbara is a straightforward historical novel in the mode of many a so-called romance. It contains a story of passion in an exotic setting with overstones of semi-piracy; there is a powerful erotic element, an outsider who breaks up a marriage, and built-in inevitability resulting from Barbara´s own psychological make-up. She stands as one of the most complex female characters in modern Scandinavian literature: beautiful, passionate, innocent, devoted, amoral and uncomprehending of her own tragedy, Jørgen-Frantz Jacobsen portrays her with fascinated devotion.

Jákup, Rólantsson, Ola (ed).
Faroe Islands, The.
Reykjavík: Carol Nord ehf. 2000. 223 p.
ISBN: 9979-9404-3-3.
Resumen: La más completa y mejor información sobre las islas Feroe: su historia, su lengua ..y un recorrido por cada uno de los distritos que conforman el archipiélago.

Gaffin, Dennis.
In place: Spatial and Social Order in a Faeroe Islands Community.
Illinois: Waveland Press. 1996. 244 p.
ISBN: 0-88133-879-6.
Resumen: As one of the Scandinavian nations, the Faeroe Islands can prove instructive to the study of regionalism and multi-ethnicity in European culture areas. In this book, the author focuses on ecology and place. Having settled in for a year of fieldwork in the early eighties, he and his wife became part of the friendly and public lives of this remote setting, with its natural beauty and its honorable and egalitarian social traditions. In repeat visits Gaffin learns more and more of the places and the people whose very names come from these hard clifs and shallow soil, these long centuries of singing and cooperating, the wry wit and the understated social codes. Relatively unknown to Western society, the Faeroe Islands provide an important case study in the contemporary combination of traditional home-based subsistence techniques such as fowling, whaling, and shepherding with a modern international commercial fishing economy.

Traditional music in the Faroe Islands.
Thorhavn: Føroya Skúlabókagrunnur. 1996. 85 p.
ISBN: 99918-0-043-3.
Resumen: Music has always played an important role in Faroese life and culture. The way in which music has developed in the Faroes is very different from the development in other Nordic countries, and indeed in the whole of Western Europe.
The ballad song in dance form and church singing were introduced to the Faroes in the Middle Ages. Both these forms of music developed in their own characteristic way. Skjaldur - the third main type of traditional music are for the most part songs, sung by grown-ups for children. These skjaldur appear to have a different origin. They have perhaps been less influenced by Western European culture and are a more ethnic form of music. A form that is found all over the world.

Johannessen, Steen Ulrik.
Turen går til Faeroerne.
Copenhaguen: Politikens Forlag. 1998. 96 p.
ISBN: 87-567-5968-1.
Resumen: La mayor completa información práctica para viajar a las Islas Feroe. Se incluyen mapas de las diferentes islas y  fotografías a todo color.

Benthien, Jacob; William Scharck.
Denmark in the Arctic and the North Atlantic.
ISSN 0418-6745
Copenhague: Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Secretariat for Foreign Trade. 1998. 64 p.
Resumen: Diversos artículos sobre Groenlandia y las Islas Feroe.

Jakobsen, Jakob.
Legend of Snaebjorn, The.
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1976. 12-15 p.
Resumen: Un breve relato del filólogo y folklorista autor  (1864-1918).

Brú, Hedin.
Old Halgir.
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1976. 20-22 p.

Heinesen, William.
Músicos perdidos, Los. (De fortabte spillmaend.)
Vitoria: Bassarai Ediciones. 2006. 404 p.
ISBN: 84-89852-71-5.
Resumen: En una pequeña ciudad de las Islas Feroe en el norte de Escandinavia hay un barrio antiguo llamado Skindholm. En él viven seres tan extravagantes como Ole Brandy (el viejo lobo de mar) o un grupo de músicos ocasionales encabezados por Cornelius Isaksen y sus tres hijos. Con la música de sus instrumentos y al calor de un viejo bar olvidan los sinsabores de la vida pero una oscura borrasca se cierne sobre el pueblo: el banquero Ankersen y su puritana asociación están dispuestos a erradicar la decadencia moral del lugar prohibiendo el consumo de alcohol. Los músicos es la crónica -amarga unas veces, hilarantes otras - de esta lucha entre fanatismo y libertad en una sociedad que, a principios del siglo XX, sale a duras penas del oscurantismo. En ella, el danés William Heinesen supo colorear su prosa de toda la imaginación vitalista y el sentido del humor que reclamaba su desbordante fantasía.

