William Blake


1783 Poetical Sketches

1789 Songs of Innocence 1789 The Book of Thel
1789 Tiriel
1790 The French Revolution
1793 Visions of the Daughters of Albion 1793 America 1794 Songs of Innocence and of Experience 1794 Europe
1794 The First Book of Urizen
1795 The Book of Los
1795 The Song of Los
1795 Vala, or The Four Zoas
1795 The Book of Ahania
1804 Milton 1804 Jerusalem 1806 For the Sexes: The Gates of Paradise
1818 The Everlasting Gospel
Notebook Poems and Fragments c. 1789-1818.


1783 Fragments in Poetical Sketches
1784 Songs from An Island in the Moon
1822 The Ghost of Abel


1788 All Religions are One
1788 There is no Natural Religion
1790 The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, and A Song Of Liberty


1809 A Descriptive Catalogue of Pictures, Poetical and Historical Inventions
1825 The Book of Job


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Web Directory: Some William Blake on the Web

WebMuseum: Blake

William Blake Archive

Anti-teleological Dialogism of the Imagination in Blake by Steven M. Streufert. A Study of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell


Sampson, John (Ed.) The Poetical Works of William Blake Oxford Univ. Press, 1943 (1913).
Keynes, Geoffrey (Ed.) William Blake. Songs of Innocence and Experience Oxford Univ. Press, 1988 (1967).
Raine, Kathleen (Ed.) A Choice of Blake’s Verse Londres: Faber & Faber, 1970.
Erdman, David V. (Ed.) The Notebook of William Blake. A Photographic and Typographic Facsimile Oxford Univ. Press, 1973.
Keynes, Geoffrey (Ed.) The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Oxford Univ. Press, 1975.
Ostriker, Alicia (Ed.) William Blake. The Complete Poems Harmondsworth: Penguin English Poets, 1977.
Keynes, Geoffrey (Ed.) William Blake. Complete Writings with Variant Readings Oxford Univ. Press, 1988.
Mason, Michael (Ed.) William Blake Oxford Univ. Press, 1988.
Lindsay, David W. (Ed.) Blake. Songs of Innocence and Experience Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1989.
Punter, David (Ed.) William Blake. Selected Poetry and Prose Londres: Routledge, 1992.
Mason, Michael (Ed.) William Blake: Selected Poetry Oxford Univ. Press, 1998.


Villaurrutia, Xavier (Tr.) William Blake. El matrimonio del cielo y el infierno Buenos Aires: Mediodía, 1968.
Ungaretti, Giuseppe (Tr.) "Da Visioni di William Blake" en Leone Piccioni (Ed.) Per conoscere Ungaretti  Mondadori, 221-227, 1971.
Serra, Cristóbal (Tr.) William Blake. Poemas proféticos y prosas Barcelona: Barral, 1971.
Bartra, Agustín (Tr.) William Blake. Poemas Barcelona: Plaza y Janés, 1971.
Turull, Toni (Tr.) Cançons d'innocència i d'experiència Barcelona: Llibres del Mall, 1975.
Manent, Marià (Tr.) Llibres profètics de William Blake Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1976.
Valenti, Elena (Tr.) William Blake. Cantos de inocencia. Cantos de esperanza Barcelona: Bosch, 1977.
Capurro, Soledad (Tr.) William Blake. Matrimonio del cielo y el infierno. Los cantos de experiencia Madrid: Visor, Poesía nº 87, 1983 (1979).
Prólogo de Luis Cernuda.
Castillo, Marie-Christine (Tr.); M. L. Cazamián (Ed.)William Blake Madrid: Júcar, 1983.
Caracciolo, Enrique (Tr.) William Blake. Antología Bilingüe Madrid: Alianza Editorial, El libro de bolsillo nº 238, 1987.
Caramés, J. L.; Santiago Fernández (Trs.) William Blake. Canciones de Inocencia y Experiencia Madrid: Cátedra, Letras universales nº 68, 1987.
Desclot, Miquel (Tr.) Llibres profètics de Lambeth, I. Profecies polítiques Barcelona: Proa, 1987.


