Data: 8 de setembre de 2010


Cerca de socis tema "Transport" 7PM

Hem publicat al web de l'OPER-UV el perfil d'una pime alemanya, interessada en integrar-se en un consorci per a presentar-se a les convocatòries de "Transport" del Setè Programa Marc europeu. La informació de la candidatura es troba disponible a l'enllaç corresponent.


Alemanya Nexus. Tancament convocatòria: 2 de desembre de 2010

Temes: SST.2011.3.4-2. Support action for coordination, dissemination and evaluation, CIVITAS Plus. SST.2011.6-1. Supporting the organization of the TRA 2012 conference and other research relevant events. TPT.2011.1-1. Enhancing connectivity between research solutions and policy-making for the sustainable development of Transport. TPT.2011.1-2. Transport needs for an ageing society. TPT.2011.2-2. Enhanced cross-fertilization and synergies in research actions dealing with safety aspects.  TPT.2011.3-1. A productive international cooperation to strengthening the European Transport research area and facing global challenges



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OPER Universitat de València - Carrer Menéndez y Pelayo, 3 Telf. 96-3983621

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