EURORECERCA NÚM 372 Fecha: 24 de febrero de 2009


Tercera convocatoria de la ERA-NET MARTEC

La red del espacio europeo de investigación (ERA-NET) en tecnologías marítimas MARTEC ha anunciado la tercera convocatoria para proyectos colaborativos, que abrirá del 3 al 31 de mayo de 2010. Las áreas de investigación son las siguientes:

Shipbuilding (new ship types, structures, ship design and construction, production processes and technology); Ship and port operation (vessel traffic services, manoeuvring, cargo handling, waste & ballast water facilities); Maritime equipment and services (bridge systems, information and communication technologies, telematic applications, engine and propulsion systems, automation systems, cargo handling, maintenance); Inland water and intermodal transport (shipbuilding, maritime equipment and services, ship and port operation, transport chains, hinterland connections, short sea shipping, traffic management, transport logistics, intermodality, interoperability) Offshore industry/offshore technology (new structures, design and construction, production processes and technology, equipment and services, maintenance and decommissioning of offshore structures, offshore operations, underwater process technology, underwater technology, underwater robotics (AUV, ROV)); Offshore structures for renewable energy (water power (wave, tidal and current energy technology), wind power (wind energy technology, installation technology water power (wave, tidal and current energy technology), wind power (wind energy technology, installation technology); Polar technology (arctic sea transport, shipbuilding, equipment and services for polar regions, operation of ships, offshore structures); Fishing/aquaculture (development of platforms and devices, fish farms in open sea, new generation of fish-farms, teledetection, applications for analysis’s, information and communication technologies, automation and monitoring)

Además, hay temas adicionales que se pueden incluir en varias áreas prioritarias:

Safety and security: ship safety (collision, grounding, evacuation, fire safety, search and rescue, manoeuvring, cargo handling and lashing, tracking and tracing, first aid); Ship and port security (preventive measures against terrorism, piracy). Environmental impact: reduction and improvement of the efficiency of fuel and energy consumption, anti fouling, ballast water handling, wash waves, waste management, recycling, monitoring, reduction of emission, prevention of contamination, noise and vibration. Human elements: training aspects, education, improvement of working conditions, intellectual property rights (IPR)

La ERA-NET MARTEC es una red constituida por ministerios y organizaciones responsables de la financiación y de la gestión de I+D en el sector marítimo de diferentes países europeos, y recibe financiación del 6º Programa Marco de la UE. Cada país tiene sus propios programas marítimos y la subvención será otorgada a través del organismo español correspondiente, para proyectos con una duración máxima de 36 meses. Se dará prioridad a los proyectos que incluyan, como mínimo, dos participantes industriales independientes y pertenecientes a dos países de la ERA-NET MARTEC.

Toda la información sobre esta convocatoria está disponible en la web El punto de contacto correspondiente a España para esta convocatoria es el siguiente:

Carlos Sánchez Lafuente
tel.: 917472116

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