EURORECERCA NÚM 616 Fecha: 12 de noviembre de 2010


La Universidad Metropolitana de Manchester busca socios

La Universidad Metropolitana de Manchester ha publicado una búsqueda de socios en el Portal Idea-list, para un proyecto de investigación denominado "Visually-mediated Rehabilitation for Stroke and Spinal Cord Injuries", para la convocatoria 7 de ICT (FP7-ICT-2011-7) del Séptimo Programa Marco europeo, que cerrará el plazo de presentación de propuestas el próximo 18 de enero de 2011. En concreto, buscan el siguiente perfil: Hospital / university with an interest in engineering for neurological injury.

Subject: Patients who have suffered a stroke or injury to the spinal cord require rehabilitation therapy and assessment of progress under the supervision of specialist physiotherapists, nurses and hospital doctors. The therapies involve the repetition of a range of exercises targeting the contraction and coordination of specific muscle groups relevant for recovery. In this project we seek to investigate techniques based on combinations of real-time ultrasound image analysis, marker-less motion capture techniques, electromyography (EMG), biofeedback and computer games in order to develop a tele-supervision system for efficient remote monitoring and management of neurological rehabilitation therapies without compromising patient care.

Description of work to be carried out by the partner(s) sought:

PROFILE 2: Clinical Trials & Evaluation Studies: The project should be able to demonstrate working prototypes via a series of clinical trials and evaluation studies in order to ensure the efficacy of the system and its benefits. The partner will work in parallel with other consortium members (some of whom have similar access to patients) both to test and develop the system and also to formalization of the information requirements of neurological rehabilitation.

Las personas interesadas pueden consultar la informació completan en el enlace de abajo.

Challenge 5: ICT for Health, Ageing Well, Inclusion and Governance. Objective 5.1 Personal Health Systems. Proposal Name: VRSSCI: Visually-mediated Rehabilitation for Stroke and Spinal Cord Injuries. School of Computing, Mathematics and Digital Technology, Manchester Metropolitan University (Reino Unido).


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OPER Universitat de València - Carrer Menéndez y Pelayo, 3 Telf. 96-3983621

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