Eliot, T. S. "Blake" en The Sacred Wood Londres: Methuen, 151-158, 1960 (1920).
White, Helen C. The Mysticism of William Blake Madison, Wisconsin Univ. Press, 1927.
Bowra, Maurice "Songs of Innocence and of Experience" en The Romantic Imagination Oxford Univ. Press, 25-50, 1950.
Frye, Northrop "Blake's Treatment of the Archetype" (1950) en M. H. Abrams (Ed.) English Romantic Poets Oxford Univ. Press, 55-71, 1975 (1960).
Erdman, David D. "Blake: The Historical Approach" (1950) en M. H. Abrams (Ed.) English Romantic Poets Oxford Univ. Press, 72-89, 1975 (1960).
Bloom, Harold "Dialectic of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell” (1957) y “Blake's Jerusalem: The Bard of Sensibility and the Form of Prophecy" (1970) en The Ringers in the Tower: Studies in Romantic Tradition Chicago Univ. Press, 55-62 y 65-79, 1971.
Gleckner, Robert F. "Point of View and Context in Blake's Songs" (1957) en M. H. Abrams (Ed.) English Romantic Poets Oxford Univ. Press, 90-97, 1975 (1960).
Harding, D. W. "William Blake" en Boris Ford (Ed.)The New Pelican Guide to English Literature. 5. From Blake to Byron Harmondsworth: Penguin, 69-87, 1982 (1957).
Bloom, Harold "Blake's Apocalypse: Jerusalem" (1961) en M. H. Abrams (Ed.) English Romantic Poets Oxford Univ. Press, 98-111, 1975 (1960).
Bloom, Harold "William Blake" (1961) en Los poetas visionarios del Romanticismo inglés: Blake, Byron, Shelley, Keats Barcelona: Barral, 7-196, 1974 (Cornell Univ. Press, 1971).
Raine, Kathleen William Blake Londres: Longmans Green, Writers & Their Work nº 12, 1965.
Serra, Cristobal De Blake a Lorca. Estudio sobre las formas libres en los poetas de la tradición moderna Univ. Valencia, 1965.
Butlin, Martin (Ed.) William Blake Londres: The Tate Gallery, 1966.
Connolly, T.; G. Levine "Pictorial and Poetic Design in Two Songs of Innocence" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 82(2), May 1967.
Foakes, R. A. (Ed.) "William Blake" en Romantic Criticism Londres: Arnold's English Texts, 17-22, 1968.
Burns, Alan "William Blake" Books and Bookmen 32, February 1971.
Reseña de Kathleen Raine William Blake Londres: Thames & Hudson, 1971 (1965, 1951) y de Songs of Innocence and of Experience Oxford Univ. Press, 1971.
Jones, Edmund D. (Ed.)"William Blake: The Canterbury Pilgrims" (1809) en English Critical Essays. Nineteenth Century Oxford Univ. Press, 72-80, 1971.
Sutherland, John "Blake: A Crisis of Love and Jealousy" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 87(3): 424-431, May 1972.
Damon, S. Foster A Blake Dictionary: The Ideas and Symbols of William Blake Londres: Thames & Hudson, 1973 (1965).
Reseña en Marie Peel "Symbolism in Blake" Books and Booksmen 58-59, September 1973.
Lefcowitz, Barbara F. "Blake and the Natural World" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 89(1): 121-131, January 1974.
Rousselot, Jean William Blake París: Pierre Seghers, 1975.
Eaves, Morris "Blake and the Artistic Machine: An Essay in Decorum and Technology" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 92(5): 903-927, October 1977.
Ferber, Michael "Blake's Idea of Brotherhood" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 93(3): 438-447, May 1978.
Eaves, Morris "Romantic Expressive Theory and Blake's Idea of the Audience" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 95(5): 784-801, October 1980.
Pease, D. "Crane, Blake, Whitman and Modernism: A Poetics of Pure Possibility" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 96(1): January 1981.
Stempel, D. "Blake, Foucault and the Classical Episteme" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 96(3), May 1981.
Hyland, Dominic Notes on ‘Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience’ Londres: Longman, York Notes, 1982.
James, David E. "Blake's Laocoön: A Degree Zero of Literary Production" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 98(2), March 1983.
Hilton, Nelson “Blakean Zen” (1985) en Duncan Wu(Ed.)Romanticism: A Critical Reader Oxford: Blackwell, 1-16, 1995.
Cernuda, Luis "William Blake" en Pensamiento poético en la lírica inglesa del siglo XIX Madrid: Tecnos, 24-34, 1986.
Campos Vilanova, Javier La traducción semántica de ‘Jerusalem, The Emanation of the Giant Albion’ Univ. Valencia, 1987.
Bottrall, Margaret (Ed.) William Blake, Songs Of Innocence and Experience: A Casebook Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1988.
Thompson, E. P. (Ed.) Witness Against the Beast: William Blake and the Moral Law Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994.
De Luca, Vincent Arthur “Blake’s Concept of the Sublime” (1991) en Duncan Wu (Ed.) Romanticism: A Critical Reader Oxford: Blackwell, 17-56, 1995.
Cox, Philip "Blake, Hayley and Milton: A Reassessment"English Studies 75(5): 430-441, September, 1994.
Crehan, S. "William Blake" en David B. Pirie (Ed.)The Penguin History of Literature. 5. The Romantic Period Harmondsworth: Penguin, 117-149, 1994.
Bygrave, Stephen "Romantic Poems and Contexts: Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience" en S. Bygrave (Ed.) Romantic Writings Londres: Routledge, Open Univ., Approaching Literature, 31-45, 1996.
Schmidt, Michael "Killing Doctor Johnson. William Blake" en Lives of the Poets Londres: Phoenix, 386-396, 1996.
Schmidt, Michael "Killing Doctor Johnson. William Blake" en Lives of the Poets Londres: Phoenix, 386-396, 1996.

* Todos los items con el asterisco representan la selección de poemas y la propuesta de temario de:
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