EURORECERCA NÚM 337 Data: 12 de gener de 2010


Hui seminari web imaging biomarkers in oncology

Hui 12 de febrer, a les 15.00 h. tindrà lloc un seminari web sobre els temes d'oncologia de la segona convocatòria de Medicaments Innovadors, actualment oberta. Reproduïm a continuació les dades rebudes referents a aquest seminari.

The Innovative Medicines Initiative is hosting a webinar on Tuesday 12 January on the Imaging and Oncology topics of the IMI Call for proposals, and we would like to ask for your cooperation in distributing this invitation.

The topics are part of the IMI 2009 Call for proposals, which is open until 8 February 2010 (

The webinar will mainly focus on the topic 'Imaging Biomarkers' in Oncology, presented by John Waterton (EFPIA coordinator), in cooperation with IMI and EFPIA. The presentation will be the same as during the IMI Open Information Day of 17 November 2009 and offers an extra opportunity to join.

As it appeared that many imaging biomarker experts had missed the Open Info Day, we kindly ask you to forward this message to contacts that might be interested.

John Henderson (EFPIA coordinator) will also join to give some input on the Oncology topics 'Target Validation' and 'Molecular Biomarkers'.

Tuesday 12 January, 15:00 Brussels time (dial-in takes time: please start connecting 10 minutes in advance)
The duration of the webinar is strictly limited to 1 hour.

How to dial in?
Dial-in instructions will be posted on



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OPER Universitat de València - Carrer Menéndez y Pelayo, 3 Telf. 96-3983621

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