EURORECERCA NÚM 302 Fecha: 13 de noviembre de 2009


Coordinador proyecto busca socios

A continuación ofrecemos información sobre un coordinador de un proyecto israelí (empresa Frutarom) que busca socios para presentar una propuesta a la convocatoria FP7-KBBE-2010-4 del Séptimo Programa Marco europeo.

Topic: KBBE.2010.3.3-02: Biotechnology for 'greening' the chemical industry – Industrial bioprocesses for fine and speciality chemicals and intermediates

Proposal Title: A biotechnological, green and reduced energy process for natural sweeteners manufacturing

Busca los socios siguientes :


Role in the project

Preferred Country


Screening and evaluation of possible gene/ constructs



No preferences

Molecular biology

Producing of the construct


Optimization of enzyme activity and isolation of enzymes

Scaling up of enzyme production

SME specializing in enzyme production

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