EURORECERCA NÚM 294 Fecha: 26 de octubre de 2009


Búsqueda de socios tema Nanociencias, nanotecnologías, materiales y nuevas técnicas de la producción

Hemos publicado en la web de la OPER-UV nuevas candidatura de socios para presentarse a las convocatorias del tema "Nanociencias, nanotecnologías, materiales y nuevas técnicas de la producción" (NMP) del Séptimo Programa Marco:

Portugal Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal

Temas: 4.3.1 Development and validation of new industrial models and strategies. 4.3.2 Adaptive production systems. 4.3.3 Networked production. 4.3.4 Rapid transfer and integration of new technologies into the design and operation of manufacturing processes. 4.3.5 Exploitation of the convergence of technologies.

Portugal ICEMS DEQB Instituto Superior Técnico

Tema: NMP.2010.1.2-2 Substitution of materials or components utilising "green nanotechnology".

Portugal Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa

Tema: NMP.2010.2.3-1 Development of standard scaffolds for the rational design of bioactive materials for tissue regeneration.


Temas: NMP.2010.3.4-1 Manufacturing systems for 3D-shaped, multilayered products based on flexible materials. NMP.2010.1.2-1Novel tools integrating individual techniques for real time nanomaterials characterisation. EeB.NMP.2010-1 New nanotechnology-based high performance insulation systems for energy efficiency. GC.NMP.2010-1 Materials, technologies and processes for sustainable automotive electrochemical storage applications.

Dinamarca Chempilots a/s

Tema: NMP.2010.2.3-1 Development of standard scaffolds for the rational design of bioactive materials for tissue regeneration.

La información de la candidatura está disponible en el enlace correspondiente.


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