EURORECERCA NÚM 796 Data: 25 d'agost de 2011




Noves convocatòries 7PM: Energia

La Comissió Europea ha publicat, amb data 20 de juliol de 2011, tres convocatòries del tema "Energia" del programa de Cooperació del Setè Programa Marc europeu de R+D. Aquestes convocatòries pertanyen al Programa de Treball 2012 ( A més a més, s'ha publicat una convocatòria conjunta de la què forma part el tema Energia.

La informació completa de les convocatòries la trobareu fent clic en el codi respectiu. Si teniu problemes d'accés amb l'enllaç, podeu tallar i apegar l'adreça al vostre navegador.

El termini de presentació de propostes finalitza el dia esmentat a les 17 hores (hora local de Brussel·les).


FP7-ENERGY-2012-1 Call Title: Energy Call Part 1

Enllaç procediment de presentació en 1 fase:

Enllaç procediment de presentació en 2 fases:

Pressupost indicatiu: 141.000.000 euros.

Data límit: Aquesta convocatòria es divideix en dues seccions, atenent al procediment de presentació de propostes, en una o en dues fases. Per a les accions de coordinació i de suport (una fase), el termini acaba el 25 d'octubre de 2011. Per als projectes col·laboratius (dues fases) el termini de la primera fase acaba el 25 d'octubre de 2011.

Temes convocats: ACTIVITY ENERGY.2: RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY GENERATION. AREA ENERGY.2.1: PHOTOVOLTAICS. Energy 2012.2.1.1: Reliable, costeffective, highly performing PV systems (Up to 2 projects may be funded). AREA ENERGY.2.3: WIND. ENERGY.2012.2.3.1: Innovative wind conversion systems (10-20MW) for offshore applications. AREA ENERGY.2.5: CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER. ENERGY.2012.2.5.1: Research, development and testing of solar dish systems (Up to 2 projects may be funded). ENERGY.2012.2.5.2: Hybridisation of CSP with other energy sources (Up to 1 project may be funded). AREA.2.9: CROSSCUTTING ISSUES. ENERGY.2012.2.9.1: Power generation in the low temperature range (Up to 2 projects may be funded). ACTIVITY ENERGY.3: RENEWABLE FUEL PRODUCTION. AREA ENERGY.3.2: SECOND GENERATION FUEL FROM BIOMASS. ENERGY.2012.3.2.1: Biofuels from microalgae or macroalgae (Up to 2 projects may be funded). ENERGY.2012.3.2.2: Development and testing of advanced sustainable bio-based fuels for air transport (Up to 1 project may be funded). ACTIVITY ENERGY.4: RENEWABLES FOR HEATING AND COOLING. AREA ENERGY.4.1: LOW/MEDIUM TEMPERATURE SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY. ENERGY.2012.4.1.1: Research and development for medium temperature range solar collectors (100°-250°C) (Up to 2 projects may be funded). ACTIVITY ENERGY.5: CO2 CAPTURE AND STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES FOR ZERO EMISSION POWER GENERATION. AREA ENERGY.5.2: CO2 STORAGE. ENERGY.2012.5.2.1: Sizeable pilot tests for CO2 geological storage (Up to 2 projects may be funded). ENERGY.2012.5.2.2: Impact of the quality of CO2 on transport and storage behaviour. ACTIVITY ENERGY.5&6: CROSS-CUTTING ACTIONS BETWEEN ACTIVITIES ENERGY.5 AND ENERGY.6. ENERGY.5&6.2: CROSS CUTTING AND REGULATORY ISSUES. ENERGY.2012.5&6.2.1: Support to the coordination of stakeholders' activities in the field of Zero Emission Energy Production (Up to 1 project may be funded). ACTIVITY ENERGY.7: SMART ENERGY NETWORKS. ENERGY.7.1: DEVELOPMENT OF INTER-ACTIVE DISTRIBUTION ENERGY NETWORKS. ENERGY.2012.7.1.1: Integration of variable distributed resources in distribution networks. ENERGY.2012.7.1.2: Enhancing electricity networks through use of distributed intelligence. ENERGY.2012.7.1.3: Empowering smart customers to participate in active demand and energy system efficiency. AREA ENERGY.7.2: PAN-EUROPEAN ENERGY NETWORKS. ENERGY.2012.7.2.1: Planning for European Electricity Highways to ensure the reliable delivery of renewable electricity and market integration. AREA ENERGY 7.3: CROSS CUTTING ISSUES AND TECHNOLOGIES. ENERGY.2012.7.3.1: Networking of national R&D and demonstration projects on smart metering infrastructure and data processing. ENERGY.2012.7.3.2: Facilitating the deployment of safe stationary batteries. ENERGY.2012.7.3.3: Support to the coordination of stakeholders activities in the field of Smart Grids (Up to 1 project may be funded). ACTIVITY ENERGY.8: ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND SAVINGS. AREA ENERGY.8.1: EFFICIENT ENERGY USE IN THE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY AND BUILDING SECTOR. ENERGY.2012.8.1.1: Next generation heat pump technologies (Up to 2 projects may be funded). ACTIVITY ENERGY.10: HORIZONTAL PROGRAMME ACTIONS. AREA ENERGY.10.2: FUTURE EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES. ENERGY.2012.10.2.1: Future Emerging Technologies.

