EURORECERCA NÚM 550 Data: 23 de setembre de 2010


Jornada Smart Components

Ens informa el punt de contacte nacional per al tema "Tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació" (ICT) del Setè Programa Marc europeu, sobre la propera celebració d'una jornada informativa centrada a l'objectiu 3.2 del Programa de Treball 2011 d'ICT, "Smart Components and Smart Systems Integration". La jornada tindrà lloc el 11 d'octubre de 2010 a Brussel·les. Informació i inscripcions:


Dear partners,

The Information Day on "Smart Components and Smart Systems Integration", which will be held in Brussels on 11th October 2010, is an excellent opportunity for already existing and future project participants:

To familiarise themselves with the research challenges and objectives of ICT WP 2010-2011 in "Smart Components and Smart Systems Integrations".
To form project consortia for participating in calls for proposals (particularly in call 7-opening in September 28th , 2010 and closing in January 18th , 2011) .
I would like to invite you to visit the web site for the event ( agenda) at

The number of attendees will be limited to the capacity of the room and the priority in the registration will be given according to the reception of the registration form latest October 4th (registration form sees below).

Participants will have the possibility to present their ideas for potential proposals in these areas and discuss with Commission officials and potentially interested partners.

If you would like to present your ideas for potential proposals, I would like to invite you to send us 2-3 slides describing the proposal idea, your technology capabilities and/or partners you would be looking for. Send your viewgraphs in advance to our functional mailbox: INFSOMicrosystems@ .

Also you could have a short meeting with a Commission official to discuss the adequacy of you idea to the scope of call 7. For that purpose you must request it at the time of registration an the send to a short description of the project according to a predetermined pre-proposal template (to be downloaded from . This short pre-project description should be received by the 4th of October at the latest.

Please note that the time slots allocated to your presentation will depend on the total number of presentations, but would not exceed a few minutes. Also the number of potential meetings with Commission officials is limited and priority will be giving according to the reception of the preproposal.

For technical questions regarding the presentations or the pre-proposal, you may contact Mr. Javier Bonal (

I thank you in advance for your interest in this event.


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Més informació:

OPER Universitat de València - Carrer Menéndez y Pelayo, 3 Telf. 96-3983621

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