EURORECERCA NÚM 526 Fecha: 3 de septiembre de 2010


Acceso a túneles de viento europeos

A continuación transmitimos la información recibida del proyecto European Strategic Windtunnel Improved Research Potential, que ofrece a la comunidad investigadora la posibilidad de acceso transnacional a tres túneles de viento europeos.


Dear Sir or Madam

The ESWIRP project (European Strategic Windtunnel Improved Research Potential, has been funded to optimise research infrastructures, improve the quality of simulation and facilitate research access to the three strategic European wind tunnels ONERA S1MA Modane (France), DNW-LLF (the Netherlands) and ETW (Germany).

In the scope of the ESWIRP project the EU has provided a budget to offer to the research community "transnational access" into the 3 high scale and performance windtunnels to perform research tests.

At a first open workshop, taking place in Cologne (Germany) the 8.-9. November 2010, ESWIRP partners will present the particular windtunnel features and the prevailing conditions for transnational access. Researchers will have the opportunity to express and share their ideas in terms of windtunnel test experiments they would like to perform in one or more of the 3 ESWIRP windtunnels.

For more information please have a look at the attached invitation and visit

If you are interested to participate, please fill in the attached registration form and send it back to the workshop secretary till 30 September 2010.

We are looking forward to meeting you at the ESWIRP Transnational Access Opportunity Workshop in Cologne.


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