Info datasets

 (This info has been taken from the JASP example files)


title: Moon and Agression

description: "The effect of the moon on agressive behavior: A paired t-test."

source: "Moore, McCabe, Craig (2012). Introduction to the Practice of Statistics (7th ed.). New York, NY: W.H. Freeman and Company, Chapter 7, p. 410; data collected as part of a large-scale study by Nancy Edwards (School of Nursing, Purdue University) and Alan Beck (School of Veterenary Medicine, Purdue University)"

hypothesis of interest: The average number of disruptive behaviors on full moon days differs from the average number of disruptive behaviors on other days in dementia patients.



  - PairedTtest



  - name: Moon

    type: Continuous

    description: Average number of disruptive behaviors in three-day period centred at the day of the full moon measured during a 12-week period.


  - name: Other

    type: Continuous

description: Average number of disruptive behaviors NOT in three-day period centred at the day of the full moon measured during a 12-week period.


title: Gender Differences in Talkativeness

description: Are women more talkative than men? An independent t-test.

source: "Moore, McCabe, Craig (2012). Introduction to the Practice of Statistics (7th ed.). New York, NY: W.H. Freeman and Company, Chapter 1, p. 69; from Mehl,M.R., Vazire,S., Ramirez-Esparza,N., Slatcher,R.B., & Pennebaker,J.W. (2007). Are women really more talkative than men? Science, 317, 82."

hypothesis of interest: The average number of words spoken per day is higher for women then for men (USA sample, 2003).



  - IndependentTtest




  - name: Gender

    type: Nominal

    description: 1 = man; 2 = woman


  - name: Words Per Day

    type: Continuous

    description: The average number of words spoken per day


### Data LONELINESS ###


(1) Loneliness: Scores on a loneliness scale.

(2) Composite Warmth Index: composite score across a series of questionnaire items,

measuring how often, how long, and how hot people take showers and baths.


Rows: Each row corresponds to a participant.


### Source ###

Study 2 from

Donnellan, M. B., Lucas, R. E., & Cesario, J. (in press). On the association between loneliness and

bathing habits: Nine replications of Bargh and Shalev (2012) Study 1.


Complete data set available at


### Data PRESIDENTS ###


(1) Height Ratio: Ratio of height between US president and his most

successful opponent.

(2) Popular Vote: Proportion of the popular vote. Note that a US president

can be elected even when this proportion is smaller than .50.


Rows: Each row corresponds to a US election, in historical order (i.e.,

the first row corresponds to the first election).


### Source ###

Stulp, G., Buunk, A. P., Verhulst, S., & Pollet, T. V. (2013). Tall claims?

Sense and nonsense about the importance of height of US presidents.

The Leadership Quarterly, 24,
