EURORECERCA NÚM 512 Data: 13 d'agost de 2010


Cerques de socis tema Seguretat

Hem publicat al web de l'OPER-UV sis perfils d'entitats interessades en cercar socis per a formar consorcis i presentar propostes a la convocatòria oberta del tema "Seguretat" (FP7-SEC-2011-1) del Setè Programa Marc europeu, rebudes del punt de contacte nacional per al tema esmentat. El final del termini de la convocatòria és el 2 de desembre de 2010.

Regne Unit Vigiles. Convocatòria FP7-SEC-2011-1 (tancament: 02/12/2010)

Tema: SEC-2011.1.1-1: Digital forensics

  Regne Unit Convocatòria FP7-SEC-2011-1 (tancament: 02/12/2010)Empresa britànica amb experiència en les àrees emulated network, or a simulation model, to support a platform against which to test products and systems for specific scenarios, contacte: Derek Gallaher, FP7UK National Contact Point-Security, Tel 0785 255 6502, e-mail

Tema: SEC-2011.5.3.1. Cyber attacks against critical infrastructures.

Itàlia Vitrociset. Convocatòria FP7-SEC-2011-1 (tancament: 02/12/2010)

Temes: SEC-2011.1.2-1 Strategies for countering a terrorist attack in an urban environment. SEC-2011.1.3-1 Improvised Explosive Device (IED) neutralisation in urban / civil environment. SEC-2011.1.3-3 Comprehensive toolbox for humanitarian clearing of large civil areas from anti-personal landmines and cluster munitions. SEC-2011.1.5-1 Development of detection capabilities of difficult to detect radioactive sources and nuclear materials. SEC-2011.1.5-2 Identification and Development of low-risk alternatives to high-risk chemicals. SEC-2011.1.5-3 Development of improved forensic tools applied to radiological contaminations. SEC-2011.2.2-1 Airport checkpoints. SEC-2011.2.2-2 Protection of Critical Infrastructure (structures, platforms and networks) against Electromagnetic Attacks. SEC-2011.2.4-1 International postal supply chains. SEC-2011.2.5-1 Cyber attacks against critical infrastructures. SEC-2011.4.1-1 Crisis management modelling tool. SEC-2011.4.2-2 Unmanned search and rescue solutions. SEC-2011.4.2-3 Rapid deployment of shelters, facilities and medical care resources following a major disaster. SEC-2011.4.4-1 CBRN individual Protective Clothing. SEC-2011.5.2-1 Technical solutions for interoperability between first responder communication systems. SEC-2011.5.3-1 Establishment of a first responders Platform for interoperability. SEC-2011.5.3-2 Operational data exchange. SEC-2011.5.3-3 Developing interoperability frameworks for mission-oriented security systems. SEC-2011.5.3-4 Video archive search

Regne Unit Qinetiq. Convocatòria FP7-SEC-2011-1 (tancament: 02/12/2010)

Tema: SEC-2011.5.3-1 Establishment of a first responders Platform for interoperability.

Polònia Polish Security Printings Works. Convocatòria FP7-SEC-2011-1 (tancament: 02/12/2010)

Temes: SEC-2011.2.2-1 Airport checkpoints. SEC-2011.3.4-1 Security of biometric data and travel documents. SEC-2011.3.4-3 Border crossing points of the future. SEC-2011.5.1-1 Evaluation of identification technologies, including Biometrics. SEC-2011.6.5-2 The relationship between Human privacy and security.

Bèlgica Royal Military Academy of Belgium. Convocatòria FP7-SEC-2011-1 (tancament: 02/12/2010)

Tema: SEC-2011.4.2-2 Unmanned search and rescue solutions.


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