EURORECERCA NÚM 300 Data: 13 de novembre de 2009


Candidatures de socis tema "Medi ambient (inclòs el canvi climàtic)"

Hem publicat al web de l'OPER-UV noves candidatures de socis corresponents al tema "Medi ambient (inclòs el canvi climàtic)" del Setè Programa Marc europeu.

Polònia Geostudio Poland.

Temes: ENV.2010.4.1.4-1 Identification and Networking of EO activities in the Balkan. ENV.2010.4.1.2 Building observational datasets for the predictability of global atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial processes using reanalysis techniques.

República Txeca Eco-Trend

Tema: ENV.2010.3.3.2-1 Boosting Life Cycle Assessment use in SMEs: development of sectoral methods and tools.

Israel Ben Gurion University

Títol del Projecte: Biodegradation of plastic waste. Àrees: Soil. Waste.

Rússia Astrakhan State University

Temes: ENV.2010. Atmospheric chemistry and climate change interactions. ENV.2010. Underpinning work to enable provision of local scale climate information (annual to decadal timescales). ENV.2010. Human health and environmental effects of exposure to pharmaceuticals released into the environment. ENV.2010. Exposure models to assess the risks to operators, workers, residents and bystanders from exposure to plant protection products (PPPs). ENV.2010.5.1.0-1 Dissemination and uptake of FP environmental research results with tangible impact on economic growth and social welfare. Comparison of health risks in populations in the Arctic and selected areas in Europe due to the spreading of contaminants resulting from climate change; New, improved and validated biomarkers to investigate long-term health impacts of exposure to environmental pollutants. Quality of air, microclimate and health of the population of industrial megalopolises.

Polònia Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute

Tema: ENV.2010.1.1.6-1 Climate change mitigation options linked to deforestation and agriculture in the context of a post-2012 international agreement on climate change

Malta OIO Malta Operational Centre

Convocatòria OCEAN-2010. Temes: 1) monitoring for marine IAS (Invasive Alien Species) – staff members from the centre have recorded Selene dorsalis and Cassiopea andromeda from the Maltese Islands. 2) monitoring of the physical marine environment (temperature, wave height, currents) – the IOI-MOC collects such data from existing 2 stations in the Maltese Islands; developed and operate existing mathematical models for the continental shelf area around the Maltese Islands. 3) site selection for offshore renewable energy facilities – staff at the centre are competent to assess anthropogenic impacts on benthic ecosystems as well as to monitor prevailing in-situ physical conditions. 4) formulation and dissemination of marine-related awareness material in connection with public perception of marine biodiversity – the IOI-MOC operates the IOI-Kids programme. 5) collection of water column parameters, including chlorophyll and phytoplankton, pursuant to developing models to predict eutrophication or jellyfish outbreaks.

Àustria International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

Temes: ENV.2010.4.2.1-1 Enhancing model integration for the assessment of global environmental change. ENV.2010.4.2.3-1 Foresight to enhance behavioural and societal changes enabling the transition towards sustainable paths in Europe.

Espanya TST

Tema: ICT for energy-efficient buildings and spaces of public use.

Espanya Wellness Telecom

Temes: ENV.2010.1.2.2-1 Indoor air pollution and health risks of modern office buildings. ENV.2010.3.1.1-1 Technologies and systems for urban water cycle services. ENV.2010.3.1.4-1 Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control of industrial emissions in the Mediterranean region. ENV.2010.3.1.5-1 Resource efficient and urban friendly construction sites. ENV.2010.3.1.7-1 Technologies for automated monitoring of air pollution in cities. EeB.ENV.2010.3.2.4-1 Compatible solutions for improving the energy efficiency of historic buildings in urban areas. ENV.2010.4.1.2-1 Building observational datasets for the predictability of global atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial processes using reanalysis techniques. ENV.2010.4.1.2-2 Integrating new data visualization approaches of earth Systems into GEOSS development

Espanya Evenor
Espanya Befesa

Temes: ENV.2010.3.1.1-1 Technologies ans systems for urban water cycle services. ENV.2010.3.1.1-2 Innovative system solutions for municipal sludge treatment and management.

Espanya Solutex

Tema: ENV.2010.3.1.5-2 Environmental Technologies for brownfield regeneration”, although we are open to participate in other topics.

Espanya Universitat Politècnica de Cartagena

Àrea d'edafologia i química agrícola.

Espanya Universitat de La Laguna: convocatòria FP7-AFRICA-2010 i FP7-ENV-2010

Temes: ENV.2010.1.2.1-1 The effect of environmental change on the occurrence and distribution of water related vector-borne diseases in Africa. ENV.2010.2.1.1-1 Integrated management of water and other natural resources in Africa. ENV.2010.1.1.4-1 Underpinning work to enable provision of local scale climate information (annual to decadal timescales) 2.1.2 Increased sustainability of all production systems (agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture); plant health and crop protection. ENV.2010.1.2.1-1 The effect of environmental change on the occurrence and distribution of water related vector-borne diseases in Africa. ENV.2010.1.3.2-1 Building a culture of risk prevention in Europe. ENV.2010.2.1.2-1 Evaluation of effectiveness of economic instruments in integrated water policy. ENV.2010.2.1.4-1 Functional significance of forest biodiversity. ENV.2010.2.1.4-4 Increasing the understanding of the role of soil biodiversity in ecosystem functioning.

Espanya Universitat d'Almeria

Temes: ENV.2010.1.1.6-1 Climate change mitigation options linked to deforestation and agriculture in the context of a post-2012 international agreement on climate change. ENV.2010.1.1.6-2 Explore climate policy scenarios for developing countries and/or emerging economies.

Espanya Universitat de Vigo
Espanya Universitat de Lleida
Espanya AIJU

Tema: ENV.2010.3.3.2-1 Boosting Life Cycle Assessment use in SMEs: development of sectoral methods and tools

Espanya Fundació CIDAUT

Temes: ENV.2010.1.2.2-1 Indoor air pollution and health risks of modern office buildings. ENV.2010.1.2.3-2 Greenhouse gas emission reduction policies and their impacts in public health and well-being in urban areas. ENV.2010.3.1.1-2 Innovative system solutions for municipal sludge treatment and management. ENV.2010.3.1.3-1 Innovative technologies and eco design recommendations for reuse and recycling of Construction and demolition (C&D waste, with a special focus on technologies for onsite solutions) ENV.2010.3.1.3-2 Innovative technologies and system solutions for municipal solid waste management in densely populated cities. ENV.2010.3.1.5-1 Resource efficient and urban friendly constructions sites. ENV.2010.3.1.4-1 Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control of industrial emissions in the Mediterranean region. EeB.ENV.2010.3.2.4-1 Compatible solutions for improving the energy efficiency of historic buildings in urban areas. ENV.2010.3.2.1-1 Non destructive diagnosis technologies for the safe conservation of movable assets.

Espanya CENTA

Tema: ENV.2010.3.1.1-3 Decentralised water supply and sanitation technologies and systems for small communities and peri-urban areas


Tema: ENV.2010.2.1.4-4 Increasing the understanding of the role of soil biodiversity in ecosystem functioning.

Espanya Generalitat de Catalunya

Tema: ENV.2010.1.3.2-1 Building a culture of risk prevention in Europe.

La informació de cada candidatura està disponible a l'enllaç corresponent.

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