EURORECERCA NÚM 556 Data: 28 de setembre de 2010


Noves convocatòries ICT 7PM

La Comissió Europea ha publicat, amb data 28 de setembre de 2010, dues convocatòries del tema “Tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació” (ICT) del programa de Cooperació del Setè Programa Marc europeu de R+D. Aquestes convocatòries, anomenades "Convocatòria 7" (ICT Call 7) i  "Convocatòria coordinada amb Brasil" (EU Brazil Coordinated Call) pertanyen al Programa de Treball 2011 (


La informació completa de cada convocatòria la trobareu fent clic en el codi respectiu. Si teniu problemes d’accés amb l’enllaç, podeu tallar i apegar l’adreça completa al vostre navegador. Els terminis de presentació de propostes finalitzen en els dies esmentats a les 17 hores (hora local de Brusel·les).


Tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació

FP7-ICT-2011-7 ICT Call 7

Pressupost indicatiu:  783.500.000 euros
Data límit: 18 de gener de 2011
Temes convocats: Challenge 1: Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures. ICT 2011.1.3 Internetconnected Objects. ICT 2011.1.5 Networked Media and Search Systems. ICT 20011.1.6 Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) (a),(d). Challenge 2: Cognitive systems and robotics. ICT 2011.2.1 Cognitive Systems and Robotics (a), (d). Challenge 3: Alternative Paths to Components and Systems. ICT 2011.3.2 Smart components and smart systems integration (a), (c). ICT 2011.3.3 New paradigms for embedded systems, monitoring and control towards complex systems engineering. ICT 2011.3.4 Computing Systems. ICT 2011.3.5 Core and disruptive photonic technologies (b), (e). ICT 2011.3.6 Flexible, Organic and Large Area Electronics and Photonics. Challenge 4: Technologies for Digital Content and Languages. ICT 2011.4.2 Language Technologies. Challenge 5: ICT for Health, Ageing Well, Inclusion and Governance. ICT 2011.5.1 Personal Health Systems. ICT 2011.5.2 Virtual Physiological Human (c). ICT 2011.5.3: Patient Guidance Services (PGS), safety and healthcare record information reuse. ICT 2011.5.4 ICT for Ageing and Wellbeing. ICT 2011.5.5 ICT for smart and personalised inclusion. ICT 2011.5.6 ICT Solutions for governance and policy modelling. Challenge 6: ICT for a Low Carbon Economy. ICT 2011.6.2 ICT systems for Energy Efficiency ICT 2011.6.6 Low-carbon multi-modal mobility and freight transport. Future and Emerging Technologies. ICT 2011.9.12 Coordinating Communities, Identifying new research topics for FET Proactive initiatives and Fostering Networking of National and Regional Research Programmes (c), (d), (e). ICT 2011.9.13 Exa-scale computing, software and simulation. International Cooperation. ICT 2011.10.3 International Partnership building and support to dialogues (a). Horizontal Actions. ICT 2011.11.1 Pre-Commercial Procurement Actions. ICT 2011.11.2 Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points. ICT 2011.11.3 Supplements to Strengthen Cooperation in ICT R&D in an Enlarged European Union.
Esquemes de finançament: diferents segons el tema, consulteu el text complet de la convocatòria.


FP7-ICT-2011-EU-Brazil EU Brazil Coordinated Call

Pressupost indicatiu:  5.000.000 euros (s'espera un pressupost similar per part del Ministeri  de Ciència i Tecnologia brasiler - MCT)
Data límit: 18 de gener de 2011
Temes convocats: Objective ICT-2011.10.1 EU-Brazil Research and Development cooperation. a) Microelectronics / Microsystems. b) Control Systems. c) Future Internet - experimental facilities. d) Future Internet - security. e) e-Infrastructures.
Esquema de finançament: Small or medium scale focused research projects (STREPs). At least 3 independent legal entities, each of which is established in a Member State or Associated Country , and no two of which are established in the same Member State or Associated Country. Proposals which do not include coordination with a Brazilian project will be considered ineligible.


Més informació: Angeles Sanchis, ext. 51276,


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OPER Universitat de València - Carrer Menéndez y Pelayo, 3 Telf. 96-3983621

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