EURORECERCA NÚM 501 Data: 4 d'agost de 2010


Noves convocatòries 7PM: Transport (aeronàutica inclosa)


La Comissió Europea ha publicat, amb data 20 de juliol de 2010, cinc convocatòries del tema "Noves convocatòries 7PM: Transport (aeronàutica inclosa)" del programa de Cooperació del Setè Programa Marc europeu de R+D. Aquestes convocatòries pertanyen al Programa de Treball 2011 ( També s'han publicat dues convocatòries conjuntes de les què forma part aquest tema.

La informació completa de les convocatòries la trobareu fent clic en el codi respectiu. Si teniu problemes d'accés amb l'enllaç, podeu tallar i apegar l'adreça al vostre navegador.

El termini de presentació de propostes finalitza el dia esmentat a les 17 hores (hora local de Brussel·les).


FP7-AAT-2011-RTD-1 (Aeronautic and Air Transport)
Pressupost indicatiu: 121.300.000 euros.
Data límit: 2 de desembre de 2010.
Temes convocats: ACTIVITY 7.1.1. THE GREENING OF AIR TRANSPORT. 1.4-2. Systems approach to improved core engine thermal efficiency. ACTIVITY 7.1.2. INCREASING TIME EFFICIENCY. 2.3-3. Integrated approach to total airport management for operational efficiency. ACTIVITY 7.1.3. ENSURING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND SAFETY. 3.5-1. Integrated approach to a human-centred cabin physical environment. ACTIVITY 7.1.4. IMPROVING COST EFFICIENCY. 4.4-3. Integrated approach to smart airframe structures. 4.4-4. Integrated approach to efficient propulsion and related aircraft systems for small-size aircraft. 4.4-5. Integrated modular actuation systems for the future all-electric aircraft. ACTIVITY 7.1.6. PIONEERING THE AIR TRANSPORT OF THE FUTURE. Area Breakthrough and emerging technologies. 6.1-1. Lift. 6.1-2. Propulsion. 6.1-3. Interior space. 6.1-4. Life-cycle. Area Step changes in air transportation operation. 6.2-1. Novel air transport vehicles. 6.2-2. Guidance and control. 6.2-3. Airports. Area Promising pioneering ideas in air transport. 6.3-1. The cruiser/feeder concept. 6.3-2. Take-off and landing with ground-based power.  6.3-4. New sources of aircraft main propulsive power. ACTIVITY 7.1.7. CROSS-CUTTING ACTIVITIES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SUBTHEME PROGRAMME. 7-9. Supporting the organization of conferences and events of special relevance to aeronautics and air transport research. 7-11. Stimulating the participation of small and medium size enterprises (SME) and other small organizations for improved integration of the European Research Area. 7-18. Assessing the role and needs of air freight in air transport. 7-19. Exploring opportunities and stimulating research cooperation with Canada. 7-20. Exploring opportunities and stimulating research cooperation with Japan. 7-22. Assessing the educational needs of engineers and researchers in aeronautics and air transport. 7-23. Technology support for crisis coordination for the air transport system following major disrupting events.
Esquema de finançament: diferents segons el tema, consulteu el text complet de la convocatòria.

FP7-SST-2011-RTD-1 (Sustainable Surface Transport)
Pressupost indicatiu: 91.250.000 euros.
Data límit: 2 de desembre de 2010.
Temes convocats: ACTIVITY 7.2.1. THE GREENING OF SURFACE TRANSPORT. Area The greening of products and operations.1.1-1. Green retrofitting through optimization of hull-propulsion interaction. 1.1-2. Retrofitting of existing ships with green technologies. 1.1-3. Towards zero emission marine engines. 1.1-4. Energy consumption reduction in urban rail systems. ACTIVITY 2.2 ENCOURAGING MODAL SHIFT AND DECONGESTING TRANSPORT CORRIDORS. Area Logistics and intermodal transport. 2.1-1. Efficient interfaces between transport modes. Area and safety. 2.5-1. Rail system interoperability (regulatory and non-legislative interoperability based on technological innovations). ACTIVITY 7.2.4. IMPROVING SAFETY AND SECURITY. Area Integrated safety and security for surface transport systems. 4.1-1. Design of vehicle safety systems for a better protection of vulnerable road users and other under-protected and less safe user groups. 4.1-2. Mitigation measures and good practice to reduce human fatalities and disruption of services resulting from suicides and trespasses on railways property 4.1-3. Reducing the occurrences and impacts of freight train derailments. ACTIVITY 7.2.5. STRENGTHENING COMPETITIVENESS. Area Competitive surface transport products and services. 5.2-1. Strengthening the European maritime transport sector competitiveness. 5.2-2. Advanced and cost effective road infrastructure construction, management and maintenance. 5.2-3. Cost-effective modernization of the inland fleet for freight transport. 5.2-4. Exploring and fostering international collaboration in the waterborne transport sector. 5.2-5. A system approach for railway operations management to increase capacity and decrease delays for railway customers’ satisfaction. 5.2-6. Cost-effective improvement of rail transport infrastructure ACTIVITY 7.2.6. CROSS-CUTTING ACTIVITIES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SUBTHEME PROGRAMME. 6-1. Supporting the organization of the TRA 2012 conference and other research relevant events. ACTIVITY 7.2.7. THE ‘EUROPEAN GREEN CARS INITIATIVE’. 7-1. Specific safety issues of electric vehicles 7-2. Integrated thermal management. 7-3. Efficient long distance transport–waste heat recovery. 7-4. Urban–interurban shipments. 7-5. Integrated intermodal traveller services. 7-6 Capability of improving and exploiting capacity. 7-9. Efficient long distance transport–future power train concepts (includes: advanced combustion and after-treatment). 7-10. Architectures of Light Duty Vehicles for urban freight transport. 7-11. E-freight solutions and supply chain management.
Esquema de finançament: diferents segons el tema, consulteu el text complet de la convocatòria.