Heinesen, William.
[Poemas de William Heinesen].
Madrid: Ediciones de la Torre. 1995. 451-456 p.
ISBN: 84-7960-097-7.

Heinesen, William.
Tórshavn, The Navel of the Universe.
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1976. 38-44 p.
Resumen: The author weaves childhood memories into an account of the capital´s different ages.

Dam, Atli P.
200 miles Economic Zone.
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1976. 6-11 p.

Glyn Jones, W.
All and Nothing.
Copenhague: Danish Literature Information Center. 1999. 16-21 p.
Resumen: Magic realism from the North and from long before Marques. William Heinesen is a Faroese classic in Danish literature who has a cosmic, visionary element running right through his oeuvre.

Jespersen, Jógvan.
Ancient Parliament, An.
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1991. 30-37 p.
Resumen: In one of Europe´s smallest capitals is one of Europe´s oldest parliaments. The ancient parliament of the Faroe Islands, called Føroya Løgting, has, apart from for a few intervals, functioned for more than a thousand years.

Mikkelsen, Jonhard.
Awareness of a personal time dimension and a warm green feeling, A. (Bevidstheden om en personlig tidsdimension og en varm grøn følelse.)
Copenhague: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1996. 86-87 p.
ISBN: 92-9120-840-X.
Resumen: A cautious and delicate poetry collection.

Hátun, Olavur.
Ballad, The. (.)
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1977. 34-27 p.
Resumen: The Faroese ballad-dance is one of the richest popular culture traditions in Scandinavia and a folk-dance tradition unique in Western Europe.

Isaksen, Jógvan.
Beginning of the century, The. Cosmic complementariness. (Århundredets begyndelse. Kosmisk komplementaritet.)
Copenhague: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1999. 85-86 p.
ISBN: 982-893-0365-4.
Resumen: One of the Faroe Islands´most popular prose writers.

Mikkelsen, Jonhard.
Biography of a young Faroese who explored Siberia at the beginning of this century, A. (Biografi om en ung færing, som udforsker Sibirien i begyndelsen af dette århundrede.)
Copenhague: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1995. 1 p.
ISBN: 92-9120-640-7.
Resumen: La obra de Turid Sigurdardóttir es una biografia de Siger Paturson, el cual exploró Siberia a comienzos de siglo explorador al comienzo del siglo.

Danielsen, Birgir.
Bread for the Faroes, Fish for the World.
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1976. 44-47 p.
Resumen: The Past, Present and Future of a vital resource.

Heinesen, William.
Caprices, Whims and Frolics. (.)
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1976. 4-8 p.
Resumen: Acerca de la climatologia de las islas.

Mikkelsen, Jonhard.
Caught between a femme fatale and a wood spirit. (Fange mellem en femme fatale og en huldrekone.)
Copenhague: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1995. 58-60 p.
ISBN: 92-9120-640-7.
Resumen: Jens Pauli Heinesen's series of novels concluded.

Mikkelsen, Jonhard.
Churches of salt and soil. (Kirker af salt og muld.)
Copenhague: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1994. 56-58 p.
ISBN: 92-9120-370-X.
Resumen: Jóanes Nielsen is an uninhibited provocateur in the little Faroese world.

Andreassen, Janni.
Danish Realm, The - The Way Ahead is Clear. (.)
London: Press and Cultural Section of the Royal Danish Embassy. 1998. 1 p.
Resumen: Sobre la cooperación entre las islas Feroe, Groenlandia y Dinamarca.

Hoydal, Karsten.
Development of Visual Art in the Faroes, The. (.)
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1976. 18-22 p.
Resumen: Una introducción a la historia de la pintura y de la escultura en las islas Feroe.

Brion, Marcel.
Islas Feroe, Las. (.)
Madrid: Castilla. 1959. 148-155 p.

Patursson, Tórhallur.
Facts about Faroes.
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1977. 14-20 p.

Metcalfe, Michael.
Faroe Islands, The.
Singapur: APA Publications. 1995. 299-303 p.
ISBN: 9-62421-131-0.

Debess, Hans Jacob.
Faroe Islands, The - History - an outline. (.)
Reykjavík: Carol Nord ehf. 2000. 42-53 p.
ISBN: 9979-9404-3-3.
Resumen: Un breve recorrido por la historia de las islas Feroe.

Næs, Martin.
Faroes, The - The Andes, round trip. (Færøerne - Andes tur retur.)
Copenhague: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1993. 36-37 p.
ISBN: 92-9120-187-1.
Resumen: An exciting meeting between two cultures.

