Elisabeth Browning

1820 The Battle of Marathon, A Poem
1826 An Essay on Mind, with Other Poems
1833 Prometheus Bound and Miscellaneous Poems
   Traducción del original griego de Esquilo.
1838 The Seraphim, and Other Poems
1841 The Poems of Geoffrey Chaucer Modernized
1843 The Cry of The Children*
1844 Poems
   2 vols.

1850 A Man's Requirements*
1850, 1853
   Incluye Sonnets from the Portuguese
1856, 1862, 1864
   3 vols.
   5 vols.

1851 Casa Guidi Windows, A Poem
1857 Aurora Leigh

1860 Poems Before Congress
1861 Mother and Poet*
1862 Last Poems
1900 Complete Works
   Charlotte Porter; Helen Clarke (Eds.)


Selected Poems (University of Maryland)

Sonnets from the Portuguese. Includes Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s famous “How do I love thee” poem (University of Maryland)

Selected Poetry of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861). From Representative Poetry Online (Univ. of Toronto)


Abrams, M. H. (Ed.) "Elizabeth Barrett Browning" en The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 2 1074-1092, 1962.
Scott, Patrick (Ed.) Victorian Poetry. 1830 to 1870 Londres: Longman, 35-43, 1971.
Bernikow, Louise (Ed.) "Elizabeth Barrett Browning" en The World Split Open. Four Centuries of Women Poets in England and America, 1552-1950 Londres: The Women's Press, 107-122, 1979 (1974).


De Andréis, Esther (Tr.) Sonetos del portugués Madrid: Trieste, 1985.
Pujol, Carlos (Tr.) Sonetos del portugués y otros poemas Barcelona: Planeta, 1989.
Sarabia, Adolfo (Tr.) Los sonetos de la dama portuguesa Madrid: Hiperión, 1998.


Elton, Oliver A Survey of English Literature. 1830-1880. 1 Londres: Arnold, 397-404, 1920.
Woolf, Virginia "Aurora Leigh" en The Common Reader Londres: Hogarth, 202-213, 1932.
Woolf, Virginia Flush Londres: Hogarth, 1933 (Biblioteca Básica Salvat nº 53, 1982).
Hayter, Alethea "Elizabeth Barrett Browning" Londres: Longman, Writers and Their Work nº 182, 1969.
Gent, Margaret "‘To Flinch From Modern Varnish’: The Appeal of the Past to the Victorian Imagination" en Malcolm Bradbury; David Palmer (Eds.) Victorian Poetry Londres: Edward Arnold, Stratford-upon-Avon Studies nº 15, 10-35, 1972.
Showalter, E. A Literature of Their Own. From Charlotte Brontë to Doris Lessing Princeton Univ. Press, 1977.
Gilbert, Sandra; Gubar, Susan The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-century Literary Imagination Yale Univ. Press, 1979.
Gilbert, Sandra M. "From Patria to Matria: Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Risorgimento" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 99(2), March 1984.
Gitter, Elizabeth G. "The Power of Women's Hair in the Victorian Imagination" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 99(5), October 1984.
Armstrong, Isobel "The Brownings" en Arthur Pollard (Ed.)The Penguin History of Literature. 6. The Victorians Harmondsworth: Penguin, 387-412, 1993.
Villena, Luis A. de "La pasión de una mujer romántica" El Mundo. Esfera 18, 21 nov. 1998.
Rupérez, Angel "Una historia de amor" El País. Babelia 16, 17 oct. 1998.

* Todos los items con el asterisco representan la selección de poemas y la propuesta de temario de:
© Miguel Teruel Pozas

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