EURORECERCA NÚM 492 Fecha: 22 de julio de 2010


Nuevas convocatorias 7PM Ciencias Socioeconómicas y Humanidades (SSH)


La Comisión Europea ha publicado, con fecha 20 de julio de 2010, tres convocatorias del tema “Ciencias Socioeconómicas y Humanidades (SSH)” del programa de Cooperación del Séptimo Programa Marco europeo de I+D.

Estas convocatorias pertenecen al Programa de Trabajo 2011 (

La información completa de cada convocatoria la encontrareis haciendo clic en el código respectivo. Si tenéis problemas de acceso con el enlace, podéis cortar y pegar la dirección complete en vuestro navegador. l

Los plazos de presentación de propuestas finalizan en los días señalados a las 17 horas (hora local de Bruselas)



Tema: Ciencias socioeconómicas y  humanidades. Tres convocatorias:


Presupuesto indicativo: 40.000.000 euros Fecha límite: 2 de febrero de 2011

Temes convocados: :

ACTIVITY 8.1: GROWTH, EMPLOYMENT AND COMPETITIVENESS IN A KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY – THE EUROPEAN CASE (BUDGET EUR 8 MILLION). Area 8.1.2. Structural changes in the European knowledge economy and society. 1.2-1. Europe moving towards a new path of economic growth and social development.

ACTIVITY 8.2 COMBINING ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES IN A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE: PATHS TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (BUDGET EUR 8 MILLION) Area 8.2.1. Socio-economic development trajectories. 2.1-1. Economic, social and political conditions for satisfying the world food needs.

ACTIVITY 8.4. EUROPE AND THE WORLD (BUDGET EUR 8 MILLION) Area 8.4.1. Interactions and interdependences between world regions and their implications. 4.1-1. Tackling poverty in a development context. Area 8.4.2. Conflicts, peace and human Rights. 4.2-1.The evolving concept of borders.

ACTIVITY 8.5: THE CITIZEN IN THE EUROPEAN UNION (BUDGET EUR 8 MILLION) Area 8.5.1. Participation and citizenship in Europe. 5.1-1. Corruption and resistance to corruption in the private and public sphere.

Esquema de financiación: Proyectos colaborativos (proyectos de investigación de gran escala).



Presupuesto indicativo: 29.700.000 euros Fecha límite: 2 de febrero de 2011

Temas convocados: :

ACTIVITY 8.1: GROWTH, EMPLOYMENT AND COMPETITIVENESS IN A KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY – THE EUROPEAN CASE (BUDGET EUR 5.4 MILLION) Area 8.1.1 Changing role of knowledge throughout the economy. 1.1-1. Lifelong learning in Europe: appropriate skills for sustaining better jobs. Area 8.1.3 Strengthening policy coherence and coordination in Europe. 1.3-1 New Innovation Processes including Social Innovation.

ACTIVITY 8.2 COMBINING ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES IN A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE: PATHS TOWARDS SUSTAINABLEDEVELOPMENT (BUDGET EUR 5.4 MILLION) Area 8.2.1 Socio-economic development trajectories. 2.1-2. Combating poverty in Europe: a key question of human dignity and social cohesión. Area 8.2.2. Regional, territorial and social cohesion. 2.2-1. Addressing cohesion challenges in Central and Eastern Europe.

ACTIVITY 8.3: MAJOR TRENDS IN SOCIETY AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS PER ACTIVITY (BUDGET PER ACTIVITY EUR 2.7 MILLION) Area 8.3.2. Societal trends and lifestyles, 3.2-1. Criminal behaviour and policy responses in the European Union.n.

ACTIVITY 8.4: EUROPE AND THE WORLD (BUDGET PER ACTIVITY EUR 5.4 MILLION) Area 8.4.1. Interactions and interdependences between world regions and their implications, 4.1-2. Connections between rural areas and cities in sub- Saharan Africa. Area 8.4.3           Europe’s changing role in the World, 4.3-1. Transatlantic relations in the context of global governance architecture and relationships with other powers.

ACTIVITY 8.5: THE CITIZEN IN THE EUROPEAN UNION (BUDGET EUR 5.4 MILLION) Area 8.5.1. Participation and citizenship in Europe, 5.1-2. Surveillance and the challenges for democracy and an open society (topic coordinated with the Security Programme) Area 8.5.2. Diversities and commonalities in Europe. 5. .2-1.The Anthropology of European Integration, 5.2-2. Rule of Law and Justice in a Multilevel Governance System.

ACTIVITY 8.6: SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND SCIENTIFIC INDICATORS  (BUDGET PER ACTIVITY EUR 2.7 MILLION) Area 8.6.4 Use of indicators and related approaches for the evaluation of research policies and programmes, 6.4-1. Impact assessment of EU policies.

Esquemas de financiación: Proyectos colaborativos (proyectos de investigación de pequeña y mediana escala ).



Presupuesto indicativo: 6.300.000 euros Fecha límite: 2 de febrero de 2010

Temas convocados: :

ACTIVITY 8.1: GROWTH, EMPLOYMENT AND COMPETITIVENESS IN A KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY – THE EUROPEAN CASE (BUDGET EUR 1.5 MILLION). Area 8.1.2. Structural changes  in      the European knowledge economy and society, 1.2-2. Social Platform on innovative Social Services (Coordination   and support     action (supporting action) or Research for the Benefit of Specific Groups Civil Society Organisations).

ACTIVITY 8.6: SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND SCIENTIFIC INDICATORS (BUDGET EUR 1.5 MILLION).. Area        8.6.2. Developing better indicators for policy, 6.2-1.Beyond GDP – Measuring economic performance and societal progress.

ACTIVITY 8.7: FORESIGHT ACTIVITIES (BUDGET EUR 1.5 MILLION). Area 8.7.1 Wide socio-economic foresight on key challenges, 7.1-1. Forward visions on the European Research Area.

ACTIVITY 8.8: HORIZONTAL ACTIVITIES. 8.8-1. Networking of Dissemination Activities Involving International Transfer Knowledge Institutes (Budget EUR 300.000), 8.8-2. ICT-based networking and exploiting of SSH projects and results (Budget EUR 500.000),  8.8-3. Career paths and patterns of SSH graduates (Budget EUR 1 Million).

Esquema de financiación: acciones de coordinación y soporte.

Para cualquier consulta, podéis contactar con Angeles Sanchis, (ext. 51276,

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