Data: 3 de novembre de 2010


Cerques de socis tema "medi ambient"

Hem publicat a l'apartat "Cerca de socis" del web de l'OPER-UV els perfils d'entitats que cerquen socis o coordinadors per a les convocatòries obertes del tema "Medi ambient (inclòs el canvi climàtic" del Setè Programa Marc europeu.

Les candidatures estan disponibles als enllaços corresponents.


doc Espanya SOCOIN Gas Natural Fenosa

Tema: ENV.2011.4.2.3-1 Community based management of environmental challenges.

doc Espanya SOCOIN Gas Natural Fenosa

Tema: ENV.2011.3.1.1-1 Technologies for water scarcity mitigation in Latin American context.

doc Espanya SOCOIN Gas Natural Fenosa

Tema: ENV.2011.1.1.2-1 The impact of atmospheric pollution on European land ecosystems and soil in a changing climate.

doc Croàcia Dalmit

Tema: OCEAN.2011-2 Marine microbial diversity- new insights into marine ecosystems functioning and its biotechnological potential.

doc Regne Unit The Centre for Sustainable Design, University for the Creative Arts.

Tema: ENV.2011.4.2.3-2 Sustainable consumption and production at the heart of green growth.

doc Regne Unit The Centre for Sustainable Design, University for the Creative Arts.

Tema: ENV.2011.3.1.9-1 Eco-innovation.

doc Rep. Txeca University of South Bohemia

Tema: ENV. 2011.2.1.5-1 Sustainable and Resilient Green Cities.

pdf Àustria University of Innsbruck.

Tema: ENV.2011.2.1.2-1 Hydromorphology and ecological objectives of WFD.


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OPER Universitat de València - Carrer Menéndez y Pelayo, 3 Telf. 96-3983621

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