Joensen, Jóan Pauli.
Faroese Boat, The. (.)
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1977. 6-11 p.
Resumen: The Faroese have succeded in developing a boat exactly suited to the conditions which prevail in their islands. The boat is, for her size, very seaworthy and she can venture far out on the open sea. She is sound and dry. She is light, with not the smallest unnecessary piece of wood, and easy to handle for the crew when she must be hauled up on land under difficult circumstances. In the Faroese boat we also find the most handsome achievement of workmanship formed by the Faroese people.

Bakka, Egil.
Faroese Dance, The. (.)
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1977. 24-33 p.
Resumen: The Faroese ballad-dance is one of the richest popular culture traditions in Scandinavia and a folk-dance tradition unique in Western Europe.

Poulsen, Robert.
Faroese Filleting Industry, The. (.)
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1977. 42-46 p.
Resumen: Salting and drying for some thousand years the only controlled method available for the preservation of food. Preservation by artificial freezing using brine as the freezing media has been known since the middle of the nineteenth century.

Hagström, Björn.
Faroese Language, The.
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1977. 31-37 p.
Resumen: The Faroese people are the smallest language community in the world with an extensive literature. This is the more remarkable as Danish was the only written language up to the middle of the 19th century, and Faroese was nor recognized as the chief language of the country until 1948. The dramatic history of the Faroese language and the linguistic situation of the Faroes today are the subject of this article.

Skardi, Jóhannes av.
Faroese Leypur, The.
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1978. 6-13 p.
Resumen: A description of the implements and methods of a centuries-old system of transportation still to be seen in the Faroe Islands.

Olavstovu, Vár i.
Faroese literature.
Reykjavík: Carol Nord ehf. 2000. 20-29 p.
ISBN: 9979-9404-3-3.
Resumen: Una introduccion a la literatura de las islas Feroe.

Poulsen, Robert.
Faroese Prawnfishery. (.)
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1976. 45-47 p.
Resumen: El 95% de las exportaciones son a través de la industria pesquera.

Skardi, Jóhannes av.
Faroese Spade, The. (.)
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1977. 16-20 p.
Resumen: Faroese Cultivating and Turf Spades and their use.

Marnersdóttir, Malan.
Faroese women's literature in 1996. (Faerøsk kvindelitteratur anno 1996.)
Copenhague: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1997. 64-66 p.
ISBN: 92-893-0023-X.
Resumen: De los 14 libros originales publicados en las Islas Feroe, siete están escritos por mujeres. Durante este año un total de 140 libros fueron publicados.

Falk, Johan.
First Faroese Symphony, The - Oceanic Days. (.)
Copenhague: Nordic Musical Cooperation Committee  (NOMUS). 2000. 24-25 p.
Resumen: La primera obra sinfonica de un compositor de las islas Feroe: Sunleif Rasmussen.

Mohr Reinert, Petur.
Fish from the World´s Cleanest Seas. (.)
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1991. 50-57 p.
Resumen: In the 19th century two things happened which can be said to have had a decisive influence on the development of the Faroe Islands as an export nation. Firstly, the abolition of the Royal danish Trade Monopoly in 1856 is thought to mark the beginning of a new era in the history of the Faroe Islands. And when the first ocean-going fishing vessel, the sloop Fox, returned from its first fishing trip to Iceland with a full load of saltfish, this development really took off.

Johansen, Sámal.
Fishing under oars in the Faroes. (.)
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1978. 38-45 p.
Resumen: If you come to the Faroes today you will see, both on land and at sea, what immense importance fishing holds for the people who live here. At sea you will see fishing vessels of all sizes, from small inboard boats to huge industrial trawlers, and on land both men and women at work in fish factories, in shipyards and rigging tackle.

Mikkelsen, Jonhard.
Gentle explosions. (Sagtmodige eksplosioner.)
Copenhague: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1995. 1 p.
ISBN: 92-9120-640-7.
Resumen: Dignified, explosive satire from a Faroese poet.

Joensen, Hans Debes.
Health Service and Health Conditions in the Faroe Islands, The.
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1978. 16-22 p.
Resumen: Sobre el sistema sanitario de las Islas Feroe.

Joensen, Hans Jákup.
History of the Faroese Church, The.
Reykjavík: Carol Nord ehf. 2000. 32-41 p.
ISBN: 9979-9404-3-3.
Resumen: Una introduccion a la historia de la iglesia de las islas Feroe.

