EURORECERCA NÚM 793 Fecha: 22 de agosto de 2011




Nuevas convocatorias 7PM: Salud


La Comisión Europea ha publicado, con fecha 20 de julio de 2011, dos convocatorias del tema "Salud" del programa de Cooperación del Séptimo Programa Marco europeo de I+D. Estas convocatorias pertenecen al Programa de Trabajo 2012 (

La información completa de la convocatoria la encontraréis haciendo clic en el código. Si tenéis problemas de acceso con el enlace, podéis cortar y pegar la dirección en vuestro navegador.

El plazo de presentación de propuestas finaliza el día señalado a las 17 horas (hora local de Bruselas).


Presupuesto indicativo: 546.000.000 euros.
Fecha límite: 4 d'octubre de 2011.
Temas convocados: 1. BIOTECHNOLOGY, GENERIC TOOLS AND MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR HUMAN HEALTH. 1.2 DETECTION, DIAGNOSIS & MONITORING. HEALTH.2012.1.2-1: Development of technologies with a view to patient group stratification for personalised medicine applications. 1.4 INNOVATIVE THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES AND INTERVENTIONS. HEALTH.2012.1.4-1: Innovative approaches to solid organ transplantation. HEALTH.2012.1.4-3: Innovative Strategies for translation of stem cell based therapies in regenerative medicine (European Union-Australia cooperation). HEALTH.2012.1.4-4: Targeted nucleic acid delivery as an innovative therapeutic or prophylactic approach. 2. TRANSLATING RESEARCH FOR HUMAN HEALTH. 2.1 INTEGRATING BIOLOGICAL DATA AND PROCESSES: LARGE-SCALE DATA GATHERING, SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. 2.1.1 Large-scale data gathering. –Omics for rare diseases. HEALTH.2012. Support for international rare disease research. HEALTH.2012. Clinical utility of -omics for better diagnosis of rare diseases. HEALTH.2012. Databases, biobanks and 'clinical bio-informatics' hub for rare diseases. HEALTH.2012.2.1.1-2: Validation of -omics-based biomarkers for diseases affecting the elderly. HEALTH.2012.2.1.1-3: Statistical methods for collection and analysis of -omics data. 2.1.2 Systems biology. HEALTH.2012.2.1.2-1: Systems medicine: SME-driven research applying systems biology approaches to address medical and clinical needs. HEALTH.2012.2.1.2-2: Systems medicine: Applying systems biology approaches for understanding multifactorial human diseases and their co-morbidities. HEALTH.2012.2.1.2-3: Preparing for the future research and innovation activities in systems medicine. 2.2 RESEARCH ON THE BRAIN AND RELATED DISEASES, HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND AGEING 2.2.2 Human development and ageing. HEALTH.2012.2.2.2-1: Integrative systems biology and comparative genomics for studying human ageing and/or most common age-related diseases. HEALTH.2012.2.2.2-2: Investigator-driven clinical trials for optimisation of management of elderly patients with multiple diseases. 2.3 TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH IN MAJOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES: TO CONFRONT MAJOR THREATS TO PUBLIC HEALTH. 2.3.2 HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. HEALTH.2012.2.3.2-1: Co-infection of HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and/or hepatitis. HEALTH.2012.2.3.2-2: Co-morbidity between infectious and non-communicable diseases. HEALTH.2012.2.3.2-3: Prevention and treatment for HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. HEALTH.2012.2.3.2-4: Low-cost interventions for disease control in resource poor settings. 2.4 TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH IN OTHER MAJOR DISEASES 2.4.3 Diabetes and obesity. HEALTH.2012.2.4.3-1: Innovative approach to manage diabetes. HEALTH.2012.2.4.3-2: Investigator-driven clinical trials for type 1 diabetes research. 2.4.4 Rare diseases. HEALTH.2012.2.4.4-1: Preclinical and/or clinical development of substances with a clear potential as orphan drugs. HEALTH.2012.2.4.4-2: Observational trials in rare diseases. HEALTH.2012.2.4.4-3: Best practice and knowledge sharing in the clinical management of rare diseases. 2.4.5 Other chronic diseases. HEALTH.2012.2.4.5-2: Biomarkers and diagnostics for chronic inflammatory diseases of the joints and/or digestive system. 3. OPTIMISING THE DELIVERY OF HEALTHCARE TO EUROPEAN CITIZENS 3.2 QUALITY, EFFICIENCY AND SOLIDARITY OF HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS INCLUDING TRANSITIONAL HEALTH SYSTEMS. HEALTH.2012.3.2-1: Improving the organisation of health service delivery. HEALTH.2012.3.2-2: New methodologies for health technology assessment. HEALTH.2012.3.2-3: Social innovation for active and healthy ageing. 3.4 INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH & HEALTH SYSTEMS. HEALTH.2012.3.4-1: Research on health systems and services in low- and middle-income countries. 4. OTHER ACTIONS ACROSS THE HEALTH THEME 4.1 COORDINATION AND SUPPORT ACTIONS ACROSS THE THEME. HEALTH.2012.4.1-1: Network to encourage knowledge transfer activity in FP-funded health research (especially in academic and governmental organisations). HEALTH.2012.4.1-2: Training actions linked to intellectual property rights management and knowledge transfer. HEALTH.2012.4.1-3: Support for Presidency events: Organisation of supporting actions and events related to the Presidency of the European Union. HEALTH.2012.4.1-4: Communicating the benefits of European research to the general public. HEALTH.2012.4.1-5: Preparing the future for health research and innovation. HEALTH.2012.4.1-6: Setting healthrelated development goals beyond 2015.

Esquema de financiación: diferentes según el tema, consultad el texto completo de la convocatoria.


Presupuesto indicativo: 108.000.000 euros.
Fecha límite: convocatòria en dues fases. Data límit de la primera fase: 27 de setembre de 2011.
Temas convocados: 1. BIOTECHNOLOGY, GENERIC TOOLS AND MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR HUMAN HEALTH. 1.4 INNOVATIVE THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES AND INTERVENTIONS. HEALTH.2011.1.4-2: Medical technology for transplantation and bioartificial organs. 2.3. TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH IN MAJOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES: TO CONFRONT MAJOR THREATS TO PUBLIC HEALTH. 2.3.0 Cross-cutting. HEALTH.2012.2.3.0-1: Diagnostics for infectious diseases in humans. 2.4 TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH IN OTHER MAJOR DISEASES. 2.4.3 Other chronic diseases. HEALTH.2012.2.4.5-1: Technological approaches to combating sensory impairments.

Esquema de financiación: proyectos colaborativos de pequeña o mediana escala.



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