1813 Queen Mab
1815 Alastor and Other Poems
1816 ‘Hymn to Intellectual Beauty’*
  ‘Mont Blanc’*
1817 ‘Ozymandias’*
1818 The Revolt of Islam

1819 Julian and Maddalo
  The Mask of Anarchy*
  ‘Ode to the West Wind’*
  ‘Wake the Serpent Not’*
1820 ‘To a Skylark’*
  The Witch of Atlas
1821 Epipsychidion
  ‘One Word is Too Often Profaned’*
1822 The Triumph of Life
1824 Posthumous Poems
   Ed. Mary Shelley.
1839 The Poetical Works of P. B. Shelley
   Ed. Mary Shelley, 4 vols.


1811 The Necessity of Atheism
1814 A Refutation of Deism
1817 A Proposal for Putting Reform to the Vote Throughout the Kingdom
  'History of a Six Weeks' Tour
1821 A Defence of Poetry


1819 The Cenci

1820 Prometheus Unbound* 1821 Hellas


Complete Poetical Works (Columbia University)
Keats-Shelley Journal: annual publication from the Keats-Shelley Association of America
Romanticism and Shelley's Ode to the West Wind: an essay
Selected Poems (Online Book Initiative)
Selected Poems (University of Toronto)
Two Versions of Shelley's ?Arethusa?: comparison of Shelley's version with Robert Duncan's


