Rafael Garcia-Ros [HOME] Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology Faculty of Psychology · University of Valencia Room F-221 (second floor) - Av. Blasco Ibanez, 21 - 46010 Valencia, Spain rafael.garcia@uv.es Rafael García-Ros , PhD, is full professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Valencia, Spain. His research focuses on self-regulated learning, competency based training, formative assessment, and first-year university student experience. His most recent studies have been published in journals such as International Journal of Technology and Design Education, Medicina Intensiva, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Sustainability, Educational Psychology, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, Universitas Psychologica, and Transportation-F: Psychology and Behaviour. Scholar WebOfScience Scopus Orcid SciPro Loop Academia ResearchGate ResearchID Dialnet