EURORECERCA NÚM 861 Data: 24 de novembre de 2011




Convocatòria 8 d'ICT: cerques de socis

Relacionem a continuació cinc cerques de socis publicades al Portal Idea-list, referents a la convocatòria 8 del tema "ICT" del programa de Cooperació del Setè Programa Marc europeu. Les persones interessades poden consultar la informació completa a l'enllaç respectiu.

Convocatòria 8, tancament: 17 de gener de 2012

Challenge 3: Alternative Paths to Components and Systems. Objective ICT-2011.3.5: Core and disruptive photonic technologies. Proposal Name: Illicit Chemicals & Intentions Detected by Stand-Off Sensing. Elbitsystems - ELOP, Israel.


Challenge 8: ICT for Learning and Access to Cultural Resources. Objective ICT-2011.8.1: Technology-enhanced learning. Proposal Name: Embedded Computer Engineering Learning Platform (E2LP). RT-RK Computer Based Systems LLC, Sèrbia.

Challenge 4: Technologies for Digital Content and Languages. Objective ICT-2011.4.4: Intelligent Information Management. Proposal Name: PerfectReason. HLRS Universitat d'Stuttgart, Alemanya.


Challenge 6: ICT for a low carbon economy. Objective ICT-2011.6.1 Smart Energy Grids. Proposal Name: Smart Energy-Efficient Buildings for Smart Energy Grids (SEBEG). Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research, Bielorrússia: CERQUEN COORDINADOR.

Challenge 8: ICT for Learning and Access to Cultural Resources. Objective ICT-2011.8.1 Technology-enhanced learning. Proposal Name: EDEN - Environment for Dynamic Educational Networks . Applied Logic Laboratory, Hongria.



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