EURORECERCA NÚM 720 Data: 5 d'abril de 2011


El projecte TEFIS cerca tres nous socis

El projecte del Setè Programa Marc europeu per a futurs serveis d'internet, TEFIS, ha publicat una convocatòria per a afegir tres nous socis de projecte. A continuació reproduïm l'anunci:

The EU-funded Testbed for future internet services project' (Tefis) project has issued a call for three new project partners.

The call is for new experiments to run tests orchestrated across multiple heterogeneous testbeds. The experiments will propose usage scenarios exploiting at least 2 of the 6 facilities provided by Tefis:
- PlanetLab - evaluation of network protocols and networked services over the internet;
- PACA Grid - computing resources;
- ETICS (eInfrastructure for testing, integration and configuration of software) - Improving the quality and reliability of distributed systems;
- Botnia Living Lab - end-users involvement in products and services development;
- IMS (internet protocol multimedia subsystem) testbed - validate and test applications over IMS;
- Kyatera - network performance evaluation.

Experiments should support the technical activities of Tefis by providing feedback about the use of the platform and new functionalities that would be interesting to include in future versions. Experiments should also support the project dissemination activities by providing use case example; guidelines, best practices, and so on.


Les persones interessades poden consultar la convocatòria al web de la Comissió Europea CORDIS en l'enllaç següent:, o al web del projecte:

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Més informació:

OPER Universitat de València - Carrer Menéndez y Pelayo, 3 Telf. 96-3983621

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