EURORECERCA NÚM 803 Fecha: 31 de agosto de 2011




Nuevas convocatorias 7PM: Seguridad


La Comisión Europea ha publicado, con fecha 20 de julio de 2011, una convocatoria del tema "Seguridad" del programa de Cooperación del Séptimo Programa Marco europeo de I+D. Esta convocatoria pertenece al Programa de Trabajo 2012 (

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El plazo de presentación de propuestas finaliza el día señalado a las 17 horas (hora local de Bruselas).


FP7-SEC-2012-1 Call Title: FP7-SEC-2012-1

Presupuesto indicativo: 241.700.000 euros.

Fecha límite: 23 de noviembre de 2011.

Temas convocados:Activity: 10.1 Increasing the Security of the Citizens. Area: 10.1.3 Explosives. SEC-2012.1.3-1 Less than Lethal Handling of PBIEDs. SEC-201 2.1.3-2 Home made explosives (HMEs) and recipes characterisation. Area: 10.1.5 CBRN Protection. SEC-2012.1.5-1 CBRNE Demo Phase II. SEC-2012.1.5-2 Improving drinking water security management and mitigation in large municipalities against major deliberate, accidental or natural CBRN-related contaminations. SEC-2012.1.5-3 Identification and development of low-risk alternatives to high-risk chemicals. SEC-2012.1.5-4 Securing the food chains from primary production and animal feeds to consumer ready food against deliberate, accidental or natural CBRN contamination. Area: 10.1.6 Information Gathering. SEC-2012.1.6-1 Digital, miniaturised operational tool for investigation. Activity: 10.2 Security of infrastructures and utilities. Area: 10.2.1 Design, planning of buildings and urban areas. SEC-2012.2.1-1 Resilience of large scale urban built infrastructure. SEC-2012.2.1-2 Criticality analysis of critical infrastructure including concepts for forgery proof and efficient facility access systems. Area: 10.2.2 Energy, Transport, communication grids. SEC-2012.2.2-1 Identification of measures to counter illegal export of metal-bearing waste. SEC-2012.2.2-2 Air traffic Management/Control threat assessment model. SEC-2012.2.2-3 Improving security in air cargo transport. SEC-2012.2.2-4 A common EU aviation security requirement to reduce costs and facilitate passenger flows. Area: 10.2.3 Surveillance SEC-2012.2.3-1 Early warning security systems: physical protection of critical buildings. Area: 10.2.4 Supply chain. SEC-2012.2.4-1 Pre-normative technology development for improved and more efficient security of the supply chain. Area: 10.2.5 Cyber crime. SEC-2012.2.5-1 Convergence of physical and cyber security. SEC-2012.2.5-2 Cyber resilience – Secure cloud computing for critical infrastructure. Activity: 10.3 Intelligent surveillance and border security. Area: 10.3.1 Sea borders. SEC-2012.3.1-1 Increasing trustworthiness of vessel reporting systems. SEC-2012.3.1-2 Pre-Operational Validation (POV) at EU level of common application of Surveillance tools. Area: 10.3.4 Border checks. SEC-2012.3.4-1 Research on "automated" comparison of x-ray images for cargo scanning with reference material (use of historic images in an automated environment) to identify irregularities. SEC-2012.3.4-2 Research and validation for sub-surface fingerprint live scanners. SEC-2012.3.4-3 Tools and processes for assessing the impact of policies/actions on border control. SEC-2012.3.4-4 Innovative, costefficient and reliable technology to detect humans hidden in vehicles/closed compartments. SEC-2012.3.4-5 Further research, development and pilot implementation of Terahertz passive detection techniques (T-Ray). SEC-2012.3.4-6 Enhancing the workflow and functionalities of Automated Border Control (ABC) gates. Area: 10.3.5 Border intelligent surveillance. SEC-2012.3.5-1 Development of airborne sensors and data link. Activity: 10.4 Restoring security and safety in case of crisis. Area: 10.4.1 Preparedness, prevention, mitigation and planning. SEC-2012.4.1-1 Preparedness for and management of large scale fires. SEC-2012.4.1-2 Psycho social support in Crisis Management. Area: 10.4.2 Response. SEC-2012.4.2-1 Positioning and timing tools to guarantee security assets trace & tracking together with worker safety in a secure environment. SEC-2012.4.2-2 Situational awareness guidance and evacuation systems for large crowds, including crowds unpredictable behaviour. SEC-2012.4.2-3 Post crisis lesson learned exercise. Area: 10.4.3 Recovery. SEC-2012.4.3-1 Next generation damage and post-crisis needs assessment tool for reconstruction and recovery planning. Area: 10.4.4 CBRN Response. SEC-2012.4.4-1 Development of mobile laboratories, structures and functions to support rapid assessment of CBRN events with a cross-border or international impact. SEC-2012.4.4-2 Means of decontamination of large groups, urban/wide areas and large, complex and/or sensitive object. SEC-2012.4.4-3 Tools for detection, traceability, triage and individual monitoring of victims after a mass contamination. Activity: 10.5 Security systems integration, interconnectivity and interoperability. Area: 10.5.2 Secure Communications. SEC-2012.5.2-1 Preparation of the next generation of PPDR communication network. Area: 10.5.3 Interoperability. SEC-2012.5.3-1 Embedded protection of security systems and anti-tampering technologies. SEC-2012.5.3-2 Establishment of a first responders platform for interoperability. SEC-2012.5.3-3 Establishment of a interoperability platform/centre for testing and validating decision and intelligence systems. SEC-2012.5.3-4 Global solution for interoperability between first responder communication systems. Activity: 10.6 Security and society. Area: 10.6.1 Citizens, media and security. SEC-2012.6.1-1 Methodologies to assess the effectiveness of measures addressing violent radicalisation. SEC-2012.6.1-2 Tools and methodologies, definitions and strategies for privacy by design for surveillance technologies, including ICT systems. SEC-2012.6.1-3 Use of new communication/social media in crisis situations. Area: 10.6.3 Foresight, scenarios and security as an evolving concept. SEC-2012.6.3-1 Developing an efficient and effective environmental scanning system as part of the early warning system for the detection of emerging organised crime threats. SEC-2012.6.3-2 Criteria for assessing and mainstreaming societal impacts of security research activities. Area: 10.6.4 Security economics. SEC-2012.6.4-1 Fight against corruption. Area: 10.6.5 Ethics and Justice. SEC-2012.6.5-1 Legitimacy and effectiveness of legal measures against security threats. Activity: 10.7 Security Research coordination and structuring. Area: 10.7.2 Small and Medium Enterprises. SEC-2012.7.2-1 Open topic for Small and Medium Enterprises: "Advancing contemporary forensic methods and equipment". Area: 10.7.4 Other coordination. SEC-2012.7.4-1 Coordination of national research programmes in the area of security research. SEC-2012.7.4-2 Networking of researchers for a high level multiorganisational and cross-border collaboration.

Esquema de financiación: diferentes según el tema, consultad el texto completo de la convocatoria.



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