EURORECERCA NÚM 703 Data: 8 de març de 2011


Esdeveniments NMP


El punt de contacte nacional per al tema "Nanociències, nanotecnologies, materials i noves tecnologies de la producció" (NMP) del Setè Programa Marc europeu, ens informa sobre els propers esdeveniments relacionats amb aquesta àrea.


    • GRAPHENE 2020 - opportunities for Europe - 21 - 22 March 2011, Brussels, Belgium 
      The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission is organising a workshop on "Graphene 2020 - opportunities for Europe", with the expected participation of the European Commissioner for Research and Innovation, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, and 3 Nobel Prize laureates: A. Geim (2010), A. Fert (2007) and K. von Klitzing (1985).

      More information can be found:


    • CO2: FROM WASTE TO VALUE - Brussels, 30 March 2011

      The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission is organising a workshop on CO2 and algae utilisation as future raw materials for chemicals. The workshop will build upon the strong research capacity which already exists in Europe, focusing on the development of novel catalytic solutions to convert CO2 and marine biomass into valuable products

      More information can be found:


    • 4th European-Conference for Clinical Nanomedicine (CLINAM 2011)-  23-25 May 201, Basel, Switzerland

      The Great Strides towards the Medicine of the Future.
      More information can be found:

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