EURORECERCA NÚM 712 Fecha: 23 de marzo de 2011


CYTER 2011


A continuación os incluimos información recibida sobre el congreso CYTER 2011.


The CYTER 2011 International Conference on Cyber Terrorism and Crime
              Prague, Czech Republic, June 14 - 15, 2011
 The conference is organized by Czech Technical University in Prague in
      cooperation with Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic
Terrorists increasingly are using the Internet not only as a means of communication but more broadly as a means of dissemination of the ideology, recruiting and last but not least as a cyber combat zone. Even near all countries intensified surveillance of such sites and analysis of attack done, the prosecution of attackers is hampered by concerns over civil liberties, the Internet's inherent anonymity, cross border attack and other factors.
The cyberterrorism become a phenomenon of the century and problems of many governments, corporations or even citizens. Czech Technical University, Cyber Threat Study Group, is going to present a different approach to the combating of cyber terrorism and crime at CYTER 2011, Third conference on Cyber Terrorism and Crime. The CYTER 2011 conference provides a forum for engineers, lawyers, government agencies and other bodies to address profound issues including technical challenges, safety, social, legal, political, and economic issues, and to present and discuss their ideas, results, work in progress and experience on all aspects of combating cyber terrorism and crime. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
    * The Future of CyberTerrorism
    * Activism, Hacktivism, and Cyberterrorism
    * The Internet - Tool for Influencing Foreign Policy
    * Offensive Information Warfare
    * Assessing the Risks of Cyberterrorism
    * Cyber War and Other Cyber Threats
    * Cyber-attacks and International Law
    * Threat from Information Terrorism
    * The System Vulnerabilities and Its Impact on the Security
    * Associative Data Mining in Large Internet Collected Databases
Important Dates
    * Abstract submission deadline: April 18, 2011 (Abstract could have
      no more than 2000 characters including spaces.)
    * Notification of abstract acceptance: April 25, 2011
    * Final paper due: May 23, 2011 (See notes to authors at conference
    * Register as a speaker at conference web: May 23, 2011
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