Esquema de finançament: diferents segons el tema, consulteu el text complet de la convocatòria.

FP7-ENERGY-2012-2 Call Title: Energy Call Part 2

Pressupost indicatiu: 81.000.000 euros.
Data límit: 8 de març de 2012.
Temes convocats: ACTIVITY ENERGY.2: RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY GENERATION. AREA ENERGY.2.1: PHOTOVOLTAICS. Energy.2012.2.1-2: Demonstration of smart multifunctional PV modules. AREA ENERGY.2.3: WIND. Energy.2012.2.3-2: Demonstration of innovative designs to reduce fatigue loads and improve reliability of multi-MW turbines. AREA ENERGY.2.6: OCEAN. Energy.2012.2.6-1: Demonstration of first ocean energy farms. ACTIVITY ENERGY.3: RENEWABLE FUEL PRODUCTION. AREA ENERGY.3.2: SECOND GENERATION FUEL FROM BIOMASS. Energy.2012.3.2.3: Precommercial industrial scale demonstration plant on lignocellulosic ethanol. CROSS-CUTTING ACTIONS BETWEEN ACTIVITIES ENERGY.5 AND ENERGY.6 (ACTIVITY ENERGY.5&6). AREA ENERGY.5&6.1: POWER GENERATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR INTEGRATED ZERO EMISSION SOLUTIONS. Energy.2012.5&6.1-1 Pilot plant-scale demonstration of advanced post-combustion CO2 capture processes with a view to integration in fossil fuel power plants. Energy.2012.5&6.1-2: Pilot plant-scale demonstration and integration of emerging and new combustion technologies.

Esquema de finançament: projectes col·laboratius, amb un component predominant de demostració.


FP7-ENERGY-SMARTCITIES-2012 Call Title: Smart Cities and Communities

Pressupost indicatiu: 40.000.000 euros.
Data límit: 1 de desembre de 2011.
Temes convocats: ACTIVITY ENERGY.8: ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND SAVINGS. AREA 8.8: SMART CITIES AND COMMUNITIES. Energy.2012.8.8-1: Strategic sustainable planning and screening of city plans. Energy.2012.8.8-2: Large scale systems for urban area heating and/or cooling supply.

Esquema de finançament: diferents segons el tema, consulteu el text complet de la convocatòria.



FP7-2012-NMP-ENV-ENERGY-ICT-EeB Call Title: Energy-efficient Buildings

Pressupost indicatiu: 140.000.000 euros (35.000.000 euros per al tema Energia)
Data límit: 1 de desembre de 2011.
Temes convocats (Energia): EeB.Energy.2012.8.8.3: Demonstration of nearly Zero Energy Building Renovation for cities and districts.

Esquema de finançament: Projectes col·laboratius - Scale of Units.


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