EURORECERCA NÚM 504 Fecha: 9 de agosto de 2010


Nuevas convocatorias 7PM: Ciencia en sociedad


La Comisión Europea ha publicado, con fecha 20 de julio de 2010, dos convocatorias del tema "Ciencia en sociedad" del programa de Capacidades del Séptimo Programa Marco europeo de I+D. Estas convocatorias pertenecen al  Programa de Trabajo 2011 (

La información completa de la convocatoria la encontraréis haciendo clic en el código. Si tenéis problemas de acceso con el enlace, podéis cortar y pegar la dirección en vuestro navegador.

El plazo de presentación de propuestas finaliza el día señalado a las 17 horas (hora local de Bruselas).



Presupuesto indicativo: 43.000.000 euros.
Fecha límite: 20 de enero de 2011.
Temas convocados: ACTION LINE 1: A more dynamic governance of the science and society relationship. Topic Sis-2011.1.0-1 Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MML) Action Plans on societal challenges. ACTIVITY 5.1.1 Better understanding of the place of science and technology (S & T) in society. Area Relationships between science, democracy and law. Topic Sis-2011.1.1.1-1 Involvement of civil society organisations in research. Topic Sis-2011.1.1.1-3 Regulating emerging scientific and technological developments. Topic SiS.2011.1.1.1-4 Integrated assessment methods for measuring societal impacts of emerging scientific and technological developments. Topic SiS.2011.1.1.1-5 A Forward Look at new ways of doing and organising research in our knowledge societies. ACTIVITY 5.1.3 Strengthening and improving the European Science system. Area Encouraging the debate on information dissemination, including access to scientific results and the future of scientific publications, taking also into account measures to improve access by the public. Topic SIS.2011.1.3.1-1 Reinforcing European strategies on access, dissemination and preservation of scientific information in the digital age. Area The reciprocal influence of science and culture. Topic SIS.2011.1.3.4-1 Clusters of cities of scientific culture for innovation. ACTION LINE 2: Strengthening potential, broadening horizons. ACTIVITY 5.2.1 Gender and Research. Area Strengthening the role of women in scientific research and scientific decision-making bodies. Topic SiS.2011.2.1.1-1 Implementing structural change in research organisations/universities. ACTIVITY 5.2.2 Young people and science. Area Supporting formal and informal science education in schools as well as through science centres and museums and other relevant means. Topic SiS.2011.2.2.1-1. Supporting and coordinating actions on innovative methods in science education: teacher training on inquiry based teaching methods on a large scale in Europe. Area Research and coordination actions on new methods in science education. Topic SiS.2011.2.2.3-1 Science and mathematics-related activities carried out in pre-school and in the first years of primary school: their link to the development of creative skills. ACTION LINE 3: Science and Society Communicate. Area Research aimed at enhancing intercommunication concerning science, both in its methods and its products, to raise mutual understanding between the scientific world, and the wider audience of policy-makers, the media and the general public. Topic SiS.2011.3.0.6-1 Science-Society interaction in the digital technologies era. STRATEGIC ACTIVITIES.  5.4 Strategic Activities. Topic SiS.2011.4.0.0-2 Supporting specific tasks of the network of Science in Society National Contact Points.
Esquema de financiación: diferentes según el tema, consultad el texto completo de la convocatoria.


FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2011-EVENTS  Sólo se financiará un proyecto.

Presupuesto indicativo: 300.000 euros.
Fecha límite: 25 de noviembre de 2010.
Temas convocados: ACTION LINE 2: Strengthening potential, broadening horizons. ACTIVITY 5.2.2 Young people and science.  Area Research and coordination actions on new methods in science education. Topic SiS.2011.2.2.3-2 European events to bring together young researchers with distinguished scientists as role models.
Esquema de financiación: acciones de coordinación y de apoyo (apoyo).


Para cualquier consulta, podéis contactar con Ángeles Sanchis, ext. 51276,

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