West, John F.
Land and its people, The.
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1976. 24-36 p.
Resumen: Un breve recorrido por las islas Feroe a través de la historia.

Mikkelsen, Jonhard.
Memorials to a day's work in the Faroes. (Mindesmærker over daglig dont i Færøerne.)
Copenhague: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1996. 1 p.
ISBN: 92-9120-840-X.
Resumen: Retrospection as vitamins.

Olsen, Heini.
Milestones in the North Atlantic: A Story of Isolation and Communication.
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1976. 38-43 p.

Karlsson, Ingerman.
Music in the Playground of the Weather Gods.
Copenhague: Nordic Musical Cooperation Committee  (NOMUS). 1994. 16-20 p.
Resumen: Sobre el Festival de Música en las Islas Feroes.

Magnússon, Thór y otros.
New lands in the North Atlantic.
Copenhague: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1992. 52-61 p.
ISBN: 87-7303-558-0.

Mikkelsen, Jonhard.
Observations from a time before personages disappeared. (Betragtninger fra tiden før personlighederne forsvandt.)
Copenhague: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1994. 1 p.
ISBN: 92-9120-370-X.
Resumen: Regin Dahl is considered one of the best poets in the Faroes.

Jákupsson, Bardur.
Painter, Mikines, The.
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1991. 4-14 p.
Resumen: Un retrato de uno de los pintores más significativos de las islas Feroe, Sámal Elias Joensen-Mikines (1906-79).

Wendt, Frantz [et. al].
Regional Autonomy: The Aland Islands; The Faroes Islands, Greenland. (.)
Copenhague: Danish Cultural Institute, The. 1981. 196-222 p.
ISBN: 87-7429-040-1.

Mikkelsen, Jonhard.
Rich and painful world of experience, A. (Rig og smertefuld erfaringsverden, En.)
Copenhague: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1994. 24-25 p.
ISBN: 92-9120-370-X.
Resumen: Two couples stand at the beginning of a new road.

Krogh, Knud J.
Saint Brendan and Kirjubøur. (.)
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1991. 30-37 p.
Resumen: Anyone arriving in Kirkjubøur in the mid-1400´s would have seen - apart from the Faroese bishop´s palace with its stables, barns, storehouses and impressive residence- no fewer tahn three church buildings, each with its own special function.

Poulsen, Robert.
Saltish Production.
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1977. 42-46 p.
Resumen: The process of becoming a purely fishing community has obviously advanecd in stages, but its present-day stage of development was almost reached before freezing became the dominant method of food preservation.

Reinert, Andrias.
Sea-birds of the Faroes. (.)
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1977. 6-13 p.
Resumen: In the earliest known account of the faroes, the Irish monk Dicuil in the year 825 records on the islands there lived for almost one hundred years hermits who came from Ireland by boat. But just as the islands had been empty of men since the creation of the world, so have the Norse vikings emptied them of monks; but they are now full of numberless sheeps and many kinds of sea-birds.

Jakobsen, Jakob.
Seal Wife, The. (.)
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1978. 32-33 p.
Resumen: Seals originally came from people who jumped from cliffs or drowned themselves in the sea. Once every year, on Twelfth Night, they are able to take their skins and are then like other people; then they enjoy themselves by dancing and playing in human manner on the flat rocks by the shore or inside the seal-caverns.

Næs, Martin.
Seen with golden eyes. (Set med guldøje.)
Copenhague: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1993. 78-79 p.
ISBN: 92-9120-187-1.
Resumen: A thought-provoking book about bestiality in man.

Naes, Martin.
Seven years in Faroese. (Syv år på faerøsk.)
Copenhague: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1999. 84-85 p.
ISBN: 982-893-0365-4.
Resumen: In seven years of financial crisis, the Faroese book market has expanded by 800 titles.

Olsen, Olaf.
Shipping and fishing industry - through the years.
Reykjavík: Carol Nord ehf. 2000. 89-91 p.
ISBN: 9979-9404-3-3.

Sigurdardóttir, Turid.
Something that no one yet has said. (Noget som ingen endnu har sagt.)
Copenhague: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1998. 1 p.
ISBN: 98-893-0177-5.
Resumen: Carl Jóhan Jensen's new poems create a radiant force field between tradition and modernity.

Jacobsen, Erik H.A.
Strong Roots in a harsh Soil. (.)
Copenhague: Nordic Musical Cooperation Committee  (NOMUS). 1997. 3-9 p.
Resumen: Presentation of the Nominations for the Nordic Council's Music Prize 1998.

