1817 Poems

1817 Sonnets

1817 Epistles

1818 Endymion: A Poetic Romance

1819 ‘The Eve of St. Agnes’

1820 Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes and Other Poems

1848 Life, Letters and Literary Remains of John Keats  R. M. Milnes (Ed.) 2 vols.

Selected poetry
John Keats (The British Library): selected works, biography and criticism
Poems, letters, biography and links
Keats, His Life and Poetry: biography and works
Keats-Shelley Journal: annual publication from the Keats-Shelley Association of America
Literature Online. John Keats: biography, critical overview, and bibliography
Poetical Works of John Keats (Columbia University)

Selected Poems (Online Book Initiative)
Selected Poems (University of Toronto)
Temple of Many Gods: about John Keats


Morpurgo, J. E. (Ed.) Keats Harmondsworth: Penguin Poetry Library, 1953.
Garrod, H. W. (Ed.) Keats. Poetical Works Oxford Univ. Press, 1970 (1956).
Bullet, Gerald (Ed.) John Keats’s Poems Londres: Dent, 1964.
Barnard, John (Ed.) John Keats. The Complete Poems Harmondsworth: Penguin English Poets, 1973.
Pettet, E. C. (Ed.) A Selection from John Keats Londres: Longman English Series, 1974.
Robertson, M. (Ed.) Keats. Poems Published in 1820 Oxford Univ. Press, 1981.
Stillinger, Jack (Ed.) John Keats. Poems Harvard Univ. Press, 1982.
Cook, Elizabeth (Ed.) John Keats Oxford Univ. Press, The Oxford Authors, 1990.
The Works of John Keats Ware: Wordsworth Poetry Library, 1994.
Cook, Elizabeth (Ed.) John Keats. Selected Poetry Oxford Univ. Press, World’s Classics, 1998.


Forman, Maurice Buxton (Ed.)The Letters of John Keats Oxford Univ. Press, 1948 (1921).
Lynd, Robert (Ed.) The Life and Letters of John Keats Londres: Dent, 1963.
Foakes, R. A. (Ed.) "John Keats. Passages from the letters, 1817-19" en Romantic Criticism Londres: Arnold's English Texts, 94-107, 1968.
Gittings, Robert (Ed.) Letters of John Keats Oxford Univ. Press, 1970.


Sánchez, Arturo (Tr.) Keats: Poesía completa Madrid: Ediciones 29, Libros Río Nuevo, 2 vs., 1975.
Martín Triana, José (Tr.)Sonetos, odas y otros poemas Madrid: Visor, Poesia nº 134, 1982.
Villangómez Llobet, Maria (Tr.) Isabel o el test d'alfabrega Barcelona: Edicions del Mall, Poesia nº 83, 1984.
Manent Cisa, Marià (Tr.) Poemes de John Keats Barcelona: Empúries, Migjorn nº 8, 1985.
Valero, Alejandro (Tr.) John Keats. Sonetos y odas Madrid: Hiperión, 1995.
Pérez, Carmen; Pablo Zambrano (Trs.) La víspera de Santa Inés Univ. Huelva, 1996.
Martínez Luciano, J. V.; Pedro Nicolás; Miguel Teruel (Trs.) John Keats. Poemas escogidos Madrid: Cátedra, Letras Universales nº 258, 1997.
Oliván, Lorenzo (Tr.) John Keats. Belleza y verdad Valencia: Pre-Textos, 1998.


