EURORECERCA NÚM 338 Fecha: 12 de enero de 2010


Búsquedas de socios para convocatorias abiertas del tema Ciencias Socioeconómicas y Humanidades

Relacionamos a continuación dos nuevas búsquedas de socios para presentar propuestas de las convocatorias actualmente abiertas del tema "Ciencias Socioeconómicas y Humanidades" del Séptimo Programa Marco europeo. Estas búsquedas han sido publicadas en el portal web "Net4Society" de los puntos de contacto nacionales del tema mencionado. Hay más búsquedas disponibles en los enlaces:

Convocatoria: FP7-SSH-2010-2

Tipo de proyecto: Collaborative projects (small or medium scale focused research projects)

Tema de la convocatoria: SSH.2010.2.1-2 Local welfare systems favouring social cohesion

The Italian Department of Social Research and Sociological Methodology "G. Statera" (RiSMes) is looking for Partner. The proposal project is recostructing the scenarious of a group of european regions (or urban zone) and to investigate the different patterns of local welfare systems. The focus is aimed to review the local systems in their various dimensions throught an approach of socio-economic analysis to understanding how the territorial differences (economic, political and social) could affect on supply of public services and on their territorial distribution.

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Convocatoria: FP7-SSH-2010-3

Tipo de proyecto: Collaborative projects (small or medium scale focused research projects) for specific cooperation actions dedicated to international cooperation CP-FP-SICA

Tema de la convocatoria: SSH.2010.4.2-1. Cultures of governance and conflict resolution in Europe and India.

Kautilya Society for Intercultural Dialogue (India) along with the social cooperative Armadilla (Italy) are searching for other partners in order to share the efforts required for presenting the proposal and, if the project will be funded, for implementing it.

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