Thorsteinsson, Arne E.
Testimony of Ancient Architecture, The - Silent Witnesses to the Faroese way of Life.
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1976. 11-19 p.
Resumen: Archeology in the Faroes is still its youth - systematic excavation having begun only as recently as about 1940. But because of the scarcity of early written records in this country, archeological finds have already contributed significantly to an understanding of the oldest history and culture, and we can assume that they will grow in importance as analytical work progresses.

Mikkelsen, Jonhard.
Thick-skinned softie who scratched his contemporaries, A. (Hårdhudet bløddyr, som kradsede sin samtid, Et.)
Copenhague: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1998. 49-50 p.
ISBN: 98-893-0177-5.
Resumen: He brought European literature to life in Faroese, translating it into a tongue that at the time was not even accepted as a medium of education on the Faroe Islands because it was not considered a cultural language. At the same time, he established himself as the Faroes' most important poet, and with his linguistic genius he broke through the film that had enevloped National Romanticism stereotypes at the turn of the century.

Dahl, Sverri.
Timber Churches of the Faroes. (.)
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1976. 24-31 p.
Resumen: Una descripción de aquellas iglesias de madera que han sobrevivido del periodo 1829 a 1847.

Kongsstovu, Marianna i.
Traditional Faroese Dress.
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1978. 24-37 p.
Resumen: Respect for traditional Faroese dress diminished during the 19th century. However, it has seen a revival in recent years and its popularity continues to increase.

Mikkelsen, Jonhard.
Uniform fragments and fragments units. (Helskabte fragmenter og fragmenterede helheder.)
Copenhague: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1996. 61-63 p.
ISBN: 92-9120-840-X.
Resumen: Descomposition in a North Atlantic version.

Jóhansen, Jóhannes.
Vegetation in the Faroe Islands.
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1991. 18-26 p.
Resumen: One of the first things that strikes the visitor to the Faroes is the complete lack of trees, apart from the few growing in gardens and specially planted forest which make little impression on the landscape. It also becomes quickly apparent that there are many sheep and that the vegetation is strongly influenced by sheep grazing.

Harild, Kirsten Sonne.
When a ship comes in. (.)
Copenhague: Danish Literature Information Center. 1997. 12-13 p.
Resumen: A big, new Nordic movie is coming up. And if this ambitious, heavily-budgetted production lives up to its literary source it will be exquisitely beautiful, and well worth seeing.

Næs, Martin.
Wild poems as a unity. (Vilde digte som en helhed.)
Copenhague: Nordic Council of Ministers. 1993. 1 p.
ISBN: 92-9120-187-1.
Resumen: Sobre la obra de Tóroddur Poulsen.

Jensen, Nicolina.
Wool Faroese Gold.
Torshavn: Faroe Isles Review. 1977. 24-30 p.
Resumen: It is thought to be historically proven that the name Føroyar, Faroe Islands, has the meaning Sheep Islands and that the name proves that sheep have had grat importance from the earliest times nothern European peoples settled and gave the land a name.

Faroese literature and language.
: . 1998. 3 p.
Resumen: Breve introducción a la literatura de un pais de 47.000 habitantes.

First Vikings in the Faeroes, The. (.)
Torshavn: Faroese College of Education. 1998. 2 p.
Resumen: Sobre la llegada de los primeros vikingos en estas islas del Atlántico Norte.

Around the  Faroe Islands ´89
Seltjarnarnes (Iceland): Nesútgáfan sf. 1989. 63 p.
Resumen: Information booklet published for complimentary distribution to foreign visitors to the Faroe Islands..

Jespersen, Jógvan.
Faerøernes erhvervsforhold.
Copenhague: Faerøernes Repraesentationskontor. 1986. 4 p.

Olafsson, Arni.
Faroe Islands, The.
Copenhague: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Dinamarca. 1987. 23 p.

Faroe Islands, The.
Copenhague: Danish Tourist Board, The. 1988. 24 p.

Havnartidindi. Tann Deiliga Havn.
Tórshavn: . 1989. 68 p.
Resumen: Information booklet published for foreign visitors to the Faroe Islands.

Olafsson, Arni.
Islas Feroe, Las.
Copenhague: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Dinamarca. 1987. 23 p.

Helmsdal, Mikkjal.
Kommunikation og Samfaerdsel.
Copenhague: Faerøernes Repraesentationskontor. 1986. 8 p.


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