EURORECERCA NÚM 496 Data: 29 de juliol de 2010


Noves convocatòries 7PM Seguretat


La Comissió Europea ha publicat, amb data 20 de juliol de 2010, una convocatòria del tema “Seguretat” del programa de Cooperació del Setè Programa Marc europeu de R+D. Aquesta convocatòria pertany al Programa de Treball 2011 (
La informació completa la trobareu fent clic en el codi. El termini de presentació de propostes finalitza el dia esmentat a les 17 hores (hora local de Brusel·les).



Pressupost indicatiu: 221.430.000 euros
Data límit: 2 de desembre de 2010
Temes convocats: Activity: 10.1 Increasing the Security of the Citizens.
Area: 10.1.1Organised crime. SEC-2011.1.1-1 Digital forensic - Capability Project
Area: 10.1.2 Intelligence against terrorism. SEC-2011.1.2-1 Strategies for countering a terrorist attack in an urban environment – Capability Project
Area: 10.1.3 Explosives. 1.3-1 Improvised Explosive Device (IED) neutralisation in urban / civil environment – Capability Project. 1.3-2 Forensic analysis of an explosion or an unexploded IED- Capability Project. 1.3-3 Comprehensive toolbox for humanitarian clearing of large civil areas from antipersonal landmines and cluster munitions – Integration Project.
Area: 10.1.4 Ordinary Crime and Forensic. 1.4-1 Understanding of unintended consequences of global illicit-drug control measures – Capability Project. 1.4-2 Innovative techniques for safe external control of non cooperative vehicles – Capability Project. 1.4-3 Advanced forensic framework - Coordination and Support Action.
Area: 10.1.5 CBRN Protection. 1.5-1 Development of detection capabilities of difficult to detect radioactive sources and nuclear materials - Capability Project. 1.5-2 Identification and Development of low-risk alternatives to high-risk chemicals – Capability Project or Support Action. 1.5-3 Development of improved forensic tools applied to radiological contaminations – Capability Project.
Activity: 10.2 Increasing the Security of infrastructures and utilities.
Area: 10.2.1 Design, planning of buildings and urban areas. None.
Area: 10.2.2 Energy, Transport, communication grids. 2.2-1 Airport checkpoints – Integration Project. 2.2-2 Protection of Critical Infrastructure (structures, platforms and networks) against Electromagnetic Attacks - Capability Project.
Area: 10.2.3 Surveillance. None.
Area: 10.2.4 Supply chain.2.4-1 International postal supply chains –Integration Project.
Area: 10.2.5 Cyber crime. 2.5-1 Cyber attacks against critical infrastructures - Capability Project.
Activity: 10.3 Intelligent surveillance and enhancing border security
Area: 10.3.1 Sea borders. None.
Area: 10.3.2 Land borders. None.
Area: 10.3.3 Air borders. None.
Area: 10.3.4 Border checks.3.4-1 Security of biometric data and travel documents – Integration Project. 3.4-2 “Artificial sniffer”- Capability Project. 3.4-3 Border crossing points of the future - Capability Project.
Area: 10.3.5 Border intelligent surveillance. None.
Activity: 10.4 Restoring security and safety in case of crisis
Area: 10.4.1 Preparedness, prevention, mitigation and planning. 4.1-1 Crisis management modelling tool - Integration Project. 4.1-2 Psycho social support of Crisis Management – Capability Project.
Area: 10.4.2 Response. 4.2-1 Post crisis lesson learned exercise – Capability Project or Coordination and Support Action. 4.2-2 Unmanned search and rescue solutions – Integration Project. 4.2-3 Rapid deployment of shelters, facilities and medical care resources following a major disaster - Integration Project. 4.2-4 Enhancing crisis response abilities of the public – Coordination and Support Action.
Area: 10.4.3 Recovery. None.
Area: 10.4.4 CBRN response. 4.4-1 CBRN individual Protective Clothing - Capability Project.
Activity: 10.5 Improving security systems integration, interconnectivity and interoperability
Area: 10.5.1 Information Management. 5.1-1 Evaluation of identification technologies, including Biometrics.
Area: 10.5.2 Secure Communications. 5.2-1 Technical solutions for interoperability between first responder communication systems - Capability Project.
Area: 10.5.3 Interoperability. 5.3-1 Establishment of a first responders Platform for interoperability.5.3-2 Operational data Exchange. 5.3-3 Developing interoperability frameworks for mission-oriented security systems. 5.3-4 Video archive search – Capability Project.
Area: 10.5.4 Standardisation. 5.4-1 Towards standardisation of CBRN detection and identification.
Activity: 10.6 Security and society
Area: 10.6.1 Citizens, media and security. 6.1-1 Analysis of the security systems in Europe. 6.1-2 Protection of European citizens abroad.6.1-3 Signs of ‘early warning’ to detect trends and weak signals in social polarisation, violent radicalisation development and segregation. 6.1-4 Reduction of the cognitive biases in intelligence analysis. 6.1-5 Surveillance and the challenges for the security of the citizen (topic coordinated with the SSH theme: When applying for this topic, please also consult topic 5.1-2 Surveillance and the challenges for democracy and an open society of the 2011 SSH Work Programme.)
Area: 10.6.2 Organisational structure and cultures of public users. 6.2-1 Best practices for enhancing security policy in urban zones.
Area: 10.6.3 Foresight, scenarios and security as an evolving concept. 6.3-1 Assessing trends and threats in a Society.
Area: 10.6.4 Security Economics. 6.4-1 Develop socio-economic methodologies which can be adapted to different missions in security research.
Area: 10.6.5 Ethics and justice. 6.5-1 Conflict resolution and mediation. 6.5-2 The relationship between Human privacy and security.
Activity: 10.7 Security research coordination and structuring
Area: 10.7.1 ERA-Net. 7.1-1 Co-ordination of national research programmes in the area of Security research (ERA-NET).
Area: 10.7.2 Small and Medium Enterprises. 7.2-1 Effective approach between end-users and SMEs.
Area: 10.7.3 Studies. None.
Area: 10.7.4 Other coordination. 7.4-1 Networking of researchers for a high level multi-organisational and cross-border collaboration.
Area: 10.7.5 End users. 7.5-1 Innovation and research within security organizations. 7.5-2 Definition of requirements by civil Security end-users for large air transport systems.
Area: 10.7.6 Training. 7.6-1 Development of a European training curriculum for international crisis management.

Esquema de finançament: diferents segons el tema, consulteu el text complet de la convocatòria.

Per a qualsevol consulta, podeu contactar amb Ángeles Sanchis (ext. 51276,


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