EURORECERCA NÚM 281 Data: 15 d'octubre de 2009


Candidatures de socis convocatòries Energia

Hem publicat al web de l'OPER-UV noves candidatures de socis per a presentar-se a les convocatòries del tema "Energia" del Setè Programa Marc, actualment obertes: 

Finlàndia University of Vaasa / Vaasa Engineering Ltd.

Temes: ENERGY.2010.7.3-1: Energy storage systems for power distribution networks / ENERGY.2010.7.1-1: Large-scale demonstration of smart electricity distribution networks with distributed generation and active customer participation.

França ENN Sud Ouest

Tema: ENERGY.2010.2.5.-3: Small scale steam engine powered by Linear Fresnel Reflctor (LFR) system- Development of prototype- EU-India Call.

França École des Mines de Douai, Dépt. Energétique Industrielle.

Temes: ENERGY.2010.6.1-1: Efficiency Improvement of Oxygen-based combustion. ENERGY.2010.3.1: First generation biofuel from biomass. ENERGY.2010.3.6: Biofuel use in transport. ENERGY.2010.3.2: Second generation fuel from biomass.

França MÉSOLIA Habitat.

Tema: EeB.ENERGY.2010.8.1.-2: Demostration of Energy Efficiency through Retrofitting of Buildings.

Malta Housing Authority (National Agency for Housing in Malta)

Tema: EeB.ENERGY.2010.8.1.-2: Demostration of Energy Efficiency through Retrofitting of Buildings.


La informació de cada candidatura està disponible a l'enllaç corresponent.


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Més informació:

OPER Universitat de València - Carrer Menéndez y Pelayo, 3 Telf. 96-3983621

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