Data: 5 d'agost de 2010


Noves convocatòries 7PM: Energia


La Comissió Europea ha publicat, amb data 20 de juliol de 2010, quatre convocatòries del tema "Energia" del programa de Cooperació del Setè Programa Marc europeu de R+D. Aquestes convocatòries pertanyen al Programa de Treball 2011 ( També s'han publicat tres convocatòries conjuntes de les què forma part aquest tema.

La informació completa de les convocatòries la trobareu fent clic en el codi respectiu. Si teniu problemes d'accés amb l'enllaç, podeu tallar i apegar l'adreça al vostre navegador.

El termini de presentació de propostes finalitza el dia esmentat a les 17 hores (hora local de Brussel·les).


FP7-ENERGY-2011-1 Energy Call Part 1

Pressupost indicatiu: 74.000.000 euros.
Data límit: 16 de novembre de 2010.
Temes convocats: ACTIVITY ENERGY.2: RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY GENERATION. AREA ENERGY.2.3: WIND. 2.3-2: Development of design tools for Offshore Wind farm clusters. AREA ENERGY.2.5: CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER. 2.5-1: Thermal energy storage for CSP plants.  2.5-2 Advanced heat transfer fluids for CSP technology. ACTIVITY ENERGY.3: RENEWABLE FUEL PRODUCTION. AREA ENERGY.3.7: CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES. 3.7-1: Development of new or improved sustainable bio-energy carriers. ACTIVITY ENERGY.4: RENEWABLES FOR HEATING AND COOLING. AREA ENERGY.4.1: LOW/MEDIUM TEMPERATURE SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY. 4.1-1: Revisiting solar-thermal systems for using breakthroughs in scientific and technological fields. ACTIVITY ENERGY.5: CO2 CAPTURE AND STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES FOR ZERO EMISSION POWER GENERATION. AREA ENERGY.5.1: CO2 CAPTURE. 5.1-1: High-efficiency post-combustion solvent-based capture processes. AREA ENERGY.5.2: CO2 STORAGE. 5.2-1: Understanding the long-term fate of geologically stored CO2. ACTIVITY ENERGY.6: CLEAN COAL TECHNOLOGIES. AREA ENERGY.6.1: CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES FOR ZERO EMISSION POWER GENERATION. 6.1-1: Optimisation of IGCC technologies for use with high ash content coal. ACTIVITY ENERGY.7: SMART ENERGY NETWORKS. AREA. ENERGY.7.2: PAN-EUROPEAN ENERGY NETWORKS. 7.2-1: Innovative tools for the future coordinated and stable operation of the pan-European electricity transmission system. 7.2-2:Innovative strategies and tools for the reliability assessment of the pan-European electricity transmission network. AREA ENERGY 7.3: CROSS CUTTING ISSUES AND TECHNOLOGIES. 7.3-1: Network of projects developing the future European electricity networks.
Esquema de finançament: diferents segons el tema, consulteu el text complet de la convocatòria.

FP7-ENERGY-2011-2 Energy Call Part 2

Pressupost indicatiu: 137.000.000 euros.
Data límit: 7 d'abril de 2011.
Temes convocats: ACTIVITY ENERGY.2: RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY GENERATION. AREA ENERGY.2.1: PHOTOVOLTAICS. 2.1-3: Productivity and cost optimization issues for the manufacturing of photovoltaic systems based on concentration.  2.1-4: Development and demonstration of standardized building components. AREA ENERGY.2.3: WIND. 2.3-1: Demonstration of innovative off-shore wind electricity generation structure. ACTIVITY ENERGY.4: RENEWABLES FOR HEATING AND COOLING. AREA 4.1: LOW/MEDIUM TEMPERATURE SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY. 4.1-2: Low/Medium temperature solar thermal systems for industrial process heat. 4.1-3: Materials for thermal storage systems.  4.1-4: Advanced compact storage systems. CROSS-CUTTING ACTIONS BETWEEN ACTIVITIES ENERGY.5 AND ENERGY.6 (ACTIVITY ENERGY.5&6) AREA 5&6.2: CROSSCUTTING AND REGULATORY ISSUES. 5&6.2-1: Optimising the integration of CO2 capture into power plants. 5&6.2-2: Improving efficiencies and reducing GHG emissions through CO2 capture in industrial applications other than power generation.  5&6.2-3: Support to the European CCS Demonstration Project Network. ACTIVITY ENERGY.7: SMART ENERGY NETWORKS. AREA ENERGY 7.3: CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES AND TECHNOLOGIES. 7.3-2: Storage and balancing variable electricity supply and demand. ACTIVITY ENERGY.8: ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND SAVINGS. AREA 8.1: EFFICIENT ENERGY USE IN THE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY AND BUILDING SECTOR. 8.1-2: Energy efficiency demonstration in manufacturing industry. 8.1-3: Energy efficiency in low-carbon industrial parks.
Esquema de finançament: diferents segons el tema, consulteu el text complet de la convocatòria.

