EURORECERCA NÚM 493 Fecha: 22 de julio de 2010


Nuevas convocatorias 7PM Salud


La Comisión Europea ha publicado, con fecha 20 de julio de 2010, dos convocatorias del tema “Salud” del programa de Cooperación del Séptimo Programa Marco europeo de I+D.

Estas convocatorias pertenecen al Programa de Trabajo 2011 (

La información completa de cada convocatoria la encontrareis haciendo clic en el código respectivo. Si tenéis problemas de acceso con el enlace, podéis cortar y pegar la dirección completa en vuestro navegador. l

Los plazos de presentación de propuestas finalizan en los días señalados a las 17 horas (hora local de Bruselas)

Tema: Salud


Presupuesto indicativo: 160.500.000 euros
Fecha límite: 10 de noviembre de 2010
Temes convocados:

1.4 INNOVATIVE THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES AND INTERVENTIONS. 1.4-4: High impact research initiative for better immunisation. 1.4-5: New therapeutic approaches in chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.

2. TRANSLATING RESEARCH FOR HUMAN HEALTH.2.1. INTEGRATING BIOLOGICAL DATA AND PROCESSES: LARGE-SCALE DATA GATHERING, SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. 2.1.1 Large-scale data gathering. 2.1.1-1: High impact research initiative on the human epigenome. 2.1.1-4: Population genetics studies on cardio-metabolic disorders in EU/AC and EECA populations.
2.2. RESEARCH ON THE BRAIN AND RELATED DISEASES, HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND AGEING. 2.2.1. Brain and brain-related diseases. 2.2.1-4: Creating clinical and molecular tools for experimental therapy of paediatric neurodegenerative disorders causing childhood dementia in Europe and India.
2.3. TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH IN MAJOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES: TO CONFRONT MAJOR THREATS TO PUBLIC HEALTH. 2.3.1. Anti-microbial drug resistance. 2.3.1-2: Multidisciplinary research on the evolution and transfer of antibiotic resistance. 2.3.1-3: Management of Gram negative multi-drug resistant infections.
2.3.3. Potentially new and re-emerging epidemics. 2.3.3-2: Comprehensive control of Dengue fever under changing climatic conditions.
2.4. TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH IN OTHER MAJOR DISEASES. 2.4.1. Cancer. 2.4.1-3: Epidemiology and aetiology of infection-related cancers.

3. OPTIMISING THE DELIVERY OF HEALTHCARE TO EUROPEAN CITIZENS. 3.3 HEALTH PROMOTION. 3.3-3: Developing and implementing methods for the transfer of research into policy in the fields of health promotion and disease prevention. 3.3-4: A road-map for mental health research in Europe.
3.4 INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH & HEALTH SYSTEMS. 3.4-1: Development and assessment of comprehensive and integrated interventions and programmes to improve reproductive health and health equity. 3.4-2: Building sustainable capacity for research for health and its social determinants in low and middle income countries. 3.4-3: Multilateral cooperation between Europe, Africa and Latin America on public health and health services research.

4. OTHER ACTIONS ACROSS THE HEALTH THEME. 4.1. COORDINATION AND SUPPORT ACTIONS ACROSS THE THEME. 4.1-1: Networking of major research institutions to coordinate communication actions aimed at the media and the general public. 4.1-2: Targeting publication bias. 4.1-3: Linking EU and Latin American policy making institutions in the field of health research. 4.1-4: Organisation of supporting actions and events related to the Presidency of the European Union.
4.2. RESPONDING TO EU POLICY NEEDS. 4.2-1: Investigatordriven clinical trials4 on off-patent medicines for children. 4.2-2: Adverse drug reaction research. 4.2-3: New methodologies for clinical trials5 in personalised medicine.
Esquemas de financiación: diferentes según el tema, consultad el texto completo de la convocatoria.


Presupuesto indicativo: 498.000.000 euros
Fecha límite: 13 de octubre de 2010
Temas convocados:

1.BIOTECHNOLOGY, GENERIC TOOLS AND MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR HUMAN HEALTH. 1.1 HIGH-THROUGHPUT RESEARCH. 1.1-1: SME-targeted research for developing tools and technologies for high-throughput research. 1.1-2: Genome-based biomarkers for patient stratification and pharmacogenomic strategies. 1.4 INNOVATIVE THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES AND INTERVENTIONS. 1.4-1: Regenerative medicine clinical trials. 1.4-2: Tools, technologies and devices for application in regenerative medicine. 1.4-3: Development and production of new, high-affinity protein scaffolds for therapeutic use.

2. TRANSLATING RESEARCH FOR HUMAN HEALTH. 2.1. INTEGRATING BIOLOGICAL DATA AND PROCESSES: LARGE-SCALE DATA GATHERING, SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. 2.1.1 Large-scale data gathering. 2.1.1-2: Proteins and their interactions in health and disease. 2.1.1-3: Large scale genomics approaches to identify host determinants of infectious diseases. 2.2. RESEARCH ON THE BRAIN AND RELATED DISEASES, HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND AGEING. 2.2.1. Brain and brain-related diseases. 2.2.1-1: Investigatordriven clinical trials4 for childhood-onset neurodegenerative diseases. 2.2.1-2: Understanding the role of neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative diseases. 2.2.1-3: Addictive and/or compulsive behaviour in children and adolescents: translating pre-clinical results into therapies. 2.2.2. Human development and ageing. 2.2.2-1: Investigatordriven clinical trials for therapeutic interventions in elderly populations. 2.2.2-2: Linking human development and ageing. 2.3. TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH IN MAJOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES: TO CONFRONT MAJOR THREATS TO PUBLIC HEALTH. 2.3.1. Anti-microbial drug resistance. 2.3.1-1: Investigatordriven clinical trials6 of off-patent antibiotics. 2.3.1-4: Development of multi-analyte diagnostic tests. 2.3.1-5: Development of tools to control microbial biofilms with relevance to clinical drug resistance. 2.3.3. Potentially new and re-emerging epidemics. 2.3.3-1: Identification of factors promoting the emergence of pathogens with human pandemic potential from pathogens with a zoonotic background and related prevention strategies. 2.3.3-3: Development of an evidence-based behavioural and communication package to respond to major epidemic outbreaks.  2.4. TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH IN OTHER MAJOR DISEASES. 2.4.1. Cancer. 2.4.1-1: Investigatordriven treatment trials7 for rare cancers. 2.4.1-2: Translational research on cancers with poor prognosis. 2.4.2. Cardiovascular diseases. 2.4.2-1: Investigatordriven clinical trials8 for the management of cardiovascular diseases. 2.4.2-2: Evaluation and validation studies of clinically useful biomarkers in prevention and management of cardiovascular diseases. 2.4.3. Diabetes and obesity. 2.4.3-1: Investigatordriven clinical trials9 to reduce diabetes complications. 2.4.3-2: Development of novel treatment strategies based on knowledge of cellular dysfunction. 2.4.3-3: Molecular and physiological effects of lifestyle factors on diabetes/obesity.2.4.3-4: Genetic and environmental factors in obesity and/or diabetes in specific populations.

3. OPTIMISING THE DELIVERY OF HEALTHCARE TO EUROPEAN CITIZENS.  3.3 HEALTH PROMOTION. 3.3-1: Developing methodologies to reduce inequities in the determinants of health. 3.3-2: Analysis of integrated strategies for sustainable behaviour change.
Esquemas de financiación: diferentes según el tema, consultad el texto completo de la convocatoria.

Para cualquier consulta, podéis contactar con Angeles Sanchis, (ext. 51276,

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