FP7-TPT-2011-RTD-1 (Transport)
Pressupost indicatiu: 6.000.000 euros
Data límit: 2 de desembre de 2011.
Temes convocats: HORIZONTAL ACTIVITIES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TRANSPORT PROGRAMME. Area: Socio-economic research and technology foresight. 1-1. Enhancing connectivity between research solutions and policy-making for the sustainable development of Transport. 1-2. Transport needs for an ageing society.  1-3. Socio-economic challenges for breakthrough innovations in European freight transport. Area: Integration of transport modes and cross-cutting research. 2-1. Integration of passenger transport modes and travel information services through the analysis of social behaviour, mobility patterns and business models as basis for the decarbonization of the European transport system. 2-2. Enhanced cross-fertilization and synergies in research actions dealing with safety aspects. 2-3. Modelling of co-modality quickwins: Roadmap towards co-modality. Area: Strengthening the European Research Area, encouraging participation, and dissemination of research results. 3-1. A productive international cooperation to strengthening the European Transport research area and facing global challenges.
Esquema de finançament: diferents segons el tema, consulteu el text complet de la convocatòria.

Pressupost indicatiu: 3.000.000 euros
Data límit: 16 de desembre de 2010
Temes convocats: ACTIVITY 7.4.3. ADAPTING RECEIVERS TO REQUIREMENTS AND UPGRADING CORE TECHNOLOGIES. Area Receivers. 3.1-1. Innovative receivers for the mass market or for professional uses.
Esquema de finançament: projectes col·laboratius.

Dos enllaços segons l'esquema de finançament:

Per a projectes col·laboratius d'una fase (CP 1-stage) i accions de coordinació (CSA-CA):

Per a projectes col·laboratius de dues fases (CP 2-stage):

Pressupost indicatiu: 27.500.000 euros
Data límit: 16 de desembre de 2010, excepte per a l'àrea (2-stage): 5 d'octubre de 2010 per a la primera fase, i 13 de gener de 2011 per a la segona fase.
Temes convocats: ACTIVITY 7.4.1 EXPLOITING THE FULL POTENTIAL. Area Professional applications. 1.2-1. Use of EGNOS and early Galileo services for professional applications. Area Scientific applications. 1.3-1 Use of Galileo and EGNOS for scientific applications and innovative applications in new domains. Area Safety-of-life applications. 1.4-1 Use of EGNOS and Galileo for safety-of-life applications for all transport modes. Area New and innovative applications and services. 1.7-1 Use of Galileo and EGNOS services for mass market and in niche sectors (to be mainly provided by SMEs) ACTIVITY 7.4.3 ADAPTING RECEIVERS TO REQUIREMENTS AND UPGRADING TECHNOLOGIES. Area Receivers. 3.1-2 Technologies for PRS receivers. ACTIVITY 7.4.4 SUPPORTING INFRASTRUCTURE EVOLUTION. Area User needs and mission evolution. 4.1-1 Networks for universities and research institutes, and user fora. Area International cooperation and awareness. 4.3-1 International Activities.
Esquema de finançament: diferents segons el tema, consulteu el text complet de la convocatòria.

Convocatòria conjunta "The Ocean of Tomorrow": Energia - Medi Ambient - Aliments, agricultura i pesca, i biotecnologia - Transport (aeronàutica inclosa)
Pressupost indicatiu: 45.000.000 euros (per al tema Transport, 10.000.000 euros)
Data límit: 18 de gener de 2011.
Temes convocats: Activity 7.2.8 Call "The ocean of tomorrow" - Joining research forces to meet challenges in ocean management. OCEAN.2011-1 Multi-use offshore platforms. OCEAN.2011-2 Marine microbial diversity – new insights into marine ecosystems functioning and its biotechnological potential. OCEAN.2011-3 Assessing and predicting the combined effects of natural and human-made pressures in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea in view of their better governance. OCEAN.2011-4 Knowledge-base and tools for regional networks of MPAs, integrated management of activities together with assessment of wind energy potential in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.
Esquema de finançament: diferents segons el tema, consulteu el text complet de la convocatòria.

Convocatòria conjunta "Sustainable Automotive Electrochemical Storage": Medi Ambient - Nanociències, nanotecnologies, materials i noves tecnologies de la producció - Transport (aeronàutica inclosa)
Pressupost indicatiu: 25.500.000 euros ((per al tema Transport, 10.000.000 euros)
Data límit: 2 de desembre de 2010
Temes convocats: GC.SST.2011-7.7 Advanced eco-design and manufacturing processes for batteries and electrical components.
Esquema de finançament: projectes col·laboratius (projectes de gran escala).

Per a qualsevol consulta, podeu contactar amb Ángeles Sanchis, ext. 51276,


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