• FIELD - CAMPAIGN IN BARRAX, Spain (July - 2004)

During the period 14thJuly to 21thJuly, three EAGLE partners' carried out field measurements according to the timetable, namely, GCU from the University of Valencia (Spain), Alterra from Netherlands and the University of Louis Pasteur from Strasbourgh (France).

The field campaign was carried out in Barrax test site, situated in the Spanish plateau. During many years, this place has been used as a test area for agricultural research. This site is characterized by large and uniform land-use units. Field measurements of surface temperature, emissivity, reflectivity and fluxes were made in the experimental site. Angular measurements were made using a goniometric system joint with several TIR radiometers. To obtain the TIR emissivities, the TES ans box methods were used. The reflectivity measurements were made with spectroradiometers operating in the range 0.4-2.5 µm. Large aperture scintillometers were installed during the project phase. The campaign's goal is the validation of the different algorithms developed by the eagle partners.

This campaign was carried out jointly with ESA SPectra bARrax Campaign (SPARC) and more than 50 researchers from Europe and United States took part in the campaign. For more information you can visit the webs: http://gpds.uv.es/sparc/ and http://www.esa.int/export/esaEO/SEMWXIW4QWD_planet_0.html.


  • FIELD - CAMPAIGN IN BARRAX, Spain (June-2005; July - 2005)

   During the periods 31th to 3rd June and 11th to 15th July, three EAGLE partner's carried out field measurements according to the timetable, namely: GCU from University of Valencia (Spain), International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (The Netherlands) and University of Louis Pasteur from Strasbourgh (France).

The field campaign was carried out in Barrax test site. Field measurements of surface temperature, emissivity, reflectivity and fluxes were made in the experimental site. Angular measurements were made using two goniometric systems joint with several TIR radiometers. The TES and box methods were used to obtain the TIR emissivities.  Also, the reflectivity measurements were made with spectroradiometers (0.4-2.5 mm), and large aperture scintillometer were installed.

This campaing was carried out jointly with SENtinel-2 and FLuorescence EXperiment (SEN2FLEX). This campaing combines different activities in support of initiatives related both to fluorescence experiments (AIRFLEX) for observation of solar induced fluorescence signal over multiple surface targets and to GMES Sentinel-2 initiative for prototyping of spectral bands, spectral widths, and spatial/temporal resolutions to meet mission requirements. Both initiatives require simultaneous airborne hyperspectral and ground measurements for interpretation of fluorescence signal levels (AIRFLEX), and simulation of an optical observing system capable to assess geo- and bio-physical variables and to classify target surfaces by spectral, spatial and temporal distinction (Sentinel-2). For more information you can visit the web: http://www.uv.es/leo/sen2flex.