Data: 15 d'octubre de 2010


Seminari: FP8 On the Horizon

22 de novembre de 2010
International Auditorium, Boulevard du Roi Albert II, Room B
1210 Brusssel·les

Data límit d'inscripció: 1 de novembre de 2010
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El debat sobre la forma del futur Vuitè Programa Marc d'R+D europeu (2014-2020) ja ha començat, amb la simplificació com a protagonista. En aquest sentit, l'associació de gestors europeus de la recerca EARMA organitza el seminari FP8 On the Horizon: Early insights into the shaping of the next framework programme for research and technological development, que tindrà lloc a Brussel·les el dia 22 de novembre de 2010.


Aquest seminari representa una oportunitat única per a conèixer de primera mà els últims avenços en la simplificació i per a debatre qüestions clau en el desenvolupament del 8PM i del futur Espai Europeu de Recerca. Ponents destacats de la Direcció General de Recerca de la Comissió Europea i del Parlament Europeu donaran pas a una sessió interactiva on els participants podran presentar les seues idees sobre les futures polítiques científiques, que decidiran la manera com les seues institucions es relacionen amb la recerca europea en el futur. El programa hi inclou un debat sobre el document d'EARMA al voltant de la simplificació i sobre la implementació del 8PM.


Programme Details

9:00-10:00: Registration Coffee and tea will be available

10:00 Welcome Address, Mr. Jan Andersen, EARMA Chair

10:15-10:30: Mr. Waldemar Kütt, Member of the Cabinet of Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research

FP8 – The European Commission Perspective

Our speaker will outline the timetable for the adoption of FP8 and explain how it plans to involve stakeholders in the process. You will also learn the most important policy issues that will act as drivers for the new programme.

10:30-11:15: Mr. Peter Härtwich, DG Research, Directorate A, Inter-institutional and Legal Matters, Framework Programme, European Commission

Simplification – a focus in the shaping of FP8

The European Commission has already achieved some success with regard to simplification in FP7. Yet there have also been severe criticisms which the EC is currently trying to address. In this talk, our speaker will outline the key problems from the perspective of the EC and how they may affect programme implementation in FP8.

11:15-11:45: Mr. Martin Oar-Luis, Head of ITRE Secretariat

The Role and visions of the European Parliament

The EP is becoming increasingly important in influencing European research policy. In this talk, our speaker will outline the EP’s current thinking with regard to European research policy and simplification, and also explain how the EP will input to the policy formulation process of FP8

11:45-12:00 Coffee Break

12:00-13:00 FP8 and Simplification: An interactive session centred on carefully defined themes related to the shaping of Framework 8.

By September EARMA will have circulated its position paper on simplification and members have already played an active part in the drafting of this paper. This interactive session takes the process one stage on, by beginning considering the following key issues:
• How will simplification be implemented in FP8?
• Are there any significant barriers to simplification?
• What links should be established between FP8 and other funding mechanisms?
• How can FP8 and academia best contribute to the goals of EU 2020?
• What are the issues of most concern to members and how should EARMA best represent its members in the debate on FP8?

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-16:00 EARMA Extraordinary General Assembly


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