Leavis, F. R. "Keats" Revaluations (IX) Scrutiny 4, March 1936.
Cortázar, Julio Imagen de John Keats (1944-1945), Madrid: Alfaguara, 1996.
Brooks, Cleanth "Keats's ‘Sylvan Historian’" (1947) en M. H. Abrams (Ed.) English Romantic Poets Oxford Univ. Press, 425-435, 1975 (1960).
Fogle, Richard H. "A Note On ‘Ode to a Nightingale’" (1947) en M. H. Abrams (Ed.) English Romantic Poets Oxford Univ. Press, 436-440, 1975 (1960).
Bowra, Maurice "‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’" en The Romantic Imagination Oxford Univ. Press, 126-148, 1950.
Walsh, William "John Keats"en Boris Ford (Ed.) New Pelican Guide to English Literature. Vol. 5, From Blake to Byron Harmondsworth: Penguin, 308-326, 1982 (1957).
Bate, W. Jackson"Keats's Style: Evolution Towards Qualities of Permanent Value" (1957) en M. H. Abrams (Ed.) English Romantic Poets Oxford Univ. Press, 411-424, 1975 (1960).
Davenport, Arnold "A Note on ‘To Autumn’" (1958) en M. H. Abrams (Ed.) English Romantic Poets Oxford Univ. Press, 441-447, 1975 (1960).
Murry, J. Middleton Keats and Shakespeare Oxford Univ. Press, 1968.
Blunden, Edmund John Keats Londres: Longman, Writers and Their Work nº 6, 1969.
Sperry, Stuart M. "Keats and the Chemistry of Poetic Creation" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 85(2), March 1970.
Eggers, J. Philip "Memory in Mankind: Keats's Historical Imagination" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 86(5), October 1971.
Stillinger, Jack "The Hoodwinking of Madeline: Skepticism in ‘The Eve of St. Agnes’" (1971)en M. H. Abrams (Ed.) English Romantic Poets Oxford Univ. Press, 448-469, 1975 (1960).
Sperry, Stuart M. "Tragic Irony in ‘The Fall of Hyperion’" (1973) en M. H. Abrams (Ed.)English Romantic Poets Oxford Univ. Press, 470-485, 1975 (1960).
Bloom, Harold "Keats and the Embarrasments of Poetic Tradition" en The Ringers in the Tower: Studies in Romantic Tradition Chicago Univ. Press, 131-142, 1971.
Bloom, Harold "John Keats" en Los poetas visionarios del Romanticismo inglés Barcelona: Barral, 401-520, 1974 (Cornell Univ. Press, 1971).
Ricks, Christopher Keats and Embarrasment Oxford Univ. Press, 1974.
Allott, Miriam John Keats Londres: Longman, Writers and Their Work nº 253, 1976.
Waldoff, Leon "The Theme of Mutability in the ‘Ode to Psyche’" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 92(3), May 1977.
Nemoranu, Virgil "The Dialectics of Movement in Keats's ‘To Autumn’" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 93(2), March 1978.
Sherwin, Paul "Dying Into Life: Keats's Struggle with Milton in ‘Hyperion’" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 93(3), May 1978, vol. 93.
Patterson, Anabel M. "‘How to load and… bend’: Syntax and Interpretation in Keats's ‘To Autumn’" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 94(3), May 1979.
Hernández del Castillo, Ana Keats, Poe and the Shaping of Cortázar’s Mythopoesis Amsterdam: John Benjamins, Purdue Univ. Monographs in Romance Languages nº 8, 1981.
Rajan, Balachandra "The Two Hyperions: Compositions and Decompositions" (1985) en Duncan Wu (Ed.) Romanticism: A Critical Reader Oxford: Blackwell, 263-290, 1995.
Waldoff, Leon "Imagination and Growth in the Great Odes" (1985) en Duncan Wu (Ed.) Romanticism: A Critical Reader Oxford: Blackwell, 291-342, 1995.
Cernuda, Luis "John Keats" en Pensamiento poético en la lírica inglesa del siglo XIX Madrid: Tecnos, 76-88, 1986.
Pirie, David B. "Keats" en David B. Pirie (Ed.) The Penguin History of Literature. 5. The Romantic Period Harmondsworth: Penguin, 343-394, 1994.
Pujol, Carlos; Jaime Siles “John Keats dos siglos después” ABC Cultural 208: 15-18, 27 octubre 1995.
Allen, Graham "Romantic Verse Narrative" en S. Bygrave (Ed.) Romantic Writings Londres: Routledge, Open Univ., Approaching Literature, 139-159, 1996.
Schmidt, Michael ‘Touch Has a Memory’: John Clare, William Cullen Bryant, John Keats, Thomas Lovell Beddoes" en Lives of the Poets Londres: Phoenix, 452-470, 1999.
Carrington, Norman T. John Keats. Longer Poems and Odes Notes on Chosen English Texts.
Evans, J. M. Keats and Shelley Bath: James Brodie, Brodie Notes.

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