EURORECERCA NÚM 567 Fecha: 7 de octubre de 2010


Búsqueda de socios tema "Medio ambiente" 7PM

Hemos publicado en la web de la OPER-UV los perfiles de entidades interesadas en buscar socios para integrarse en un consorcio para las convocatorias abiertas del tema "Medio ambiente (incluido el cambio climático)" del Séptimo Programa Marco europeo. La información de  los perfiles está disponible en los enlaces correspondientes.

Italia Universidad del Aquila.
Holanda Universidad Wageningen.
 Tema ENV.2011.1.2.2-1 Combined exposures to environmental agents: integrated approaches to evaluate environment – health relationships in children
 Tema ENV.2011.1.2.2-2 Exposure to electro-magnetic fields (EMF): investigations of mechanisms to support risk assessment and reduce uncertainty.
Italia Universidad de Molise.

Temas: ENV-NMP.2011.3.2.1-1 Development of advanced compatible materials and techniques and their application for the protection, conservation and restoration of cultural heritage assets

Dinamarca Universidad Técnica de Dinamarca.

Temas:  ENV.2011.4.2.1-1 Efficiency assessment of environmental policy tools related to sustainability. ENV.2011.4.2.3-2 Sustainable Consumption and Production at the heart of green growth. ENV.2011.3.1.9-1 Eco-innovation!.

Alemania Instituto German Nexus.

Tema: ENV.2011.4.2.3-1 Community based management of environmental challenges

Croacia Instituto IGH.

Temas: ENV.2011.2.1.4-2 Behaviour of ecosystems, thresholds and tipping points". ENV.2011.2.1.5-1 Sustainable and resilient Green Cities

Austria Instituto für Höhere Studien.

Tema: ENV.2011.4.2.3-2 Sustainable consumption and production at the heart of green growth

Reino Unido Forest Research.

Tema: ENV.2011.2.1.5-1 Sustainable and resilient green cities

Italia Instituto de Biología y Patología Molecular CNR.

Tema: ENV.2011.1.2.2-1 Combined exposures to environmental agents: integrated approaches to evaluate environment-health relationships in children

Reino Unido Land Use Consultants.

Tema: ENV.2011.2.1.5-1 Sustainable and resilient green cities

India Interactive Technology, Software and Media Association (ITSMA).

Temas: ENV.2011.3.1.1-2. Natural water systems and treatment technologies to cope with water shortages in urbanised areas in India. ENV.2011.4.1.1-1. Integration and optimisation of information for building a Global Carbon Observing System


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