
About me

This is the webpage of Dr. Alejandro Gaita Ariño. I am a Ramón y Cajal fellow who coordinates a small research team on Molecular Magnetism and Quantum Computing within the large Research Unit in Molecular Materials of the Molecular Science Institute (ICMol).

Dr. Alejandro Gaita photo

In the team we are currently interested in and working on:

  1. The theoretical modelling of molecular nanomagnets, in particular rare-earth single-ion magnets.
  2. The rational design of molecular spin qubits and of schemes for implementing quantum logic gates.
  3. The modelling of the coupling of lattice phonons with molecular excitations.

The team includes the members: Salvador Cardona-Serra, Jose J. Baldoví and Luis Escalera-Moreno. Formerly a member of the team was Murad A. A. Aldamen. Our main collaborators outside the ICMol include Prof. Daniel Loss (Basel, CH), Dr. Stephen Hill (Florida, US) and Dr. Fernando Luis (Zaragoza, ES).

Here you can find my:

Full CV and PhD (in spanish)

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