EURORECERCA NÚM 264 Fecha: 28 de septiembre de 2009


Disponibles presentaciones jornada informativa sobre la 3ª Convocatoria de Seguridad

Hemos publicado a la web de la OPER-UV nuevas candidaturas de socios para formar parte de un consorcio y presentarse a las convocatorias del tema "Medio Ambiente" del Séptimo Programa Marco:

Austria Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety Institute for Plan Protection Products Evaluation and Authorization.

Tema: ENV.2010.1.2.3-10 Exposure models to assess the risk to operators, workers, residents and bystanders from exposure to plant protection products (PPPs).

Irlanda The Catalogue of Environmental Research Expertise in Ireland. Catálogo con perfiles de centros de investigación, universidades, etc. Información con los temas de interés y datos de contacto.


Italia University of Urbino.

Temes: ENV.2010.1.1.5.-1 Impact of ocean adification in the Mediterranean in a changing climate. ENV.2010.2.2.2-2.Vector of changes in marine life, impact on economic sectors. ENV.2010.3.3.1-1 Reduction of the use of animals in eco-toxicological safety testing. KBBE.2010.3.5-04 Microbial diversity and metagenomic mining for biotechnological innovation.

Jordania Catálogo de perfiles de centros de investigación jordanos. Información con los temas de interés y datos de contacto.


Polonia University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Institute of Environmental Engineering.

Temes: ENV.2010.3.1.1-4 Water harvesting technologies in Africa. ENV.2010.3.1.1.-1 Technologies and systems for urban water cycle services. Proposed contribution to the projects: application of geocomposite to increase plant growth especially in areas with low rainfall and light soils.

Polonia Bialystok Technical University.

Tema: ENV.2010.3.2.1-2 Technologies for protecting cultural heritage assets from risks and damages resulting from extreme events, especially in the case of fires and storms.

Polonia Glowny Instytut Górnictwa (GIG) / Central Mining Institute Zaklad Ochrony Wód / Dept. of Water Protection

Temes: ENV.2010.3.1.1-1 Technologies and systems for urban water cycle services; ENV.2010.3.1.1-2 Innovative system solutions for municipal sludge treatment and management; ENV.2010.2.1.2-1 Evaluation of effectiveness of economic instruments in integrated water policy; ENV.2010.2.1.2-2 ERA-net on water management.

Polonia Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Department of Building and Infrastructure. Institute of Environmental Development and Protection.

Temas: ENV.2010.2.1.1-1. Integrated management of water and other natural resources in Africa. ENV.2010.1.3.3-1 Early warning and forecasting systems to predict climate related drought vulnerability and risks in Africa.

Polonia The Silesian University of Technology.

Tema: ENV.2010.2.1.1-2. Integrated resource management based on land and land-use management.

Polonia Institute of Meteorology and Water Management. Department of Hydrological Forecasting Service.
Portugal Catàleg de perfils de centres de recerca portuguesos. Informació amb els temes d'interès i dades de contacte.


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