EURORECERCA NÚM 260 Fecha: 23 de septiembre de 2009


Nuevas candidaturas de socios para la 3ª convocatoria de Seguridad

Hemos publicado en la web de la OPER-UV cuatro nuevas candidaturas de socios para presentarse a la convocatoria de seguridad actualmente abierta (FP7-SEC-2010-1):


Turquía Milsoft.  3ª Convocatoria de Seguridad (FP7-SEC-2010-1 cierre: 26/11/2009)

Temas: SEC-2010.2.1-1 Security of mass transportation – phase II. SEC-2010.2.3-3 Automatic detection and recognition of threats to critical assets in large unpredictable environment. SEC-2010.3.1-1 European-wide integrated maritime border control system – phase II. SEC-2010.4.2-3 Information acquisition using dedicated platforms, including UAV, aerostatic platforms (balloons) and satellites

Reino Unido Circuitree.  3ª Convocatoria de Seguridad (FP7-SEC-2010-1 cierre: 26/11/2009)

Temas: SEC-2010.3.2-1 Monitoring and tracking of shipping containers.

Turquía Departamento de Sociología de la Universidad de Ankara.  3ª Convocatoria de Seguridad (FP7-SEC-2010-1 cierre: 26/11/2009)

Temas: SEC-2010.6.1-3 Reduction of the cognitive biases in intelligence analysis. SEC-2010-6.3-1 Developing a reference framework for the European securityculture: the perception of threats and the trust in public authorities and the police and the perception of security as a service. SEC-2010.6.3-3 Research on rigorous methodologies for assessment of security investments and trade-off between security and other societal objectives (e.g. privacy and social cohesion). SEC-2010.6.4-1 Cost-benefit analysis of the present and future security measures in Europe.

Turquía Stratim (Centre for Strategic Communication). 3ª Convocatoria de Seguridad (FP7-SEC-2010-1 cierre: 26/11/2009)

Temas: SEC-2010.2.3-2 Assessment framework and tools to identify vulnerabilities of energy grids and energy plants and to protect them against cascading effects. SEC-2010.4.4-1 Basic service restoration (e.g. energy, water, communication), business continuity, domestic/environmental normality. SEC-2010.6.1-2 Develop models and tools to detect and evaluate risks of terrorism.

La información de cada candidatura está disponible en el enlace correspondiente.


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