Innovation and E-learning in Physics
Innovació i e-coneixement en Física
Innovación y e-conocimiento en Física

The Innovation and E-learning in Physics group was constituted in the year 2009 by six professors from the Theoretical Physics Department with large experience in teaching, innovation and application of communication and new technologies to education:

Jordi Vidal Perona (Coordinator) (2009 - )
Theoretical Physics Department
José M. Bordes Villagrasa (2009 - )
Theoretical Physics Department
Vicent Giménez Gómez (2009 - 2013)
Theoretical Physics Department
Pedro González Marhuenda (2009 - )
Theoretical Physics Department
Armando Pérez Cañellas (2009 - )
Theoretical Physics Department
Arcadi Santamaria Luna (2009 - )
Theoretical Physics Department

Some of the individual projects and experiences in  education and E-learning of the members of the group showed up in 2003, with the lunching of the  Aula Virtual de Física. Since then, the members of team have been producing teaching material and using new technologies in education the help students of phyiscs and high school teachers to learn physics and mathematics.

The 2009 year, the Vicerectorat de Convergència Europea i Qualitat of the University of Valencia, in the 2nd call for Innovation Projects in Education, granted the group for The Quantum Physics Virtual Laboratory  project and started the basis to consolidate the team.

The Quantum Physics Virtual Lab simulates some of the experiences that the students must face at the Quantum Physics Laboratory in the third year of studies in Physics. Initially, the project is making the simulation of the electron diffraction and photoelectric effect  experiences. The Virtual Lab is thought as a training tool to make accessible and  comprehensive the experience  an to get the student familiar with the measurement procedure and basic principles of the experience that afterwards he will have to do at the real Lab.

To see the experiences now still under construction you may visit the web: QPhVirtualLab

The members of the group have also been taking part in new teaching and education initiatives as those that can bee seen at the following links: 

Master in Advanced Physics materials
Physics Applets
Physics Courses for High School Teachers
Undergraduated materials
Postgraduated materials
Aula Virtual de Física
Quantum physics virtual laboratory
Initiatives for High School students
Voting on the WEB program
                            Innovacio i e-coneixement en Física (