FP7-ENERGY-2011-JAPAN Energy EU-Japan Call

Pressupost indicatiu: 5.000.000 euros
Data límit: 25 de novembre de 2010.
Temes convocats: ACTIVITY ENERGY.2: RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY GENERATION. AREA ENERGY.2.1: PHOTOVOLTAICS. 2.1-1: Ultra-high efficiency concentration photovoltaics (CPV) cells, modules and systems / EU-Japan Coordinated Call.
Esquema de finançament: projectes col·laboratius.


FP7-ENERGY-2011-EXCHANGE      ENERGY International Research Staff Exchange Scheme

Pressupost indicatiu: 5.000.000 euros
Data límit: 16 de novembre de 2010.
Temes convocats: ACTIVITY ENERGY.10: HORIZONTAL PROGRAMME ACTIONS. AREA ENERGY.10.2: OTHER HORIZONTAL ACTIONS. ENERGY.2011.10.2-1: Pilot International Researcher Exchange in the field of energy research (US and Japan)
Esquema de finançament: suport a la formació i desenvolupament professional del personal investigador.


Convocatòria conjunta "The Ocean of Tomorrow": Energia - Medi Ambient - Aliments, agricultura i pesca, i biotecnologia - Transport (aeronàutica inclosa)
Pressupost indicatiu: 45.000.000 euros (per al tema Energia, 5.000.000 euros)
Data límit: 18 de gener de 2011.
Temes convocats: Area ENERGY.10.1 Call "The ocean of tomorrow" - Joining research forces to meet challenges in ocean management. OCEAN.2011-1 Multi-use offshore platforms. OCEAN.2011-2 Marine microbial diversity – new insights into marine ecosystems functioning and its biotechnological potential. OCEAN.2011-3 Assessing and predicting the combined effects of natural and human-made pressures in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea in view of their better governance. OCEAN.2011-4 Knowledge-base and tools for regional networks of MPAs, integrated management of activities together with assessment of wind energy potential in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.
Esquema de finançament: diferents segons el tema, consulteu el text complet de la convocatòria.

Convocatòria conjunta "Energy-efficient Buildings": Medi Ambient - Nanociències, nanotecnologies, materials i noves tecnologies de la producció - Energia - Tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació

Pressupost indicatiu: 85.500.000 euros (per al tema Energia, 20.000.000 euros)
Data límit: 2 de desembre de 2010
Temes convocats: EeB.ENERGY.2011.8.1-1 Demonstration of very low energy new buildings.
Esquema de finançament: projectes col·laboratius.


Convocatòria conjunta Nanociències, nanotecnologies, materials i noves tecnologies de la producció - Energia

Pressupost indicatiu: 25.000.000 euros (per al tema Energia, 10.000.000 euros)
Data límit: 25 de novembre de 2010
Temes convocats: ACTIVITY ENERGY.2: RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY GENERATION. ENERGY.2011.2.1-2 Development and up-scaling of innovative photovoltaic cell processes and architectures to pilot-line scale for industrial application.
Esquema de finançament: projectes col·laboratius integrats de gran escala.


Per a qualsevol consulta, podeu contactar amb Ángeles Sanchis, ext. 51276,


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