EURORECERCA NÚM 772 Data: 20 de juny de 2011




The European Future Internet Alliance: Third Usage Area Workshop


L'European Future Internet Alliance, amb la col·laboració de la Comissió Europea i dels projectes europeus EX-FI i CONCORD, organitza un taller anomenat 3rd Future Internet Usage Areas Workshop, que se celebrarà els dies 28 i 29 de juny de 2011 a Brussel·les, i que tractarà els temes següents:


(1) In light of the use cases already underway , what additional use cases and scenarios do you consider to be appropriate and representative for large-scale experimentation in close association with the Future Internet PPP and how could this be achieved?

(2) How can we determine the interoperability and synergy between use cases to stimulate fewer, but larger and stronger, use case trials?

(3) Can we exploit the common enablers' concept and the open platform philosophy to stimulate a massive expansion of the development of applications and services in Europe?

(4) How can we prioritise use cases with significant societal and economical impact?

(5) What sort of pan European experimentation environment do you consider necessary for large scale service trials in your use area? How can we get to this ideal scenario?

(6) What can we expect from the FI-PPP and its future calls in terms of supporting 3rd party innovation?

(7) How can the remaining FP7 calls and the Eureka CELTIC calls and other Eureka clusters assist with this initiative?

(8) Should we develop a European "Use Case Factory" to focus the inclusive discussions on cross sector collaboration?

(9) How should the discussion and community be organised to ensure involvement, influence and active contribution from the sector players?

(10) What demands should we place on the Common Strategic Framework for Research and Innovation to continue this initiative beyond 2013?


Les persones interessades poden consultar el programa complet i realitzar la inscripció (data límit, 20 de juny) en l'enllaç següent:



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