Blind, Mathilde (Ed.) A Selection from the Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1872.
Hutchinson, Thomas (Ed.) Shelley. Poetical Works Oxford Univ. Press, 1905.
Lehmann, John (Ed.) Shelley in Italy London: J. Lehmann, The Chiltern Library, 1947.
Quigly, Isabel (Ed.) Poems. Shelley Harmondsworth: Penguin Poetry Library, 1985.
Macrae, Alasdair D. F. (Ed.)Shelley. Selected Poetry and Prose Londres: Routledge, 1991.
Foakes, R. A. (Ed.) "From A Defence of Poetry" (1821) en Romantic Criticism Londres: Arnold's English Texts, 118-138, 1968.
Jones, Edmund D. (Ed.) "A Defence of Poetry" (1821) en English Critical Essays. Nineteenth Century Oxford Univ. Press, 102-138, 1971.
Díez-Canedo, Enrique (Tr.) Shelley Barcelona: Cervantes, 1918.
Muñoz, Vicente F. (Tr.) Adonais. Elegía a la muerte de John Keats Madrid: Nuevas Gráficas, 1946.
Peraile, Lorenzo (Tr.) Adonais y otros poemas Madrid: Editora Nacional, 1978.
Selma de la Hoz, José Vicente (Tr.) Defensa de la poesía Valencia: Fuentearnera, 1980.
Valero, Alejandro; Juan Ableira (Trs.) No despertéis a la serpiente Madrid: Hiperión, 1991.
Valero, Alejandro (Tr.) Prometeo liberado Madrid: Hiperión, 1994.
Leavis, F. R. "Shelley" Revaluations (VIII) Scrutiny 4, September 1935.
Lewis, C. S. "Shelley, Dryden and Mr. Eliot" (1939) en M. H. Abrams (Ed.) English Romantic Poets OxfordUniv. Press, 324-344, 1975 (1960).
Leavis, F R. "Shelley" (1949) en M. H. Abrams (Ed.) English Romantic Poets Oxford Univ. Press, 345-365, 1975 (1960).
Bowra, Maurice "Prometheus Unbound" en The Romantic Imagination Oxford Univ. Press, 103-125, 1950.
Pottle, Frederick A. "The Case of Shelley" (1952) en M. H. Abrams (Ed.) English Romantic Poets Oxford Univ. Press, 366-383, 1975 (1960).
Harding, D. W. "Shelley's Poetry" en Boris Ford (Ed.) New Pelican Guide to English Literature. 5. From Blake to Byron Harmondsworth: Penguin, 296-307, 1982 (1957).
Matthews, G. M. Shelley Londres: Longman, Writers and their Worknº 214, 1970.
Wasserman, Earl R. "Prometheus Unbound: The Premises and the Mythic Mode" (1971) en M. H. Abrams (Ed.) English Romantic Poets Oxford Univ. Press, 384-410, 1975 (1960).
Bloom, Harold "Percy Bysshe Shelley" en Los poetas visionarios del Romanticismo inglés: Blake, Byron, Shelley, Keats Barcelona: Barral, 269-400, 1974 (Cornell Univ. Press, 1971).
Bloom, Harold "Napoleon and Prometheus: The Romantic Myth of Organic Energy", "The Unpastured Sea: An Introduction to Shelley" y "Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus" en The Ringers in the Tower: Studies in Romantic Tradition Chicago Univ. Press, 81-86 87-118 y 119-130, 1971.
Gilbert, Sandra; Gubar, Susan "Horror’s Twin: Mary Shelley’s Monstrous Eve" en The Madwoman in the Attic. The Woman Writer and the XIX Century Literary Imagination Yale Univ. Press, 213-248, 1979.
Poovey, Mary "My Hideous Progeny: Mary Shelley and the Feminization of Romanticism" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 95(3), May 1980.
Sperry, Stuart M. "Necessity and the Role of the Hero in Shelley's Prometheus" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 96(2), March 1981.
Heffernan, James A. W. "Adonais: Shelley's Consumption of Keats" (1984) en Duncan Wu (Ed.) Romanticism: A Critical Reader Oxford: Blackwell, 173-191, 1995.
Cernuda, Luis "Percy Bysshe Shelley" en Pensamiento poético en la lírica inglesa del siglo XIX Madrid: Tecnos, 64-75, 1986.
Mellor, Anne K. Mary Shelley: Her Life, her Fiction, her Monsters Londres: Routledge, 1989.
Rajan, Tilottama "Deconstruction or Reconstruction: Reading Shelley's Prometheus Unbound" (1990) en Duncan Wu (Ed.)Romanticism: A Critical Reader Oxford: Blackwell, 192-216, 1995.
Chernaik, Judith "Retrospect on a Prophet" Times Literary Supplement 13, 27 March 1992.
Chernaik, Judith "Shelley's Comet" Times Literary Supplement 5-6, 17 April 1992.
Reseña de Robert Gittings; Jo MantonClaire Clarmont and the Shelleys, 1798-1879 Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.
London, Bette "Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, and the Spectacle of Masculinity " Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 108(2): 253-267, March 1993.
García Gual, Carlos "El Prometeo de P. B. Shelley" El País. Babelia. Libros 13, 3 sep. 1994.
Reseña de Alejandro Valero (Tr.)P. B. Shelley. Prometeo liberado Madrid: Hiperión , 1994.
Everest, Kelvin "Shelley" en David B. Pirie (Ed.) The Penguin History of Literature. 5. The Romantic Period Harmondsworth: Penguin, 311-341, 1994.
Fraistat, Neil "Illegitimate Shelley: Radical Piracy and the Textual Edition as a Cultural Performance" Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 109(3): 409-421, May 1994.
Allen, Graham "Defences of Poetry" en S. Bygrave (Ed.) Romantic Writings Londres: Routledge, Open Univ., Approaching Literature, 71-89, 1996.
Pujol, Carlos “Una noche de terror” ABC Cultural 353, 3 septiembre 1998.
Reseña de J. W. Polidori; P. B. Shelley; M. W. Shelley; Lord Byron Fantasmagoriana Jordi Fibla (Tr.) Barcelona: Península, 1998.
Schmidt, Michael "Marble into Flesh – and Spirit. Walter Savage Landor, George Gordon Lord Byron, Felicia Dorothea Hemans, Percy Bysshe Shelley" en Lives of the Poets Londres: Phoenix, 429-451, 1999.
Evans, J. M. Keats and Shelley Bath: James Brodie, Brodie Notes.

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