EURORECERCA NÚM 578 Fecha: 14 de octubre de 2010


Búsqueda de socios tema "Transporte" 7PM

Hemos publicado en la web de la OPER-UV 17 perfiles de entidades que buscan socios para las convocatorias de "Transporte" del Séptimo Programa Marco europeo, remitidos por el punto de contacto nacional. La información de cada candidatura se encuentra disponible en el enlace correspondiente.

Albania Akbkonsult Ltd Advising & Consultancy. Cierre convocatoria: 2 de diciembre de 2010.

Temas: AAT.2010.6.2-3. Airports CP-FP; AAT.2011.7-11. Stimulating the participation of small and medium size enterprises (SME) and other small organizations for improved integration of the European Research Area CSA-SA; SST.2011.2.1-1 Efficient interfaces between transport modes CP-FP; SST.2011.2.5-1 Rail system interoperability (regulatory and non-legislative; interoperability based on technological innovations) CP-FP; SST.2011.3.4-2. Support action for coordination, dissemination and evaluation, CIVITAS Plus; SST.2011.5.2-2 Advanced and cost effective road infrastructure construction, management and maintenance CP-FP; SST.2011.5.2-5 A system approach for railway operations management to increase capacity and decrease delays for railway customers’ satisfaction CP-IP; SST.2011.5.2-6 Cost-effective improvement of rail transport infrastructure CP-FP; SST.2011.6-1. Supporting the organization of the TRA 2012 conference and other research relevant events; TPT.2011.1-1. Enhancing connectivity between research solutions and policy-making for the sustainable development of Transport; TPT.2011.1-2. Transport needs for an ageing society; TPT.2011.2-2. Enhanced cross-fertilization and synergies in research actions dealing with safety aspects; TPT.2011.3-1. A productive international cooperation to strengthening the European Transport research area and facing global challenges; Regions-2011-1. In the 2011 call, proposals should support economic sustainable development by boosting the competitiveness of transport-related economy.CSA (CA)

Albania Politechnic University of Tirana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Cierre convocatoria: 2 de diciembre de 2010.

Temas: TPT.2011.1-1. Enhancing connectivity between research solutions and policy-making for the sustainable development of Transport; TPT.2011.1-2. Transport needs for an ageing society; TPT.2011.2-2. Enhanced cross-fertilization and synergies in research actions dealing with safety aspects; TPT.2011.2-3 Modeling of co-modality quick-wins: Roadmap towards co-modality; TPT.2011.3-1. A productive international cooperation to strengthening the European Transport research area and facing global challenges; SST.2011.2.1-1 Efficient interfaces between transport modes; SST.2011.3.4-2. Support action for coordination, dissemination and evaluation, CIVITAS Plus; SST.2011.6-1. Supporting the organization of the TRA 2012 conference and other research relevant events

Rumania Institute for the Analysis and Experimenting of Aero-Astronautical Structures (STRAERO). Cierre convocatoria: 2 de diciembre de 2010.

Temas: Aeronautics and Air Transport.

Rumania SC Integral Consulting R&D. Cierre convocatoria: 2 de diciembre de 2010.

Temas: SST.2011.1.1-4. Energy consumption reduction in urban rail systems; SST.2011.2.5-1. Rail system interoperability (regulatory and non-legislative interoperability based on technological innovations); SST.2011.3.4-1. Design, implement and test innovative strategies for sustainable urban transport; TPT.2011.1-1. Enhancing connectivity between research solutions and policymaking
for the sustainable development of Transport; TPT.2011.1-2. Transport needs for an ageing society; TPT.2011.1-3. Socio-economic challenges for breakthrough innovations in European freight transport; TPT.2011.2-1. Integration of passenger transport modes and travel information services through the analysis of social behaviour, mobility patterns and business models as basis for the decarbonization of the European transport system; TPT.2011.2-3. Modelling of co-modality quick-wins: Roadmap towards comodality

Israel Life Box System. Cierre convocatoria: 2 de diciembre de 2010.

Tema: SST.2011.4.1-1. Design of vehicle safety systems for a better protection of vulnerable road users and other under-protected and less safe user groups

Rumania Centre de Recerca SITON. Cierre convocatoria: 2 de diciembre de 2010.

Temas: SST.2011.1.1-4. Energy consumption reduction in urban rail systems; AAT.2011.6.2-1. Novel air transport vehicles; FP7-SST-2011-RTD-1; SST.2011.4.1-1. Design of vehicle safety systems for a better protection of vulnerable road users and other under-protected and less safe user groups.

Italia PluService (pime). Cierre convocatoria: 16 de diciembre de 2010.

Tema: Galileo.2011.1.7-1 Use of Galileo and EGNOS services for mass market and in niche sectors (to be mainly provided by SMEs)

Italia European Association of Aerospace Students (EUROAVIA)Cierre convocatoria: 2 de diciembre de 2010.

Temas: AAT.2011.7-22 Assessing the educational needs of engineers and researchers in aeronautics and air transport; AAT.2011.7-9 Supporting the organization of conferences and events of special relevance to aeronautics and air transport research.

Italia Delphi-Diavia. Cierre convocatoria: 2 de diciembre de 2010.

Temas: Green Cars GC.SST.2011.7-3 Efficient long distance transport – waste heat recovery; GC.SST.2011.7-2 Integrated thermal management

Italia Zanardi Fonderie (pime).

Tema: perfil genèric.

Italia S.T.A.R. Ltd.

Tema: perfil genèric.

Italia Institute of Composite nad Biomedical Materials del National Research Council

Tema: perfil genèric.

Italia Universitat La Sapienza de Roma

Tema: perfil genèric.

Italia FAAM SpA. Cierre convocatoria: 2 de diciembre de 2010.

Tema: GC.SST.2011.7-8. ERA-Net Plus ‘Electromobility’

Italia Pluservice. Cierre convocatoria: 16 de diciembre de 2010.

Tema: Galileo.2011.1.7-1. Use of Galileo and EGNOS services for mass market and in niche sectors

Italia Next (pime). Cierre convocatoria: 16 de diciembre de 2010.

Tema: Galileo.2011.1.7-1. Use of Galileo and EGNOS services for mass market and in niche sectors

España INTRAS-UVEG. Cierre convocatoria: 2 de diciembre de 2010.

Temas: TPT.2011.1-2. Transport needs for an ageing society, TPT.2011.3-1. A productive international cooperation to strengthening the European Transport research area and facing global challenges, SST.2011.4.1-1. Design of vehicle safety systems for a better protection of vulnerable road users and other under-protected and less safe user groups, GC.SST.2011.7-1. Specific safety issues of electric vehicles.


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