EURORECERCA NÚM 542 Fecha: 15 de septiembre de 2010


Convocatoria de CHIST-ERA

La red del espacio europeo de investigación (era-net) CHIST-ERA ha publicado una convocatoria de propuestas para proyectos de investigación sobre los temas Quantum Information Foundations and Technologies i Beyond Autonomic Systems – the Challenge of Consciousness. España participa en esta era-net a través del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN). Una vez superado con éxito el procedimiento de evaluación trasnacional, los participantes españoles serán invitados por el MICINN a participar en la convocatoria de 2011 del Programa Nacional de Internacionalización de la I+D, implementado por la Dirección General de Cooperación Internacional y Relaciones Institucionales-MICINN.


Final del plazo de presentación de propuestas: 5 de noviembre de 2010 a las 17.00 h. GMT.


Temas convocados:

1. Quantum Information Foundations and Technologies (QIFT)
Els projectes han de centrar-se en un o més dels temes següents:

1. Quantum information theory, algorithms and paradigms: new fundamental understandings, new methods (e.g., quantum optimal control, quantum feedback), new quantum algorithms, computation paradigms and communication protocols;
2. Scalability of quantum processing systems: devices realizing quantum algorithms with up to ten qubits, demonstration of fault tolerant computing and error correction on small scale systems;
3. Long distance quantum communication: technologies able to overcome the current distance limitation of quantum communication, e.g., by developing quantum repeaters realizing reversible interconversion of different qubits types;
4. Entanglement-enabled quantum technologies exploiting several qubits for performing ICT tasks with unprecedented characteristics (e.g., improved atomic clocks, entanglement enhanced metrology, magnetometry, sensing and imaging), quantum simulators, quantum state engineering.

Expected impact
Funded projects are expected to significantly advance the state-of-the-art of the QIFT field by achieving one or more of the following objectives:

1. Develop a deeper fundamental understanding of the quantum nature of information;
2. Enable the scalability of quantum information technologies in the presence of environmental decoherence, hence facilitating their real-world deployment;
3. Develop reliable technologies for the different components of quantum architectures;
4. Identify new opportunities fostered through quantum technologies and the possible ways to transfer these technologies from laboratories to industries,
5. Enhancing interdisciplinarity in crossing traditional boundaries between disciplines in order to enlarge the community involved to tackle these new challenges.


2. Beyond Autonomic Systems – the Challenge of Consciousness (BASCC)

In the context of this call we define a conscious system or context aware service as one which:

1. is aware of past and present actions and decisions and is capable of critical analysis of same;
2. possesses rich internal dynamics and through a variety of sensory modalities, is aware of the environment in which it resides;
3. has a perception of its internal states – for example its internal health, energy, performance;
4. is capable of constructing internal representations of projected future scenarios and their dynamics;
5. is capable of associating percepts with models (which it constructs) that predict and explain current and past events;
6. is capable of autonomous construction of future plans and future actions, and an analysis of the cost implications of such plans in terms of selected metrics;
7. can utilize knowledge of past actions of itself and others entities in the formulation of such future plans;
8. is able to locate itself in terms of physical space and its relationship to other entities;
9. is capable of generating an internal representation of itself and its environment by the integration of sensed external data and recall of internal states and
10. is capable of autonomously and selectively directing its attention and computational processing power to address a current important situation, external or internal to itself.

CHIST-ERA accepts that the creation of such systems is a major, long-term challenging goal, which will require substantial research and collaboration across many disciplines, including Computer Science, Automatics, Networks, Neurosciences, and others. In this call it seeks excellent, innovative and multi-disciplinary proposals which initiate research into systems that will exhibit at least two, and preferably more of the above characteristics and which propose new methodologies that will lay the foundation for the eventual achievement of these ambitious goals.

Expected impact
Funded projects are expected to significantly advance the state-of-the-art of the Autonomic Systems field by achieving one or more of the following objectives:

1. Develop a deeper fundamental understanding of the Autonomic Systems nature,
2. Enable the emerging of awareness-inspired control theory,
3. Develop Robust Autonomy by Model-Based Self-Awareness,
4. Identify new opportunities fostered through these technologies and possibly the transfer of these technologies from laboratories to industries.


Presupuesto de la convocatoria:  el presupuesto total es aproximadamente de 7,9 millones de euros para el tema 1, y 3,8 millones de euros para el tema 2.


Consorcios: un mínimo de 3 socios de al menos tres países distintos, pertenecientes a la convocatoria: Francia, Reino Unido, Italia, España, Alemania, Irlanda, Austria, Polonia, Suiza y Bélgica. Una entidad individual (o el conjunto de entidades de un mismo país) no puede asumir más del 60% de los costes elegibles del proyecto. Se recomienda que se formen consorcios de un máximo de 4 a 6 socios, con una financiación total máxima de entre 1 y 2 millones de euros.


Duración de los proyectos: entre 2 y 3 años.


Financiación: el MICINN financiará a los organismos de investigación ubicados en España. Las entidades elegibles son universidades y otros organismos públicos de investigación, centros tecnológicos y organismos privados sin ánimo de lucro que llevan a cabo actividades de I+D. Se financiará hasta el 100% de los costes marginales del proyecto.


Gastos elegibles: 1) costes de personal con contratos temporales, 2) pequeño equipamiento, 3) gastos corrientes, y 4) subcontratación necesaria para realizar las actividades propuestas. Los costes totales de la parte española no deben sobrepasar las cantidades siguientes: 100.000 euros por proyecto en el caso del tema 2, 180.000 euros por proyecto del tema 1 para proyectos que se centren en aspectos teóricos, y 300.000 euros por proyecto del tema 1 para proyectos que se centren en aspectos experimentales.


Toda la información y presentación de solicitudes en línea:


Para cualquier consulta: Angeles Sanchis, ext. 51276,


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